
Chapter 1359 Dark Devil Temple 2 Fork in the Road

Chapter 1359
The two monks who arrived near the river valley were naturally Jiudala, the helper Yi Tian had found.But the plan always failed to keep up with the changes, and I never thought that there was more than one person coming.

At this time, the four of them had already reached the entrance of the south gate of the Dark Demon Temple, and in front of them was a huge stone gate ten feet high.Yi Tian looked at it and found that there was a ten-foot-high ordinary access control at the bottom of the first nesting position, with two grooves and two handles on it.

Dugu Can walked up and took a semicircular jade pendant in his hand and gently placed it in the groove. Situ Rou also put his key on the other side, and then saw the whole small door activated. After that, it shook violently a few times.

Then Dugu Can said: "After entering, everyone can rely on their own ability." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pushed the stone door in front of him open, after which a turbid demonic energy leaked out.

After the turbid air dissipated, a pitch-black passage was revealed, and the lights on the walls on both sides suddenly lit up, illuminating the ground.Yi Tian glanced over and found that there were black moss all over the ground, probably formed after years of being polluted by evil spirits.

Dugu Can went in first, followed by Situ Rou and Tu Bo, but he was still the last.

After that, the four of them walked in the passage for half an hour without any sign of coming out. At this time, Dugu Can, who was at the front of the line, looked grim and shouted: "Did we go the wrong way? Just passed by."

"It's still a matter of the formation. I guess we are trapped in the formation now," Situ Rou replied.

"It doesn't matter what kind of formation he has, we can just go straight ahead," Tu Bo also seemed to have lost his patience and shouted, at the same time he stretched out his hand and slapped hard on the surrounding walls, leaving a fingerprint.

But after three breaths, the original sunken handprint on the wall quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Before the four of them could react, there was a "cracking" sound from all around the passage, just like Tu Bo's just now. What mechanism did the action touch.

"Run, if you don't run, it's over," I didn't say anything before, but when I opened my mouth, I stopped the other three.

Dugu Can was the first to react and hastily turned around and used the escape technique to rush towards the passage in front of him.The three people behind them immediately rose from the ground at the same time and flew into the air in the passage.

Without turning his head back to his divine thoughts, Yi Tianfei found that the passage hundreds of feet away behind him began to shrink sharply.With the back road cut off, the four had no choice but to rush forward desperately.

But after flying for nearly a hundred miles, he found that the passage in front of him was divided into three parts. Facing the sudden change, Dugu Can gritted his teeth and flew towards the left road.And Situ Rou behind him obviously chose the road on the right because of his thoughts, while Tu Bo, who was third in the row, chose the road in the middle.

This is a troublesome choice for Yi Tian who is at the end, no matter which way he goes, he will walk with others.And facing anyone would feel troublesome, but the continuous sound behind him seemed to be close at hand.After the divine sense passed by, Yi Tian pulled away and chose the road on the right, followed Situ Rou and flew in.

I am still wary of Dugu Can, after all, he seems to be familiar with this place, and naturally walking with him will not get any benefits.Tu Bo of the Abyssal Demon Race is a guy with well-developed limbs and a simple mind, and he has no advantage to use here.As for Situ Rou, since she also has half the key, she will naturally have some understanding of it, and she has a lot of chances of winning when she walks with her because she has cultivated the magic eye to restrain his charm.

After flying into the passage, Yi Tian suddenly found that he fell into the garden after crossing, but there was a strong wind in the sky that forced him to fall to the ground.

After both feet landed, a voice came from behind: "Hey, you kid, why didn't you follow Dugu Can and why did you follow me? Do you have plans for others?" It was Situ who said this. Rou, I saw her face shyly opened her lips and said

Hearing that voice made one feel an indescribable sense of comfort, but a purple fire flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and his whole body trembled and returned to normal.Sighing, he thought to himself: "It's such a powerful charm technique. I didn't expect Situ Rou to take it calmly in such a situation. She is not an ordinary monk in the distraction stage. It's a pity that the demon eye I cultivated has a natural ability for the charm technique. resistance."

After calming down, Yi Tian stood up, turned around, looked at the other party, and replied lightly: "Master, apprentice, and fellow Taoists are very interested, but unfortunately, I have a problem. I never mess with flowers and grass outside. The charm of fellow Taoists is practiced." It’s a pity that it’s really ineffective against me.”

"Hmph, I didn't expect Dugucan to spend all his money to exchange all the demonic eyes with you," Situ Rou said angrily after hearing this: "But don't be complacent, if you use the wrong method after cultivating the demonic eyes There will also be a lot of hidden diseases left behind, I'm afraid Dugu Can not tell you about this."

"Thank you fellow daoist for reminding me, I already know the pros and cons of this, so I don't need to bother you," Yi Tian waved his hand to stop Situ Rou's provocation.I know very well in my heart that the other party is observing words and deeds and provoking relations along the way, but this is also a breakthrough point that can be used a little bit.

Turning around and looking around, the two of them seem to be in a huge garden at this time, but there are no spiritual plants here, but the devil-devouring flowers unique to the devil world.

From the strong smell of blood exuding from the soil on the ground, it can be known that there are hundreds if not thousands of monks who have been eaten by the devil-devouring grass.

The location where the two of them were located was in the depths of the garden, and the exit was hundreds of meters away, and they needed to pass through two flower fields.At this time, the Demon Devouring around seemed to have discovered the foreign intruders, and many vines under the ground circled around from both sides to surround the two of them.

Yi Tian opened his mouth and shouted: "Fellow Daoist Situ has been here before, I don't know how to deal with it next?"

"Who said I've been here before? How could I have cooperated with Dugucan before? This time we came together because we reached an agreement for some reason," Situ Rou said softly.

Yi Tianmei frowned slightly and found that she didn't seem to be lying, that means she was also here for the first time.It's a good thing that I wanted to find someone who knew the way well, but I didn't expect that he was also a guy with black eyes.

After sighing helplessly, Yi Tian had no choice but to reply: "Let's do it. If we don't want to become Huafei, we'd better help each other." After finishing speaking, he took out the Taiyuan Demon Knife and sacrificed it with a black magic blade light arc to attack the criminals on the ground. The branches of the Demon Eater Flower were cut off directly.

"You little brother has been here for a long time, this is the only sentence I like the most," Situ Rou replied, and she quickly took out a slender soft sword in her hand to draw a few black lines that the sword wire would approach. The branches were cut directly into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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