
Chapter 1344 Learned

Chapter 1344 Learned
Unexpectedly, Dugu Yaoxiang would say this, and Yi Tian was startled. He didn't expect that the other party would directly see through his state.At that moment, he sat down slowly again and stared at it, then asked, "I don't know why you mentioned it like that?"

Dugu Yaoxiang sized it up first, and then replied with a smile: "You must not be very clear about the efficacy of pure magic liquid, right?"

As a member of the Heavenly Demon Clan, he naturally knows more about the efficacy of pure magic liquid than outsiders, and I only learned about it from Concubine Yan and Situ Jinger, which is probably not as good as the distracted monk in front of me.

Knowing that there is something in the other party's words, since he is willing to give some pointers, he must want to let himself participate in the exchange meeting.After thinking about it, he said without changing his face: "I'm not very knowledgeable, but I don't understand the effect of this pure magic liquid, so please give me your advice."

Seeing that he was speaking sincerely, Dugu Yaoxiang seemed to have achieved the expected goal, so he explained: "Pure magic liquid is of great use to high-level monks and even monks at the fusion stage, and the royal family of the Heavenly Demon Clan because of their skills Therefore, this psychic liquid is needed to temper the demon body. As for the monks in the fusion stage of foreign races, it is nothing more than to obtain spiritual power to improve their cultivation. If it is used by monks in the distraction stage, it is usually because the magic source is too large to be fully absorbed. It will lose more than [-]% of its efficacy in vain."

"So that's why it's no wonder that the black dragon horn scales are needed to dilute the magic power inside," Yi Tian sighed.

"Exactly. If I'm not mistaken, fellow daoist should be preparing to wash his eyes with pure magic liquid after cultivating the Dark Demon Eye to continue practicing the Sky Demon Eye technique?" Dugu Yaoxiang suddenly changed the subject and asked.

He mentioned this matter just now, and Yi Tian knew in his heart that probably the other party had already discovered his situation, so he raised the topic in a targeted manner.Although he didn't know his purpose, Yi Tian just nodded slightly, and then asked: "I don't know how you can see it?"

"That's not easy. Normally, the eyes of monks from other races who practice the dark magic eye will have a slightly darker color in their eyes. I noticed it when fellow daoists came in," Dugu Yaoxiang said proudly.

It turned out that it was no wonder that the other party knew the right medicine for what he was looking for early in the morning. Needless to say, the price of the pure magic liquid was doubled intentionally or unintentionally.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian also took a deep breath and could only admit his loss, and turned to say: "I found the technique of the dark magic eye unintentionally. After practicing, I realized that this pupil technique is quite special, so I practiced it. I don't know that I will understand it later. This dark magic eye is actually only the upper half of the skill, if you want to cultivate the lower half of the sky magic pupil, you must use pure magic liquid to wash away the color of the dark pupil."

Dugu Yaoxiang said with a determined face: "Daoist said that the effect of the dark magic eye is limited, and it is the basic skill for our family to defend against Meizu and other vassal races. Generally speaking, only people in the royal family are lucky enough to practice it. Half of the Tianma pupil skills need to wash away the dark pupils."

"What fellow Taoist said is that I have already cultivated the dark magic eye, and I am afraid that it will cause unnecessary misunderstandings later, so I searched for pure magic liquid to wash away the imprint," Yi Tian explained, although the reason is a bit unsatisfactory, but it is only on the surface Just deal with it, it doesn't matter whether the other party believes it or not.

Dugu Yaoxiang said lightly: "Actually, fellow Taoists don't need to worry. The practice of Tianmo Tong has already spread to the outside world. The Tianmo royal family also turned a blind eye to this matter. Anyway, the practice is one aspect. Whether it can be cultivated or not depends on the individual's good luck, if this exercise is not used in conjunction with the real body of the demon, it will not be effective, and there are only ten people in the royal family who have truly practiced the movement technique to achieve a complete body."

It turns out that there is such a saying, it seems that this supernatural power is used by Dugu Can to fool himself, even if it is cultivated, it will not have much effect, not to mention that it still lacks the most critical move 'sunburn'.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian asked again: "I was born in the flame prison demon clan and cultivated the burning flame demon body. What magical effect can it have if it cooperates with the demon pupil?"

After throwing out the question in his heart, Dugu Yaoxiang sized him up again before replying: "To tell you the truth, the Flame Prison Demon Clan is also one of the ancient branches of the Sky Demon Clan, and it has only grown bigger over the past hundred thousand years. As for you The cultivating Flame Demon Body is the simplified technique of the Heavenly Demon Real Body, plus the cultivation of the Purgatory True Fire."

It turns out that if I practiced a simplified version of the real body of the Heavenly Demon, it would be really difficult to deal with someone from the Heavenly Demon royal family.Now Yi Tian made a decision in an instant, since he has the skills of the Heavenly Demon Clan in his hands, then you are welcome, and if you want to practice, you can practice the genuine ones.

As for the bottleneck in the process, let's talk about it after training. With the power of absorbing the magic source, I don't need to be much worse than the members of the Heavenly Demon Royal Family.

As for that Dugucan also knows this very well, he should of course give him a surprise for making a small move on it.

After hearing this, Yi Tian turned his head and bowed his hands and said, "Thank you fellow daoist for clarifying the confusion, then I will definitely participate in this exchange meeting next time."

Dugu Yaoxiang also politely replied: "That's the best. My Heavenly Demon Clan likes to recruit heroes from all over the world, but those who are capable will naturally be reused. And if fellow Taoists can compete in front of the Heavenly Demon Holy Emperor once in a thousand years If you stand out from the crowd, you may get the chance to go to the Moyuan Pool in Moyunling to receive the second magic source infusion."

"There is such a thing? Could it be that the Heavenly Demon Royal Family can accommodate foreign monks into the forbidden area?" Yi Tian's eyes lit up, and he felt a little unexpected when he heard the news. He didn't expect the Heavenly Demon Clan to accept foreign monks into the forbidden area so generously. .

Dugu Yaoxiang replied in an affirmative tone: "That's true. After all, the Heavenly Demon Royal Family is also willing to continuously absorb the elites of the Demon Race, otherwise they would not be able to rule the Demon Realm for hundreds of thousands of years. Those top monks from all races in the Demon Realm gathered together to make a move. I don’t know the seriousness of it, every time there are heavy casualties in the imperial contest, but all the ones who can survive are the leaders of the demons, and the advanced fusion stage is a matter of certainty.”

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at himself, then continued: "With your cultivation base, if you don't have a lot of chances, you may not even be able to take the lead in the internal selection of the flame prison demon clan. Just let me tell you about this matter." , don’t take it seriously.”

Yi Tian heard that he knew that the other party still thought his cultivation base was too low, and he probably couldn't make it.Anyway, this is just a joke on the face of chatting, and I don't know how the situation will develop.I can't force myself to fight desperately with monks from the devil world.

After asking about the time of the exchange meeting, Yi Tian got up and left, but after he left, Dugu Yaoxiang's eyes flashed, he reached out and took out a piece of jade, wrote down some information, and then activated it and sent it out.

(End of this chapter)

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