
Chapter 1355 Fierce Battle at Devil's Ridge Mountain 3 Killing

Chapter 1355
The original plan was to wipe out all the monks of the Flying Raksha clan, at least three monks in the distraction period should be besieged.It would be harmless if a few cultivators of transforming spirit escaped, but the result was quite surprising.

The leader, Ye Luan, was so cunning that he was the first to take advantage of the chaos and escape, completely disregarding the safety of his subordinates.Faced with such a change, Yi Tian made a decisive decision, communicated with Nanny Yang and Yan Tong, and then went straight to chase after Ye Luan.

As for the rest of the people, they are all left to the two of them. With the help of the big formation, it is only a matter of time before they want to wipe out these monks who are invading from the inside.

As for the task of chasing and escaping Ye Luan, it naturally fell on him.Yi Tian is also happy to be at leisure, and he can display his strength wantonly under one-on-one, which is better than being tied up in front of many demon cultivators.

After urging the escape technique with all its strength to catch up with Ye Luan, the two began to fight high above the sky.Unexpectedly, Ye Luan cast the Blood Sacrifice spell in a hurry to get away without saying a word, and even his strength increased to the top level of the distraction stage after his stature soared.

Yi Tian didn't show weakness when he saw it, the two of them fought with all their strength and turned the surrounding hundreds of miles into a Shura battlefield with one move.

Facing Ye Luan whose cultivation base had skyrocketed, Yi Tian also groaned inwardly. He only felt the energy and blood in his body surging after the fight just now, and it took him a long time to remove all the strength from the opponent's double sword blades.

I didn't expect that I would be weaker after cultivating the Flame Demon Body with a full blow. Fortunately, my background is not bad, and I controlled the Cursing Sky Demon Bell. I was stunned until the power was running.

Ye Luan, who was in front of him at this time, showed even more surprise on his face. After looking at him with malicious intent, he shouted, "I didn't expect you to plan an ambush. After I leave, you will definitely report to the clan, and when the reinforcements from the army arrive. Only by crushing your bones into ashes can I vent my heartbroken hatred."

"Anyone will say big words, fellow daoist, you still care about your own safety, it's still unknown whether you can get away today," Yi Tian also said tit for tat.

"Really, maybe you haven't seen my full strength yet," Ye Luan said, taking out a elixir, putting it in his mouth and swallowing it directly, and then the blood energy all over his body fluctuated violently, his whole skin There is faint traces of blood red color on it.

Yi Tian opened his eyes and found that after the opponent's body was surrounded by blood mist, his cultivation level had improved again, almost exceeding the highest limit that could be achieved during the distraction period.

After the pupils in the eyes condensed, they directly looked through the skin of Yebai's body, and saw that the spiritual power in its inner meridians was running at a high speed, compressing the true essence and outputting it from the palms of both hands to the double sword blades.

Such a trick of overdrafting spiritual power is indispensable, as long as he withstands this full-strength blow, he can drag the opponent to death.Moreover, such a consumption of essence and blood is bound to lead to a violent backlash. After seeing the opponent's strategy of rushing to attack, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan and held it in his hand.

The surrounding wind had not completely dissipated under the duel just now, and suddenly several spiritual pressure winds were aroused around Yi Tian as the center.

Immediately, the sound waves spread out again, and after Yi Tian uttered the Qijue magic sound, he formed a sound wave enchantment in a radius of [-] feet around him.

After Ye Luan's eyes swept over, his expression was also not good. It seemed that the sonic barrier was not simple, it formed a domain space after bouncing off the surrounding wind.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired, Ye Luan's figure disappeared from its original position in a flash after the trick in his hand was cast.In an instant, two identical figures appeared on the left and right sides of Yi Tian, ​​and then each held a sword blade and slashed towards the two ribs.

Yi Tian was not surprised when he saw it, but he was happy instead. He had learned this trick last time, and he was afraid that a head-on confrontation would result in a situation where both sides would suffer.

Seeing such a smile on his face, he stretched out his hands without hesitation to raise the Cursing Sky Demon Bell to his head, and slapped the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan fiercely with both hands.Immediately, a purple streak flew out from the fan and wrapped around itself.

After the two sword blades slashed into the Ziyan barrier in an instant, they were stuck on it and could not move at all.At the same time, the purple spiritual flame flowed upstream along the blade and ignited on Ye Luan's arm in reverse.

The main body and the avatar opened their mouths and screamed at the same time, and Ye Luan shouted with horror on his face, "What kind of flame is this that can't be extinguished?"

After three breaths, Zi Yan burned his arm, and the remaining flames directly invaded Ye Luan's meridians, causing his spiritual power to run until it was blocked.

There were two crisp sounds of 'Kaka', and Ye Luan was able to hold it and let it go. She broke her arm on the spot and pushed away.The deity and the avatar each had a broken hand, and later refused and became a complete form.

It's just that at this moment, Ye Luan's chest heaved violently and he was panting, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were also three points weaker than before.

He was out of breath and gasped and shouted: "This is not the skill of the flame prison demons, and it is not the spiritual fire that the demon world should have. Who are you?"

Yi Tian didn't show any expression on his face, but he was stunned in his heart, he didn't expect his identity to be discovered, although Ye Luan couldn't confirm his true identity for the time being, but now he has doubts.

Beware of murderous intent in his eyes, this is the first time he has been seen by others since he came to the Demon Realm. Of course, Ye Luan cannot be let off, otherwise his trip to lurk in the Demon Realm will be in vain.

After thinking about it, he said coldly: "This is the ice marrow flame that I got from the glass flame ice cave. You, a frog at the bottom of the well, are fortunate enough to see the essence of my flame prison demon clan, which is considered a blessing in your previous life. It's a pity that your good luck ends today, and in your next life, remember to know people with discerning eyes and never mess with people you shouldn't."

After speaking, the purple flame coefficient on his body was retracted into the wind and thunder fan, and then a few sparks flashed out under Yi Tian's light shake again, attacking Ye Luan.

The figure of the opponent was about to push away in a flash, but when he flew to the boundary of the sonic barrier, his whole body trembled, and then his movements slowed down by as much as five percent.

The purple sparks splashed on Ye Luan's body first, and then ignited his whole body with a 'bang'.Under the combined attack of Qijue Demon Sound and Leiyan Ziyan, Ye Luan was unable to get out of the barrier, and at the same time, all the purple flames on his body burned him up.After three breaths, he could only hear his last miserable cry: "You are not a monk from the devil world, you are a monk from another race from outside."

It's a pity that this place has been cleared long ago, and the army of flame prison demons within a thousand miles evacuated early in the morning.And it was five or six hundred miles away from the ambush in the valley, even if Ye Luan saw through his identity at this moment, he couldn't pass the news on to the third person.

After Zi Yan refined Ye Luan alive, the storage ring in his hand was burned and cracked.All the material coefficients stored in it flew out, and Yi Tian's sharp eyes quickly took back Lei Yan Ziyan.

However, nearly [-]% of the materials had been destroyed by the high temperature of Zi Yan after the divine sense swept over them.Fortunately, as a cultivator stationed in the Devil's Spine Mountains, Ye Luan has scavenged a lot of loot over the years, even if it is [-]% less, there are still a lot of good things left.

(End of this chapter)

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