
Chapter 1345 Search

Chapter 1345 Search
After coming out of the auction house, Yi Tian walked around the city a few times, and then came to the archives of Sunset City.Many of the news that Dugu Yaoxiang told him before were widely circulated in the devil world, but even he didn't figure it out clearly. Yi Tian fully realized the lack of vision.

It is estimated that a lot of key information has been missed in the travel notes of other worlds preserved in the Da Lei Guang Temple. If this continues, he will only become more and more passive in the demon world.

If you want to get a lot of information, it's better to learn it yourself, such as the historical origins of the various races in the demon world.Before Dugu Yaoxiang said the relationship between the Heavenly Demon Clan and other clans made him feel that there are many merits.With the vision of Concubine Yan and the others, I'm afraid they haven't fully touched the whole picture of the devil world, or they don't need to have a deeper understanding of other content because they are so peaceful.

But I am different, at least now it seems that the monk Jieding came to the devil world 5000 years ago, and the evil Buddha of the mixed world was ten thousand years earlier.If I don't understand the context clearly, it may have an impact on my future actions.

After entering the archives, there are service personnel who came up to greet him, and after seeing his cultivation level, he was directly and respectfully led to the elegant room in the side hall.Yi Tian stated his request that he needed to consult all the ancient records kept in the Sunset City Archives.

Such a remark shocked the waiters, and afterward, he paid a full thousand top-grade magic crystals before renting an elegant room.In addition, four waiters continued to bring thirty volumes of jade slips, engraved them face to face, and presented them.

After putting away the jade slips, Yi Tian gave simple orders, closed the door, sat inside and began to look it up slowly.

These jade slips are also comprehensive, and they record in detail the changes in the demon world within 10 years.After reading it, Yi Tian found out that what Dugu Yaoxiang said was right. In the middle ages of the Demon Realm 8 to [-] years ago, all the tribes belonged to the Heavenly Demon Clan.

And in the demon world, only the Heavenly Demons have Mahayana monks. What is different from the other realms is that the Heavenly Demons have occupied all the resources in this world and forced them to find other places to find resources in the outside world. .

Later, after the original Mahayana monk of the Heavenly Demon Race ascended, the demon world fell into chaos again. Because the Heavenly Demon Race had not been able to appear from the Mahayana monk for a long time, they could not suppress the powerful branches attached to them.

After a long period of time, it led to a separate battle in the demon world. After the battle, all the clans were severely injured. The nine major races split from the vassals of the demon clan and the imperial clan of the demon clan continued to fight fiercely for nearly ten thousand years.

In the end, the three clans belonged to the six clans and became self-reliant. At the same time, the Tianmo royal clan also lost nearly half of their strength. After the great war 5 years ago, the basic situation of the current demon world was basically established.

For example, the predecessor of the Flame Prison Demon Clan was the leader of the nine opposing races, and their strength stemmed from the fact that they inherited about [-]% of the Heavenly Demon Clan's skills.For example, the supernatural power of the Burning Flame Demon Body that I got from Yanlong was originally evolved from the skills of the real body of the Heavenly Demon, plus the simplified skills created by adding the characteristics of the flame prison demons themselves.

In terms of actual combat performance, it is no worse than that of Tianmo's real body, and it also eliminates the disadvantages caused by the lack of blood power and magic source power.The monks who are below the fusion stage can firmly suppress the monks who practice the real body of the demon in a duel.

But there are pros and cons to everything. This kind of kung fu still needs to be repaid in the later stage of cultivation. The true power of the real body of the demon can only be manifested after the fusion period with the two auxiliary techniques of the magic pupil of the sky and the magic body of the demon.

Seeing this, Yi Tian fell into deep thought. The resources he had on hand were the Heavenly Demon Pupil Art and the Heavenly Demon Transformation Technique, but both volumes of the exercises were fragments.Tianmotong lacked the last trick, while Tianmobian only had six levels of skills.Now it is impossible to switch to this exercise by yourself, but the magic pupil technique has the same effect on other exercises that day.After all, if you find the last style of sunburn, it will be very effective if you practice it.

Then, according to the chronology of the demon world, we continued to look down and finally saw the appearance of the evil Buddha of the mixed world for the first time in the historical records of 4 years ago.This person was originally a monk in the fusion period of the Daxue Mountain Minglun Temple in the Buddhist world. He was trapped in the bottleneck of the fusion period for nearly 8000 years before he ventured to the demon world.

And I don't know what happened later, he actually merged the two methods of Buddha and demon through the magic energy tank, and achieved the state of magic and Buddha as one.Now there is another force that cannot be ignored in the demon world, but the patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Clan has introduced him as a guest minister.

The two sat and discussed for thousands of years and broke through the bottleneck to achieve the Mahayana period. After 2 years, for unknown reasons, the evil Buddha from the world returned to the Buddhist world. When he came back, he disappeared in the depths of the demon world with scars all over his body.

As for the five disciples he had received under his command, after achieving the fusion stage one after another, they also gradually faded out of the demon clan's vision under the ensuing disputes.

During this period, there were monks who went deep into the demon world, but he also took the initiative to accept the magic source and became the third Mahayana monk in the history of the demon world.

And 9000 years ago, the elites of various races were mobilized to forcibly open the door of the other world passage and swarm in, and the other end of the passage door is the spirit world.

Seeing this, Yi Tian sighed softly. On the other hand, he thought that the demonic forces that invaded the spiritual world led by the demon saint prince Qiu Yu were only because the personnel of various forces in the demonic world were saturated, and the resource allocation could not keep up with the consumption. There will be cross-border intrusions.

And it was obvious that the demon clan brought by the devil prince Qiu Yu was directly exhausted in the spirit world purely for the purpose of consumption.Moreover, with Qiu Yu's cultivation base in the Mahayana period back then, it would be an easy task to forcibly open a cross-border passage and return to the Demon Realm by himself.

But in fact, he didn't do this, but spent the last moment with the three patriarchs, and he also used the method of reincarnation to completely disappear between heaven and earth.

Looking at the literature records, Qiu Yu's soldiers from all ethnic groups except the Tianmo clan accounted for only half of them. Presumably, he reached a private agreement with the Mahayana monks of the Tianmo clan and found a group of abandoned sons to fill up the number.As for the rest of the clans all drawing out their elite strength, this is naturally a way to forcibly suppress their opponents in order to maintain the absolute dominance of the Heavenly Demons in the Demon Realm.

After reading this, Yi Tian couldn't help sighing and admiring a few words, thinking that the Mahayana monks of the Tianmo clan also learned the lessons from thousands of years ago before they came up with this strategy.But was it a bit too much to lose Qiu Yu, a Mahayana monk?

You must know that the Mahayana monks in each realm are top-notch existences. If you lose rashly, you may encounter invasions from other realms.Although he couldn't think of any other reasonable explanation, Yi Tian found that there were still many doubts in it. At least there was no mention of the falling of the spirit seed in these documents, and Qiu Yu's motive was also very intriguing.

(End of this chapter)

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