
Chapter 1342 Analysis 2

Chapter 1342 Analysis II

Yi Tian didn't pay much attention to Dugucan at first, and although he couldn't see any flaws in the magical powers he gave, he still had people who knew the goods by his side.After Situ Jing'er's analysis, he finally understood the hidden danger thoroughly.If he cultivated the Heavenly Demon Eye rashly, he might not be aware of any hidden diseases.

But if you follow what Situ Jinger said, it is not easy to find pure magic liquid to cleanse the troubles caused by cultivating the dark magic pupil, but this pure magic liquid is not a common thing, and you need special channels to buy it. to obtain.

After thinking about it, I should first send Concubine Yan to inquire about the location of the large-scale cultivation towns in the surrounding area, and directly mention my current needs to her.It would be best if the flame prison demons could come up with pure magic liquid, or else they would have to run to try their luck after they got the news.

It is because the content recorded in the magic pupil magic spell is very attractive to me.Especially at the end, the only offensive spell, Sunburn, was tailor-made for him. Once he used it, he could double his own strength, while consuming only [-]% to [-]% more spiritual power.

Using [-]% to [-]% of the spiritual power to double the strength is cost-effective, the key is that this trick does not need to burn blood essence like other blood refining methods, which will cause sequelae afterward, or seriously affect Dao Ji. .

Soon Concubine Yan's reply came, and after reading the information on the Jade Slip, her complexion became sour.This pure magic liquid is a rare thing, something that can only be used by monks in the integration stage.

With such a distracted cultivation base, if he wanted to compete, he would have to face the old monsters of the fusion stage, and he didn't want to mess with those now.However, there is pure magic liquid among the Demon Clan of Flame Prison, but most of them are pre-ordered by monks in the integration period, and even the Demon Emperor himself has no stock.

It is mentioned in the message that if you really want pure magic liquid, you can only try your luck in the comprehension towns in the territory of the Heavenly Demons. In the entire devil world, only the Heavenly Demons have mass-produced pure magic liquid.After reading it, Yi Tian took out the map and checked it. Later, he found that the nearest Tianmo town to the Demon Ridge Mountain was Sunset City, [-] miles to the southwest.

No matter how far away it is, he will go deep into the hinterland of the Tianmo clan, which is an area that he cannot touch for the time being.

At this time, you can put it aside for the time being, and Yi Tian took out the jade slip of the Heavenly Demon Secret and handed it to Situ Jinger: "This is the skill of the Heavenly Demon Clan, take it to see if it is useful, if there is anything Questions can also be directed to me.”

After Situ Jing'er took the jade slip, she didn't show any joy on her face, she just spread the jade slip and quickly read it through.After a long time, he sighed in his mouth and said: "Thank you, Brother Yi, I have only practiced the skills of the Succubus tribe. And the skills of this family are a simplified version born out of the Heavenly Demon Secret Scroll. Only after reading the mother script did I realize that This technique is indeed very suitable for me to cultivate, and the basic technique of Heavenly Demon Transformation is already a first-class and powerful magical power in the demon world. It's just that there are many restrictions in it, which prevent ordinary people from practicing it into a complete form."

"What are the restrictions? You can tell me one by one, so that I can know," Yi Tian replied lightly, but he thought of seeing Dugu Can and Dugu Yuchen at that time. His agility is actually not as good as that of a cultivator in the transformation stage.If the two of them have the same level of cultivation, I'm afraid that the latter can easily crush Dugucan.

Situ Jing'er said softly, "The purer the bloodline, the better the cultivation of the Heavenly Demon Secret Scroll, so this is the signature skill of the Heavenly Demon royal family. Only members of the royal family can cultivate the complete Heavenly Demon real body."

"I've also heard about this matter a little bit," Yi Tian nodded and replied, "If it's a non-royal monk, then there is no chance at all?"

"That's not true," Situ Jing'er replied with a smile: "Because the power of the magic source accumulated in the body of ordinary demons is not enough, the real body of the demon that is transformed is slightly lacking. Only by finding a large amount of power of the magic source to supplement the body It will work, and the most direct way is to go to the Moyuan Pool in Moyunling to soak and introduce pure magic energy into the body."

"So it turns out that the Moyuan Pool in Moyunling must have been listed as a forbidden area by the Heavenly Demon Royal Family. If you want to soak there, it depends on your chance," Yi Tian said so, but he had no idea about it in his heart. interest.As Situ Jinger said, ordinary demons were caused by insufficient magic power in their own bloodlines, and he had absorbed the pure magic power from the upper realm, which seemed to be stronger than ordinary demon royals.In this way, this heavenly demon secret volume, which is useless to other demon monks, is a real help to him.

Immediately, I also had some assumptions in my heart. Now that I have come to the devil world, I need many connections to save myself from danger.Not to mention the burning demon body of the flame prison demon clan, if he can cultivate two kinds of demon clan body skills at the same time, it will greatly improve his survival rate when facing high-level monks in the future.

And I have a faint feeling that the forces in the demon world seem to be calm, but there is a lot of friction secretly, and the more magical powers, the more chances of survival.

Thinking about taking back the Heavenly Demon Secret Scroll, he took out the blank jade slip and engraved a new copy, then kept the rubbing copy and handed the exercise jade slip to Situ Jing'er, saying: "Put this scroll away, later Stay in the cave and practice hard. I will take some time to go to Sunset City to try my luck the next day, to see if it is possible to find pure magic liquid."

Situ Jing'er's face darkened at first, but after hearing Sunset City, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes again.He reached out and took out a jade token and handed it over, "Brother Yi will go to Sunset City alone, and he will definitely encounter all sorts of difficulties from the Heavenly Demons. If you encounter any troubles, you can use this jade token to go to the city to find the head of our Situ Fen family." Situ Yan asked for help."

When Yi Tian saw it, he knew that she was also sincere, so he reached out to take the jade token and put it away, so he could not ignore her kindness.Then he asked her to deal with all the affairs in the cave, but if she had any problems after she was not there, she could first go to the Chinese army coach Concubine Yan for help.

After that, Yi Tian went straight out of the cave to go to the tent of the Chinese army to say hello to Concubine Yan.Although I am a free body, my current status is still the guest minister of the army, but I still have to follow the rules when I have something to do.After all, besides myself, there are Yang Nanny and Yan Tong in the army, so I have to estimate the face of the two of them.

After entering the big tent, I found that Concubine Yan happened to be out, but the two monks in the distraction period happened to stay here.Yi Tian directly put forward his own ideas without being long-winded.

Naturally, Yantong had no objection to accepting his benefits, but Nanny Yang looked at her and asked, "Yi Daoyou has just returned from Liaoyuan City and is going out again. It's an eventful time, so we still have to do business as the third princess." First."

Faced with Yang Nanny's admonishment, Yi Tian naturally didn't like to listen to it, but how could he be bothered by mere words in a matter of his own decision.

After thinking about it, he replied indifferently: "I do have important matters to go to Sunset City. Please take care of the matter here. It is expected that Ye Luan will not recover so soon and come to find fault again."

Seeing that she was so determined, Nanny Yang could only sigh and made a three-year agreement later, asking herself to return on time after three years.

After leaving the tent of the Chinese army, Yi Tian flew all the way towards Sunset City,
(End of this chapter)

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