
Chapter 1356: Fierce Battle at Devil's Ridge Mountain 4 Episode

Chapter 1356 Four Episodes of Fierce Battle at Devil's Ridge Mountain
After tidying up Ye Luan, Yi Tian could finally breathe a sigh of relief, took back all the things that flew out of his storage ring, and counted them on the spot.

Unfortunately, there are some jade slips of exercises that are only applicable to the monks of the Flying Rakshasa clan, and they don't have much effect on him.On the contrary, some ore treasures can be regarded as high-quality goods, and they are probably the private collections of Ye Luan guarding the Devil's Spine Mountains for many years.

Among them, there are two communication jade slips that are well preserved and wrapped in a large piece of animal skin. If you glance at them, you know that there should be some materials in this thing that Ye Luan valued.

Spread out the animal skin, took out a copy, held it in your hand, and quickly read it. This is a letter from the Raksha Ghost Mother of the Flying Raksha Clan, asking Ye Luan to guard the Devil's Spine Mountain Range no matter what. .

At this time, the Flying Rakshasa Clan was fighting against the Dark Eyed Demon Clan, and no matter what, they didn't want to send troops on two fronts.However, the ore deposits in the Devil's Spine Mountains are rich enough to supply the whole family for thousands of years, so there is no room for loss.

Moreover, the Rakshasa Ghost Mother has reached an agreement with the Demon King of the Flame Prison on the surface, and no one will send out the monks of the integration stage, so they will accept these monks of the distraction stage to confront each other in the Devil's Ridge Mountain to see who can consume the other.This is obviously trying to delay the time until he can free up his hands before solving the matter of the Devil's Ridge Mountain.

Seeing this, Yi Tiancai understood the plan of the Flying Rakshasa Clan. They were planning to procrastinate again and again. As long as the Flame Prison Demon Clan didn't do too much, it was still acceptable.

It's a pity that this action made Rakshasa Ghost Mother's plans in Devil's Spine Mountain all come to naught, and based on his guess about the Flame Prison Demon Emperor, he is also fighting on two fronts, so he doesn't want to open up a third battlefield here in Devil's Spine Mountain.

But Concubine Yan completed the task of mining magic spar ahead of schedule, so the Demon Emperor had some surplus food to allocate.At the same time, this kind of behavior has successfully attracted the attention of the flame prison dynasty. With the knowledge of the Demon Emperor, he will definitely not give up the most fat to the Raksha Ghost Mother in vain.

After putting away the jade slip, Yi Tian planned to hand it over to Concubine Yan later, thinking it would be more useful in her hands.

As for the other jade slip, it is a map marked with a place called Youquan Valley, and there is a written record beside it that there is a 'Devil Soul Bodhi' growing in the depths of this place.According to legend, it was a seed left there by a certain power, and it took tens of thousands of years to grow into it.

"Devil Soul Bodhi," Yi Tian's first reaction after repeating in his heart was to link this to Qiu Yu, the Prince of Mie Shi Mo Luo Mo, who is also Zen Master Jieding of Daleiguang Temple.

Seeing this, Yi Tian's face became serious, and he began to calculate in his heart. After putting away this jade slip, he began to calculate silently.Although the jade slip marked the location of the Bodhi of the Demon Soul, it also recorded that there was a Warcraft guard whose cultivation was close to the middle stage of fusion.

If you want to go to the tiger's mouth to grab food with your own strength, I'm afraid it will take a little thought. If you find someone to go with you, you don't know who you can ask for help now.After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian will put it down for the time being and wait for a chance to go again.

After tidying up, Yi Tian turned around and flew towards the direction of the ambush valley. It is expected that at this time, with the assistance of the big formation, Yang Nanny and Yantong should also tidy up those people.But I don't need to rush to the past so that people will be afraid of seeing it.

