
Chapter 1341 Analysis 1

Chapter 1341 Analysis One
Flying all the way in the direction of the Devil's Ridge Mountain, Yi Tian's storage ring already has an extra scroll of the Heavenly Demon Secret in it.

After thinking about the conditions that Dugu Can put forward before, he still agreed. After all, the palace of the former Demon Saint Prince was not a place where everyone had the opportunity to go.

Although it wasn't Qiu Yu, it was also the place where the evil Buddha of the Confused World stayed before he entered the Mahayana stage. Needless to say, there must be some unexpected surprises or shocks.

In addition, I once learned from Judhara that he had entered the Demon Realm to find the Spirit Seed divided into four parts.Now that she has a quarter in her hand, she naturally wants to get the other three.

Originally, I still had a good impression of Dugu Can, but it was unique to think that such a monk could practice alone after breaking away from the Heavenly Demon Clan and achieve the distraction stage.But from his mouth, he learned that he was actually involved with the evil Buddha in the world, so he should be the nephew of Kudala's nephew.

Thinking about what the other party said, I didn't dare to believe it all. If I followed Dugucan's plan, I might suffer a big loss.In this way, he had no choice but to take advantage of the situation. After thinking about it, he took out a communication jade slip, wrote down the message, activated it and sent it out.

After doing this, he accelerated and flew in the direction of the Devil's Ridge Mountain.

Three days later, when I returned to the temporary cave behind the Devil's Ridge Mountain military camp, I suddenly saw a black light flashing across the sky and flying towards me.

Half a moment later, it flew to a short distance in front of it and stopped abruptly. After the light faded away, a three-inch Jade Charm of Communication was revealed.After Yi Tian took over, he swept his divine sense, and then shook his head helplessly.

After returning to the Cave Mansion, Yi Tian did not directly practice in seclusion, but released Situ Jing'er who was locked in a secret room on the side.

This succubus was a meeting gift given to him by Kudala, and it was originally to make up for the flaws in his own skills.But now that I have cultivated the Flaming Demon Body to the Xiaocheng realm, I can completely confuse the real one, even if I meet the Demon Emperor, I don't need the help of the succubus at all.

But after letting her out, Yi Tian also had his own plans.Dugu Can had said before that it was a remnant of the Heavenly Demon Eye Cultivation Technique that he gave him, so he didn't plan to practice it directly, but wanted to find a Succubus member who was also a vassal of the Heavenly Demon Clan to do the experiment.

Situ Jing'er didn't dare to be careless in front of her, and she also learned her current identity from Jiutuoluo.These succubi knew how to deal with high-ranking monks. After the restrictions on their bodies were lifted, they came forward and knelt down in front of them to salute.

Since Yi Tian came to the Demon Realm, he has collected information about the Demon Race in many ways. The description of the jade slips he found in the Daleiguang Temple before is full of loopholes.Just to be on the safe side, I personally went to the magic general or concubine Yan under my command to inquire about the flaws below, so that people would see their flaws.

After Situ Jing'er finished the salute, he stretched out his hand to wipe his forehead, and after shaking his whole body at the same time, a ray of golden aura appeared in his hand.

This is her directly extracting a trace of soul and handing it over to Yi Tian in order to complete the Lord Recognition Ceremony.Reaching out to take out a red jade tablet, Yi Tian took the ray of spirit and put it in. After three breaths, a figure appeared on the front of the jade tablet, which was the portrait of Situ Jinger in front of him, and then put the jade tablet away The ceremony is considered complete.

After finishing these, Yi Tian said lightly: "Get up, I have something for you."

After hearing this, Situ Jing'er was relieved, then slowly stood up, walked to Yi Tian's right head, sat down and listened.

Yi Tian knew that he had to finish the recognition ceremony today and take a wisp of her soul in his hands, otherwise he would be spotted by other high-ranking monks after going out as Situ Jinger, but the end would be even worse.

I did this to make her feel at ease, so I protected her. After thinking about it, I took out some pills for repairing the soul and handed them over: "You can take these pills for a while to pretend to be a great soul, and it is also my gift for you." Some compensation."

After hearing this, Situ Jinger respectfully reached out to take it and said, "Slave, thank you for the reward from the master." There was a charming force in the voice of the words, knowing how troublesome he was even to be firm, and only after tempering his heart would he be completely immune. It is easy to fall into the Tao when the mind is unstable.

"In the future, people before and after should not be called Master, I'm not used to it. You can call me by my real name or Senior Yi, Big Brother Yi is fine," Yi Tian said impatiently, and he couldn't help but aggravate himself in the face of such a charming voice. The tone of voice also hinted at Situ Jing'er not to be clever.

"The servant girl should call the master Brother Yi, just like Princess Yan," Situ Jinger replied without thinking. This time, she restrained her charm talent very sensibly.

Yi Tian naturally knows Xiao Jiujiu in her heart, but there's no need to point it out at this time, it's just whatever she calls it, it's just a code name anyway.

He reached out and took out two jade slips, on which were written the words Dark Demon Eye and Heaven Demon Eye respectively.Gently handing it to Situ Jinger, he said: "These two jade slips are the supernatural pupil technique of your Heavenly Demon Clan. Since you are from the Heavenly Demon Clan, I will leave it to you to practice. You can see if there are any. If you don't know the place, you can ask me directly."

As the youngest daughter of the succubus patriarch, Situ Jing'er is naturally someone who has seen the world, and she didn't show a look of impatience when facing the high-level skills of the Sky Demon Clan.Instead, he stretched out his hand to take the jade slip, opened it up in his hand, and read it word by word.

Yi Tian sat cross-legged on the side and carefully observed her reaction. She saw joy on her face after reading the first volume, but she was a little puzzled when she saw the second volume.

Half an hour later, Situ Jinger put away the two jade slips before slowly opening his mouth and said, "Brother Yi wants to test my knowledge, the upper part of the dark magic eye is fine, and ordinary monks of the Heavenly Demon Race can do it." Cultivation is suitable even for a succubus like me. As for the lower part of the magic eye skills, it is not complete, and two parts are missing."

In the two parts, Yi Tian's face remained unchanged when he heard the words, but in his heart he scolded Dugu Can and his family all over.Later, I heard Situ Jing'er say: "Eye Demon's eyesight is the secret of the Heavenly Demon clan, especially the last and only offensive spell Sunburn is a well-known move in the demon world for a long time. But this is missing in it." Part of it, even if it is practiced according to the above, at most it can break the illusion of illusion."

"Then what's missing besides the last offensive move?" Yi Tian asked.

"When the upper and lower parts of the exercises are connected, it is necessary to wash the eyes with pure magic liquid to wash away the dark pupils, because after practicing the dark magic pupils, the eyes will become dark and cannot directly practice the next sky magic pupil technique," Situ Jing said. Er explained.

(End of this chapter)

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