
Chapter 1360 Dark Devil Temple 3 Garden

Chapter 1360 Three Gardens of Dark Demon Temple
After breaking out of the passage, Yi Tian and Situ Rou fell directly into the back garden of the Dark Demon Temple.Unexpectedly, countless branches of Devil-eating Flowers sprang out from the ground around here and attacked the two of them.

After scanning Yi Tian's divine sense, he knew that the situation here was different. In the flower field leading to the exit, there were a few demon-eating flowers slowly poking over, and the opened buds were about ten feet long.Right now, the soles of the feet are just the ends of the vines of the Demon Eater Flower, and after being cut by the Taiyuan Demon Knife, the smelly juice flows out of it.

On Situ Rou's side, several sections of vines were broken and red juice sprayed all over the ground.

All of a sudden, some severed vines were waved weakly, and the juice inside sprayed out and fell from the heads of the two.The juice made a sizzling sound when it touched the protective cover, and it looked like it was highly poisonous.

Now Yi Tian's face changed and he became extra careful when he made a move. Seeing more and more vines rushing from all directions in front of him, staying in the same place can only be wasted to no avail.

After swinging several light blades with the Taiyuan magic knife, he forcibly opened a passage, and the surrounding vines quickly surrounded him to fill the gap.Yi Tian kicked his feet and shouted: "If you don't leave now, when will you wait?" After saying that, the figure turned into a red flame and flew out from the gap in the encirclement.

Situ Rou also rushed out without any hesitation, and the two of them ran straight towards the exit of the garden after they escaped.

Suddenly Yi Tian felt startled, and then his figure swayed in place and then teleported to ten feet away.Looking back at this time, several sharp blade-like branches flew out on the ground, and the move was missed.

Then there was a strong wind blowing from behind, and a huge demon-eating bud fell from the sky and held him.

Seeing Situ Rou in the distance, his eyelids trembled and he spat: "You are still too young to come to the Dark Demon Temple with such strength."

Before I finished speaking, I saw that the devil-devouring flower bud flashed blue light and was frozen. There was a 'click' sound as the ice cube flower bud split open, and a red figure flew out of it. It was the one who was trapped before. Yi Tian.

After putting away the Ice Essence Flame in his hand, Yi Tian's face sank and he said: "These Devil-eating Flowers are extremely difficult to deal with easily by the ancient alien species. We should break through quickly and stop entanglement."

Situ Rou smiled to hide the embarrassment on her face and said: "Then you should open the way, and the concubine will follow behind you."

He also used charm in his words, but Yi Tian's eyes flashed purple light again, and he opened his mouth and replied coldly: "You can do whatever you want."

After speaking, he raised the Taiyuan Demon Knife and drew hundreds of light waves to disperse the Demon-eating Flowers that surged up from all around, and then rushed towards the exit.

After ten breaths, seeing that he was about to break through, a three-foot-sized pit suddenly collapsed on the ground at the exit of the garden.A Demon-eating Flower Vine more than three feet long climbed out of it.

And there was a foul smell in the pit, and Yi Tian's divine sense swept over and found a ten-foot-large piece of spiritual field mud under the pit.It's just that the muddy ground is surrounded by blood-colored bones and filthy aura, and the Devil-eating Flower in front of it is rooted here.

And all the demonized spiritual plants in this garden are rooted here, but after using the magic pupil, they discovered that there was something shining white light at the roots of those demon-eating flower vines.

After escaping the attack, Yi Tian once again looked intently at the white light, which seemed to have a spiritual weapon, but he didn't know how it landed there.And it seems that the spirit weapon should have been buried for tens of thousands of years and still have this aura, which shows that its body is definitely not ordinary.

At this moment, the Devil-eating Flower spewed out several streams of mucus from the inside of its buds.Yi Tian didn't dare to take this trick head-on, and hid directly to the side after flashing in the air.Situ Rou also restrained the charm on his face, and then sacrificed a soft sword and a pink rope to split the branches in front of him and hide on the other side.

But the mucus exploded in the air and split into thousands of drops, covering her area.

Situ Rou's face changed suddenly, and she sacrificed the spirit rope in her hand, and turned into a pink barrier in front of her body to protect herself.

With the loud sound of "Zla", the slime fell to the ground and instantly corroded the soil into small pits and pits.

Yi Tian didn't feel well after being affected by those mucus, so he could only start to defend, stretching out his hand to sacrifice the ice marrow flame and erecting a thick ice wall in front of him.

After the sound of "噗噗噗", the ice wall was corroded, and several streams of mucus even pierced through the ice wall and fell to his feet.

After the first move, Yi Tian flew out and did not directly attack the buds of the Devil-eating Flower, but directly flew into the deep pit below, and then sacrificed the Taiyuan Demon Knife to draw several light blades and then faced the Devil-eating flower Cut off the rhizome of the flower.

Immediately, the surrounding rhizomes were cut open after being struck by the magic light arc, and the red juice inside splashed out.The white light in the center suddenly flew towards the front as if it had escaped the shackles, through the white light, Yi Tian saw that there was a glazed lamp inside.

This thing is the spiritual artifact of the Buddhist sect, and it can't help but remind people of Pianpian. Yi Tian reached out and took out a storage bracelet to put this Buddhist artifact in.Then he picked up the Taiyuan Demon Saber in his hand again, raised the ten-foot-long Heavenly Demon Blade, and aimed it at the root of the Devil-devouring Flower, and slashed it down.

After a loud 'bang', the rhizome of the giant Demon Eater Flower was severed by the Heavenly Demon Blade, and immediately a column of blood spurted out from the ground.The Devil-eating buds on the top also lost their previous power, and the surrounding vines fell silently and slowly.

Taking advantage of this gap, Yi Tian hurriedly jumped out of the deep pit, turned his head and shouted at Situ Rou: "Go quickly, then you can stay here alone."

"Boy, I think I like you more and more," Situ Rou said, and hurriedly used the escape technique to keep up, and hurriedly flew out from the passage in the garden.

Although she didn't know if she saw him when he put away the Buddha sect's spiritual weapon just now, Yi Tian didn't say anything about it at this time, as if it didn't happen at all.

After the two exited the garden and came to the promenade of the Dark Demon Temple, Yi Tian stretched out his divine sense to investigate, and later found that he could not investigate the situation here clearly.But I seem to have noticed that the glazed lamp that was stored in the storage bracelet just now seems to be a little sensitive.

After having a goal, Yi Tian didn't ask for Situ Rou's opinion, opened his legs and flew directly towards the directed direction.Later, realizing that Situ Rou was following closely behind her, she even yelled, "Don't rush in, kid. Do you know where the place ahead is? If you touch the restriction of retention, you might even implicate us."

"I don't know what's ahead, but I know it won't touch the restriction. If you're worried, don't follow," Yi Tian said impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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