
Chapter 1358: Entering the Dark Demon Temple 1

Chapter 1358 Entering the Dark Demon Temple
The Dark Devil Temple is known as the place where the mixed world evil Buddha lived when he was cultivating in the devil world. He also broke through the natural barrier of the Mahayana period there and became the second Mahayana monk in the devil world.

In this way, the Dark Demon Temple is naturally a huge treasure house for those monks in the distraction period.Even monks in the integration stage will look sideways at him.

This information is also from Dugu Can's mouth. Yi Tian and him flew all the way to know a lot about the situation of the Dark Demon Temple.

At that time, there were four major disciples of the Evil Buddha in the Chaotic Realm who were stationed at the four gates of the Dark Demon Temple, and Dugu Can's master was the second in charge of guarding the south gate.

Ke Yitian knew in his heart that the Evil Buddha of the Mixed Realm should have five disciples. According to Jiudala, he was the senior brother, and the others were all his juniors.

But he didn't guard any of the gates, which is a bit strange, and when he fought against the blood corpse old demon himself in the Yin corpse world, he also found that the opponent's body had suffered extremely serious injuries.

Thinking about it, he was also the one who guarded the four gates of the Dark Demon Temple, so it seems that something must have happened between the four disciples of the Evil Buddha of the Chaos Realm when he disappeared for no reason.

Dugu Can's master has two apprentices, and the other is Situ Rou, who is also in the late stage of distraction.The two of them got the true biography respectively, so they are both eager to try the treasure in the Dark Demon Temple.

It's just that the two have never been right, and they have been fighting endlessly for many years.It was for the half key of the south gate.The master of the two told them the secret before the longevity was exhausted, and divided the key to open the south gate into two for them to keep.

These news were also heard from Dugu Can, but Yi Tian didn't take it seriously in his heart.First of all, this is Dugucan's one-sided statement, and he can't believe it completely. In addition, the jade slips of supernatural powers that Dugucan left for him last time are obviously incomplete and flawed.

Based on this alone, the credibility of what he said is not so high.

And rushing all the way to Yi Tian, ​​he took out the topographic map from time to time for comparison, and there was no sign of the Dark Demon Temple at all.After flying for more than ten days in a row, he went deep into the edge of the demon world for hundreds of thousands of miles, and then Dugu Can slowly landed in a certain river valley.

Immediately, Yi Tian followed closely behind and scanned with his divine sense, and found that there were already two people waiting below, needless to say, they must be Situ Rourou's helper.

After a while, it landed on the bank of the big river below. Yi Tian followed Dugu Can and slowly joined Situ Rou.With a slight sweep of his divine sense, he saw that the other party was a succubus with a 500-year-old appearance, and his real age was estimated to be at least one or two thousand years older than himself.The vitality in his body is far less than his own, and it seems that he only has a lifespan of about [-] years at most.

Behind Situ Rou was a burly demon monk with three horns. He was about one foot tall, and his cultivation base was a little higher than his own in the middle of distraction.By appearance, he should be a member of the Abyssal Demon Clan, and he exudes a foul smell of sulfur all over his body.

Seeing Dugu Can's arrival, Situ Rou glanced at the two of them several times with his divine sense and said, "Brother, isn't it a little perfunctory, find such a weak helper."

The corner of Dugu Can's mouth twitched but he didn't answer her topic, instead he looked at the abyssal demon monk and said: "Junior Sister, your helper is just so-so, it's not just that you fooled me because of something about you. "

After hearing this, the abyss demon cultivator's face turned serious and he replied in a sharp voice: "This Tu Bo comes from the endless abyss, you are not a half-hearted monk of the sky demon tribe, so be careful not to fall into my hands and you will not be able to survive." Please can't."

Dugucan let out a cold snort, and a thunderstorm sounded in Tu Bo's ear, and then he said: "How can my strength allow you to be so humble as a monk? After entering for a while, polish your eyes to avoid bad endings."

The three-point threatening tone in the words made Situ Rou frowned slightly after hearing it, and after a while she turned around and looked at herself, her eyes lit up and said: "It seems that your helper is nothing special, brother?" ? This time, I guess you are going to miscalculate."

"Stop talking nonsense, as long as I know the helper I found, it's not your turn to gossip here," Dugu Can said impatiently.

As soon as he came up, he was already full of gunpowder before he entered the Dark Demon Temple, so Yi Tian had to shake his head helplessly.This is not the case when bickering, and then whispered: "Fellow Daoist Dugu, we still have business to do, and talking here is useless."

Dugu Can nodded knowingly, then walked slowly to the side of the big river, stretched out his hand, sacrificed a magic light, and chopped towards the center of the river.The river in the middle was split straight to the bottom, and a magic circle about three feet in size was revealed later.

Then he turned around and said to the three of them: "Follow me and teleport there together."

After finishing speaking, he jumped into it with a light leap, followed by Situ Rou and Tu Bo.

Yi Tian was at the end, and when all four of them landed on the formation, Dugu Can stretched out his hand and shot out spiritual power to activate the formation.

In an instant, a spiritual light appeared and activated the teleportation array directly, and the surrounding river was separated by the spiritual pressure fluctuations from the teleportation array.If you observe from a high altitude, you can find that the river has been cut into two sections at this time, and in the middle is a careful teleportation array shrouded in white light.

A white light shot out from the formation to form a time-space gate in the air, and then there was a 'swish' sound from the teleportation formation. The white light covered the four of them and sent them in directly.The gate of time and space slowly closed after the four halos had all entered, and after the aura of teleportation on the river bed below faded, the surrounding rivers poured down and covered the formation again.

While teleporting the light, Yi Tian only felt that he had flown hundreds of thousands of miles away, and half a moment later, he saw white light flashing across his body one after another, and slightly felt the force of tearing himself after breaking through the space.Immediately, he secretly cast the supernatural power of the Scorching Flame Demon to shield the force of tearing away.

After the white light faded, they found that the four of them had come to a huge castle about [-] miles away. From a distance, the castle covered an area of ​​about five miles.

The scale is not large, but Yi Tianshen's thought swept across his heart, and he was stunned. This dark magic temple was definitely built by Buddhist monks.I have seen the structure of many Buddhist temples in Daleiguang Temple. The architectural style here is [-]% to [-]% similar to Minglun Temple.

Little did they know that when the four of them left, two streaks of spiritual light flew over the original river bed, and the leading one flew over the teleportation array and stopped steadily.Then he lowered his head and searched around for something.

After ten breaths, a gleam of divine light flashed in his eyes and landed on the muddy ground by the river bank.After walking a few steps, he stretched out his hand and tapped on the ground. After digging out the fast jade talisman, his divine sense swept over his face, revealing a clear expression.

But the person behind him shouted after falling down: "Friend Daoist Jiu, is the entrance to the Dark Demon Temple that you mentioned coming out here? Why didn't I see any sign of it?"

This person was Juddara who had heard the news, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly and said: "Yun Mimiao, you don't need to worry, it's right here, Dugu Can and the others entered from here, as for the entrance Fellow Daoists, wait and see," after speaking, Jiutuoluo stretched out his hand to sacrifice the spiritual light, cut off the big river in front of him, and then revealed the teleportation array below.

(End of this chapter)

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