
Chapter 1361 Dark Devil Temple 4 Breaking the Ban

Chapter 1361: Breaking the Four Restrictions of the Dark Demon Temple
In the long corridor of the Dark Demon Temple, Yi Tian used the evasion technique to shuttle back and forth rapidly, and Situ Rou seemed to be running around aimlessly in the eyes of Situ Rou behind him.Ke Yitian knew in his heart that the glazed lamp in the storage ring was already buzzing at this time, obviously approaching the area where the target was abnormally.

The two walked straight to the depths of the Dark Demon Temple, missing several roads leading to the main hall, and finally came to the bottom of a deep passage.

In front of him was a ten-foot-high gate, on which were densely packed seal runes.In addition, there is a black animal skin seal rune pasted in the middle of the gate, which retains a simple and simple atmosphere.Yi Tian stepped forward, stared at the seal rune and sized it up, and found that the devilish energy on it had lost most of its spiritual power after tens of thousands of years.

If it's an intact seal, I'm afraid I won't be able to open it even in the advanced fusion stage, but I can try it like it is now.

Just as he was about to reach out to touch the seal on the door, Situ Rou behind him stopped him: "What are you doing, the things here are all left by my ancestors, and there may be some forbidden seals inside. It can be easily opened.

Yi Tian just responded, and stared at the seal rune in front of him for a while before saying: "I want to go in and have a look, maybe there will be something good inside, I feel that if I go in, maybe I can learn something. Little useful information."

"But the seal here is by no means ordinary, are you sure it can be opened?" Situ Rou asked suspiciously.

"I may not be able to do it alone," Yi Tian pouted and said, "Isn't there still you, and the two of us will work together to break the ban in a while."

"Let me explain first, if there are good things after you go in, how will you share them? I can't trust you stinky men," Situ Rou replied softly.

"After entering, you choose first. I only need one item inside, and the rest is yours," Yi Tian replied in a deep voice.

Situ Rou was startled and his eyes lit up, then he looked at Yi Tiandao again: "I didn't expect you to be so magnanimous, well, it's a deal. After I accompany you to break the ban, you only choose one of the items, Let's work together to break this restriction."

"A gentleman's word is naturally what he says, but my method of breaking the ban is slightly different, so there is no need to force it," Yi Tian reached out to wipe off the storage ring, took out a few formation-breaking methods, and used it to break the formation. The magic circle is here.

Then gently handed the formation-breaking awl to Situ Judao: "You activate these magic awls, and I will control the formation plate to stick it on the ban later. Then I will use the formation-breaking method, you have to follow my instructions It is only required to nail the formation breaking cone into the node of the formation breaking plate.

Situ Rou took three one-foot-long formation-breaking awls and looked at them with a thoughtful look on his face, and then saw that Yi Tian had already started to break the ban.Gently paste the gossip array in front of him and then slowly towards the seal rune in the middle of the gate.

In an instant, a black lightning flashed out and hit the broken formation plate, and the formation plate began to shake rapidly in an instant.Seeing such a hasty injection of great spiritual power, Yi Tian re-stabilized the array, and then slowly nailed it onto the banning rune, and finally did not enter it directly.

Situ Rou looked at it with a hint of surprise on her face and said, "I didn't expect your formation to be so strong that it can avoid the backlash of the ban and directly attach to it."

"It's better to disintegrate the ban from the inside than to attack from the outside," Yi Tian simply explained: "Next I'm going to drive the formation-breaking disk, if there are nodes exposed, remember to pierce the formation-breaking awl. "

After Situ Rou nodded and signaled, Yi Tian slowly urged the formation breaking disk to start disintegrating from the inside of the banning rune.After ten breaths, three spots of light flashed on the stone gate to confirm the location of the nodes. Situ Rou activated the formation-breaking awl in his hand without hesitation and hit these three nodes accurately.

When the three one-inch-long formation-breaking cones all failed to reach the nodes, the banning runes on the entire stone gate seemed to be injected with excessive spiritual power and bulged.Half a moment later, after Yi Tian adjusted all the formation-breaking disks to the best position, he heard a "click" from behind the door, and then the rune font on the door turned from bright to dark to dark gray.

Going forward, Yi Tian gently pushed open the stone door, and a vast aura emanated from it, and the two walked in slowly after the surrounding environment returned to normal.

When I came to Neizhong, I found that it was a quiet stone room, but there was a stone futon in the middle.On one side of the stone platform there were some porcelain bottles and spiritual artifacts. Situ Rou went up to lift the cap of the porcelain bottle and found that the elixir stored in it had long lost its spirituality and had been weathered into powder.

As for the two spiritual artifacts placed next to them, they were already covered with rust spots, and after being picked up lightly, they were directly cracked from them.

The two of them worked hard for a long time, but they didn't expect to encounter such a situation, and the last high grain failed.Situ Rou scanned it with his divine sense and said helplessly, "I didn't expect it to be like this. It's a big loss. It's hard for me to believe that you didn't expect that it would be a waste of water."

At this time, Yi Tian didn't listen to these words at all, turned around and fixed his eyes on the stone futon after scanning with his divine sense.

He just found out that the glazed lamp in his storage bracelet was beeping rapidly. It was obvious that there was a treasure that was closely related to him, but he couldn't recognize it with his clumsy eyes.

After thinking about it, a strange purple light flashed in the eyes, and then the eyes turned into lavender. Wherever the eyes went, they searched the things in the stone room at once.In the end, his gaze still stayed on the stone futon, and he saw that there seemed to be an extremely weak golden light in the stone futon that was sealed.

Going forward, I stretched out my hand to remove the stone futon, and found a hidden compartment below, which contained a jade slip and two spiritual artifacts, all of which were protected by a ban. Even after 3 years, the ban was still preserved. It is intact, and the contents inside can naturally be taken out.

After seeing it, Situ Rou said with a happy face: "Sure enough, there are good things, boy, you can choose first, and the rest will belong to me."

After hearing this, Yi Tian didn't show any complacent look on his face, but his brows frowned even deeper.Stretching out his hand to take out the contents, he handed them to Situ Judao: "All these things will be given to you."

"Then you missed a good opportunity in vain. Once you say something, it's hard to follow. Don't regret it later," Situ Rou said in puzzlement.

Yi Tian reached out and put away the two-foot-sized stone futon and said: "I have already got the things I also have, and everything you find here will belong to you. I will do what I say."

Seeing her like this, Situ Rou had nothing to say, but the suspicion on her face not only didn't ease, but became more dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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