
Chapter 1357: Fierce Battle at Devil's Ridge Mountain 5 After the Battle

Chapter 1357
The fierce battle on Devil's Ridge Mountain finally ended with the victory of the flame prison demon army. After this battle, the flame prison demon clan established their sphere of influence in Devil's Ridge Mountain in one fell swoop.After the war, the team led by Yan Tong non-stop put all the originally disputed areas into the territory under the command of the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison.

For thousands of years, the uninhabited buffer zone between the Flying Rakshasa and the Flame Prison Demons was re-divided with the war.Concubine Yan took the opportunity to push the joint defense camp where the army was stationed to the depths of Devil's Ridge Mountain for more than two thousand miles.In this way, not only all the previously retained mine veins were included in the bag, but also the original camp of the Feitian Raksha clan was taken over.

After the previous battle, Rakshasa Ghost Mother has completely lost her dominance over the Devil's Spine Mountains.The distracted monk who fled back was naturally unable to maintain the situation alone, so he simply abandoned his camp and retreated to the plains outside the Devil's Ridge Mountain to regroup the monks from the clan to build a stronghold for defense.

As for the army of the Flame Prison Demon Race, they also seized the dangerous and unknown places of the Devil's Ridge Mountain and began to build fortifications.At the same time, we will also try our best to implement the instructions of the Demon Emperor to nibble steadily and steadily, and manage the swallowed sites well to build a joint defense system.

This time, the fortifications were built at many dangerous strongholds on the border of the Devil's Ridge Mountain, and the original camp of the Flying Raksha tribe was expanded as a whole to become the Devil's Ridge Mountain Fortress of the Flame Prison Demon Army.After the flanks were deployed, strongholds were set up at a distance of [-] miles to form two barriers. Among them, a beacon tower was set up every [-] miles to almost run through the entire border of the Devil's Ridge Mountain.

And the inner area also started fixed-point inspections to reopen the original closed upper mine veins, and recruited a large number of miners from the Flame Prison Dynasty to mine magic spar.

The Demon Emperor naturally attached great importance to this matter, and specially dispatched a team of royal guards under Concubine Yan's command to become her direct guards.In addition to this, two mid-stage distracted monks were sent to the account to wait for dispatch.

After the battle, Nanny Yang was obviously hurt by the spiritual thoughts left by the Rakshasa ghost mother after protecting Concubine Yan, so she stayed in the original army station after the war to retreat and recuperate.

Now that place has become the operation center of the rear, and there is only one magic general on duty.The rest of the brigade will naturally go to the new stronghold on the dragon tooth warship, and a new airport will be built there for transportation.

At this time, Yan Tong was the most powerful and senior in the Expeditionary Army of the Demon Clan in the Flame Prison, and he was in command of the new fortress.As for the two new mid-stage monks who were distracted, they naturally cared about his face and the entrustment of the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison and would not pay too much attention to everything. All military camp affairs were still left to Concubine Yan to deal with.

At this time, after the war, Yi Tian stayed in the temporary cave of the original residence on the grounds of repairing and did not accompany him.After completely driving the forces of the Flying Rakshasa tribe out of the Demon Spine Mountains, it will be peaceful for a while, and the new Balrog Fortress has three monks at the distraction stage, and the array defense is arranged even if it is against ordinary The monks in the early stage of the fusion can also maintain it for a long time without needing to worry about it.

Moreover, Nanny Yang also mentioned the need for Concubine Yan to try to be on her own, so as to avoid letting others handle everything.

Staying in his own cave, Yi Tian looked at the empty walls. After Situ Jing'er was sent to Sunset City, he was left alone here, and he could do whatever he wanted with peace of mind.

After opening the cave door, he took out the dark magic pupil, the sky magic pupil, the pure magic liquid and the black dragon horn scale and put them in front of him one by one.Fortunately, Situ Jinger reminded me of the problems left after practicing the dark magic pupil. It would be fine if I didn't practice the sky magic pupil, but now that I am determined to try it, I still need to be fully prepared.

After opening the jade bottle of pure magic liquid, he took out a drop and held it in mid-air with spiritual power, then reached out and pointed to the jade bottle containing black dragon horn scales, and gently jumped out a little to mix in the pure magic liquid.

After three breaths, when the horned scales of the black dragon were fully integrated, I found that the pure magic liquid had swelled up a circle, and I found that it had been diluted to about [-]% of the original volume with my spiritual thoughts.

Then according to Dugu Yaoxiang's advice, he lightly tapped the pure magic liquid into his left eye and began to clean it.After the pure magic liquid flowing through the eye sockets was put away, it obviously contained a little dark color, but Yi Tian closed his right eye and only observed it with his left eye, and found that it seemed much brighter than before.

Reaching out and taking out the bronze mirror, he put it in front of him and carefully inspected the pupils of both eyes. The left eye was obviously less dull after cleaning.It's just that Yi Tian didn't notice that there was an extra tinge of purple in the pupil of his left eye, which was exactly the same color as the purple flame of Lei Yan in Niwan Palace.

Half a day later, Yi Tiancai got rid of all the disadvantages of cultivating dark magic pupils after using up most of the bottle of pure magic liquid.I thought it would return to its original state, but when I gathered up the bronze mirror again to look at it, I found a pair of purple pupils appeared in the eyes.

Immediately, Yi Tian's expression tightened, and such a change was unexpected. He just wanted to practice the magic power of Tianmo Tong, and he never thought that such a change would happen.

Calm down and open the dark magic pupil secret technique jade slip and search it again, but there is no record of such a situation.After looking back and thinking about it carefully, I realized that this should be the result of my cultivation of my own true fire, Thunder Flame and Purple Flame.

Yi Tian has been depressed for a long time, but his appearance has really become a different kind.If someone sees it, it will definitely be unforgettable, but it's a done deal and has no choice but to let him go.

After putting away the remaining precious materials and jade slips, Yi Tian picked up the jade slips of the magic pupil, mystic technique and supernatural powers, and began to practice.Although this volume of secret technique jade slips is incomplete, the parts recorded earlier can still be practiced directly, and the effect is more than twice as strong as that of the dark magic pupil.

Yi Tian closed his eyes and entered the state of cultivation after carefully deducing the cultivation method on the jade slip in his mind.

At this time, the barracks of the flame prison demon army outside the cave had been greatly expanded.Based on the two originally built military camps with mutual horns, the surrounding three hundred miles were refurbished to delineate the orientation of the city.Then, the area between the two military camps was re-leveled to open up roads and built in the same way as a comprehension town.

As for the location of Yi Tian's temporary cave, it became a restricted area of ​​the new city. Together with the cave where Madam Yang practiced in seclusion, a large area of ​​territory was designated and the city defense team was responsible for the special handle.

Until one night more than ten years later, a shadow flashed in the back mountain of the forbidden area, and flew directly to the sky without disturbing any city defense team.

After emitting a faint flash under the moonlight, it disappeared.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian, ​​who was above the flame prison fortress, flashed a strange color in his purple eyes, and saw the situation below clearly.A little later, after offering the Dao messenger talisman in his hand, he turned around and flew towards the back of the Devil's Ridge Mountain.

This time, I received a message from Dugucan to go to the Dark Demon Temple, but before I left, I informed Xia Jiuduoluo first, how could such a good thing be done without this shit-stirring stick.

(End of this chapter)

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