Flying high in the sky, Yi Tian opened his eyes, cast his dark magic pupils, and looked at the valley formation five hundred miles away, and suddenly saw a torrential aura suddenly rising inside.Then Youdao's extremely powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations spread out and instantly moved the surrounding valley to flat ground.

Obviously, this is already a means of a monk in the body-fit stage. Yi Tian was shocked when he saw it, and then jumped forward and dodged in a hurry.

After flying for less than a hundred miles, I felt that there was another aura of a fit-stage monk in the valley, which was no weaker than the previous one, and it was even stronger by three points after careful identification.

Needless to say, this should be the backhand of Concubine Yan left behind by the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison, and the one in front should be a trace of the spirit of Raksha Ghost Mother.

Flying forward in a hurry, I saw that most of the valley where the ambush was set up was blown down by the strong wind, and the demon generals who were in charge of setting up the formation all around pushed away one after another and flew into the air to surround Concubine Yan in the middle.

Yantong's face was flushed and his blood was surging, but luckily he could hold on.As for Yang Nanny who was standing in front of Concubine Yan at this time, her complexion was not good and her hair was disheveled, as if she had blocked most of the aftermath of the spiritual pressure for Concubine Yan.

At this time, two phantoms confronted each other in the sky, one was a female monk with wings on her back, needless to say, it was the Rakshasa ghost mother.Yi Tian didn't dare to scan with his divine sense, for fear of being missed by the other party.Immediately, he had to look up and see that the source of the phantom of the Rakshasa ghost mother was from the jade pendant on the neck of a flying Rakshasa cultivator in the distraction period.

As for the phantom of the Flame Prison Devil Emperor on his side, it flew out of the bracelet on the elbow of Concubine Yan, only to hear Rakshasa Ghost Mother screaming: "Old Ghost of Flame Prison, your people have violated the realm many times, this time you actually You also want to hit my heirs, you have to give me an account of this matter."

The Demon Emperor of Flame Prison lowered his head and glanced at the battle situation in the lower valley with a slight smile, and after listening to Concubine Xia Yan's report, he replied indifferently: "We have been in peace for thousands of years in the Devil's Ridge Mountain, but this time it is Your people ran to my territory to cause trouble, so why should I explain to you. Fellow Daoist, you have lost troops and stolen chickens, and you have lost money. It seems that you are also confused. Take a closer look at which area this is. .” With those words, the Rakshasa ghost mother immediately sent her back.

The latter also frowned slightly after listening to the report. It was obvious that the flame prison demons set a trap this time, but the Flying Rakshas were almost wiped out after a fight, leaving only a distraction period in the end The cultivator saved his life by relying on a sliver of spiritual thoughts from the Rakshasa Ghost Mother.

Although the monks at the fusion stage of the two parties only left a trace of their spiritual thoughts on the battlefield, neither of them dared to act rashly. After they discussed it, the Raksha Ghost Mother said: "Let me go, and this matter will be exposed."

The Demon Emperor of Flame Prison didn't talk too much but simply replied: "OK."

The people below finally breathed a sigh of relief. Today's situation has developed to such an extent that it has exceeded expectations.Now that the big bosses of the two sides have reached an agreement, there is just a step down, and everyone is happy to see it succeed.

Anyway, the flame prison demon army has already won a big victory recently, and it is business to accept it as soon as it is good.Now that the confrontation in the Devil's Spine Mountain Range has been broken, this is a god-given opportunity to recover the previous losses. I think the Demon King of Flame Prison will not treat everyone badly afterwards.

After three breaths, the phantom of the Rakshasa ghost mother's divine sense was slowly put away, and the distracted cultivator opposite turned his head and glanced at everyone present with vicious eyes, then turned towards Fei Tian Luo unwillingly. The area controlled by the Sha clan was withdrawn.

After the opponent left, the phantom of the Demon King of Flame Prison did not dissipate directly, but he looked back at the battle situation present.Finally, he stopped his eyes on Yi Tian and looked at him: "You are very good, and you can help Concubine Yan well in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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