
Chapter 1346 Preparation

Chapter 1346 Preparation
After staying in the archives for a while, Yi Tian read all the jade slips of documents, and then carved out the parts describing the evil Buddha in the mixed world, the master of precepts, and the invasion of the spiritual world for future use.

After leaving the secret room, Yi Tian began to prepare for the exchange meeting.I think what I am best at is refining magic weapons.But after thinking about it carefully, if I had been relying on this skill alone after entering the Demon Realm, it would be easy for people to find out.

After all, the refining level of the Demon Realm is much lower than that of the Buddhist Realm, and it cannot be compared with the Spirit Realm.With his level of refining weapons in the spirit world, it is easy for others to follow the clues to determine his identity.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian decided to change his way to participate in the exchange meeting by purchasing pills this time.After all, such things as pills can be regarded as high-end goods, but they are also indispensable for magic cultivators.

I have a lot of pills from the spirit world, and even some pill formulas unique to the devil world.These are all the prescriptions and pharmacopoeia obtained after killing Murong Zhenghong back then. I only read them once in the spirit world, but I couldn't find enough medicinal materials unique to the demon world, so I had to put them aside.

Now that I thought of it this time, I used it to divert other people's sights and refine my alchemy, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

After thinking about it, he quickly thought about the Mo Sha Pill and the other pills in his mind.Shaoqing chose two kinds of pills that monks in the distraction stage could use.

A kind of magic source pill is specially used for the cultivation of demon cultivators in the distraction stage, and it can be regarded as a relatively common pill for distraction stage monks in the devil world.The other is called the Demon Explosion Pill, which can forcibly stimulate the potential of the Demon Cultivator. During the battle, it can increase the strength by [-]% in a short period of time, but afterward, it only enters a period of weakness of six hours, which has no effect on one's own cultivation base. There will be no sequelae or unmentionable diseases.This elixir seems to be uncommon, at least I have never heard of anyone refining it in the devil world for so many years.

It's just that I don't have the bloodthirsty vine, the main drug for refining the magic explosion pill, in my hand, so Yitian found a few pill shops in the city to find out.It's a pity that most of the shopkeepers in the shop here have never seen bloodthirsty vines, even if I describe this spiritual plant to them in detail, it won't help.

In the end, I found out that most of the elixir shops in the city were controlled by the Sky Demons, and only a few were opened by the Succubus and other alien races.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian decided to go to the Succubus to try his luck first. Since he still has Situ Jinger's recommendation jade card on him, he naturally doesn't need to look far away.

After asking about the elixir shop of the Succubus, Yi Tian rushed straight there without stopping.

When I came to the elixir shop, I saw two succubi in the infant stage were welcoming customers at the door, and after slowly walking forward, the waiter at the door hurriedly came forward with a smiling face and greeted them.

Yi Tian moved his mind to scan the store, only to find that the shopkeeper with the highest cultivation here is only the shopkeeper in the middle stage of Huashen.Then he reached out and took out the jade card that Situ Jinger gave him, waved it in front of the two waiters and said, "I want to see you as the head of the family, and please arrange for an introduction."

The two succubi were still chatting and laughing at first, but when they saw the jade card in their hands, they changed their faces and replied respectfully: "It turns out that the little uncle is here, please move to the VIP room. This servant Go and invite your family to live in an audience."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was taken aback, Yi Tian never thought that the other party would call him that, but now that An Zhi has this identity, it will be easier for him to talk in the future.

After following the two succubus maids to the VIP room deep in the backyard, Yi Tian also walked in and found an empty seat and sat down.

Later, I only heard someone approaching me in a hurry, and after a little investigation with my spiritual sense, I found that the people who came here were all in the mid-stage of distraction.

When someone walked into the VIP room, he found that it was a succubus dressed in palace attire, who looked a bit like Situ Jinger in appearance.

As soon as she entered the door, she locked her eyes on herself. Although she behaved generously, there was still a hint of charm in the corners of her eyes.

Fortunately, Yi Tian is also a person who has seen big scenes and knows that this is the innate magical power of the succubus. Although those high-level succubus are dressed like ordinary people, they can inadvertently use their charm to confuse the other party.

After a light cough, Yi Tian took the lead to break the silence and said, "I don't know if you are the one from Situ's family?"

After being reminded by myself, the other party slowly came forward and sat down on the seat opposite before replying: "My concubine, Situ Ling, has met my young uncle."

Taking out the jade card, Yi Tian looked at it and asked, "Do you know this jade card?"

"This is the jade card given to the young master by the patriarch. Compared to now, Jing'er is already behind the young master," Situ Ling replied neither humble nor overbearing.

Yi Tian nodded his head as an acquiescence, and then changed the subject and said: "Before I came to Sunset City this time, Jinger once said that if necessary, I can discuss with the sect master."

"Don't dare, since it's my little son-in-law's visit, it's an honor for me to separate the family, but I don't know what I can do for you?" Situ Ling replied respectfully.

"I was invited by Dugu Yaoxiang to participate in the exchange meeting in Sunset City, so I wanted to refine a batch of pills temporarily. I had no choice but to search many pharmacies in Sunset City to find usable treasures, so I thought of you to have a look , "Yi Tian didn't hesitate and straight to the point, he told about his need for bloodthirsty vines.

Originally, she also had the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but Situ Ling's eyes lit up after hearing this, and later she took out a jade box from her storage ring and gently pushed it in front of her, saying: "According to the description of the little uncle In fact, I can’t be too sure, but please check the treasures in this jade box first.”

Yi Tian didn't understand, so he asked: "Why do fellow Taoists say this, don't you know about bloodthirsty vines?"

"It's not that I don't know, but I can't be sure," Situ Ling explained: "I think it should be a violent stem from my uncle's description, because it is also the first time I have heard the name of such a treasure as bloodthirsty vine. Or the name is different. That's all."

Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard the words, and his mind turned quickly, thinking in his heart, "I'm still negligent. This bloodthirsty vine should be called by the spirit world. There should be another name here. No wonder I have traveled all over Sunset City." No pharmacy in the world could find the corresponding precious materials, and now I really did not pretend to be self-confessed, and if someone listened to it, I would definitely have doubts about my identity. '

Immediately, he concealed the anxiety in his heart calmly, reached out to take the jade box and gently opened it, and then his spiritual thoughts swept over it.I saw a blood-red rattan that was half a foot long and thick as a thumb placed in the middle of the jade box, and there was a trace of violent force slowly overflowing from it, which was exactly the same as what I saw in the Pharmacopoeia.

"That's it, I don't know if you can cut it off, I'm willing to exchange it with a lot of money," Yi Tian said with a smile on his face.

"Since the little uncle is interested, let's take it. This can be regarded as a little gift from me. I will be satisfied if you treat Jing'er kindly in the future," Situ Ling said with a light smile.

(End of this chapter)

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