
Chapter 1362 Dark Devil Temple 5 Remnant Soul

Chapter 1362
After coming out of the stone room, Yi Tian felt that Situ Rou behind him always looked at him with strange eyes, and knew in his heart that she didn't understand his behavior just now.

In fact, after checking the stone futon with the magic pupil just now, I only found a hidden compartment underneath.After removing the stone futon, I thought it was the light emitted by the seal below, but after careful inspection, it was not the case.

After Situ Rou took all the things away, Yi Tian found that the glazed lamp in the storage bracelet did not seem to stop sensing, but became more and more intense.

Thinking about coming here, only the stone futon was left, so I put it away immediately.

Not long after the two of them flew out of the corridor, they heard Situ Rou shouting: "Boy, let's go separately. You are very good, but don't trust Dugucan too easily."

It is rare to say this from her mouth. Yi Tian was startled at first, and then smiled a little on his face and said: "Okay, since that's the case, let's search separately. I think you will be a little restrained by my side."

However, the evaluation of Dugu Can in her words is indeed reasonable, although it sounds a bit like provoking, but she is very vigilant in her heart.

After parting ways with Situ Rou at a fork in the road, he restrained his breath and used escapism to search forward in a hurry.After flying for ten miles, I found that the nearby stone chambers were all empty. After thinking about it, I was overjoyed, but my spiritual sense probed the area within a radius of ten miles, and no one approached it for the time being.Take this opportunity to take out the things you found before and check them carefully.

After thinking about it, he found a remote stone room and walked in. After stretching out his hand to lay down the barrier, he entered the inner center and sat cross-legged.After a while, I took out the glazed lamp and the stone futon, and saw the glazed lamp vibrate violently and made a crisp beeping sound.

As for the stone futon, which seemed to be sensed to emit a little golden light from the inside, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan magic knife and slashed on it.The stone futon cracked and shattered into two pieces, a fist-sized stone fell out of it, and there was a little bit of golden light shining on it.

After the golden light faded, Yi Tian picked it up and placed it on top of the glazed lamp. After three breaths, he saw fist-sized stones juxtaposed from it.Then a golden phantom flew out and slowly fell into the glazed cup, and at the same time, Wuming caught fire on the wick and ignited it.

A faint Buddha's light came out from it and warmed the whole room. Suddenly, a phantom appeared on the wick of the lamp, which turned out to be a Buddhist monk in cassock.After passing by Yi Tian's divine thoughts, he knew that this person must be the predecessor of the evil Buddha from the mixed world, and it seemed that there was still a trace of spirit left behind.And that glazed lamp must be a Buddhist artifact before he became a demon, so there is such a strong induction between them.

Shaoqing only saw the monk in the phantom slowly opened his eyes and looked around for a while, then he stayed on himself for a long time before he said: "You little devil is actually practicing the unity of god and devil, as expected interesting."

After Yi Tian settled down and looked at the phantom, he got up and turned around and faded away the demon body to reveal the face of the deity. Later, he said with the ritual of Buddhism: "Junior Yi Tian sees the Great Monk Huiming of Minglun Temple in Daxue Mountain."

Fortunately, I had done my homework before entering the demon world. The monk who fell into the demon world in Minglun Temple of Daxue Mountain was a generation higher than Master Jie Ding, and belonged to Master Huisheng's generation.

In this way, I didn't dare to neglect when I saw a trace of his soul left in the Dark Demon Temple.After hearing this, the phantom on the glazed cup showed a thoughtful look on his face, and then he smiled wryly and said: "The name Huiming has never been mentioned, and people in this world call me a demon saint." Violence."

Hearing this, Yitian showed a thoughtful expression on his face and said: "The master claims to be a devil saint, so that should be the name after you came to the devil world and became a Mahayana monk?"

"It should be, and I'm just a ray of kindness in the heart of the great monk Huiming. It was the one who forced me out of the body to accept the magic energy tank and achieve Mahayana," Huiming replied slowly.

Looking at the phantom in the glazed cup, Yi Tian can probably guess it, and Master Huiming said it himself, which naturally solved a lot of doubts for himself.I just don’t know if there will be any connection between him and the main body. Now that Bao Tan is sleeping somewhere in the Demon Realm, if he finds out that he has collected his kind thoughts and glass lamps, the next time he stays in the Demon Realm will definitely be endless. of the day.

After thinking for a while, he asked respectfully: "This is not a place to talk at the moment. I don't know if there is any unfinished business entrusted by the master. This junior is also destined to go to the devil world and need to find the gold left by the precept monk. body, and ask the master to give me some pointers."

"You are talking about the golden body that Qiu Yu left behind before he became a demon. It seems that you are indeed a member of the Daleiguang Temple, and only they are so persistent." The remnant soul of Master Huiming smiled and said: "I Knowing that this temple is a place where Bao Tan advanced, there are still the remains of him when he lost his Buddha body, so please accept it and find a chance to return it to Minglun Temple in the Buddhist world."

"Since the master has entrusted the younger generation to obey, please also teach me how to find the bones of the Buddha's body," Yi Tian nodded in agreement.

"Just sit down at the sixth-grade extermination black lotus in the main hall, and you can just look for it," said Master Huiming's remnant soul, then looked down at the glazed cup below and continued: "I will place it in the glazed cup during this period of time." , if you need anything, you can easily ask.”

After hearing this, Yi Tian hurriedly asked: "I don't know if the sixth-grade black lotus is a treasure?"

"That is the five-colored golden lotus, my natal magic weapon, which I cultivated in the Minglun Temple of Daxue Mountain. After entering the demon world, I absorbed a lot of demonic energy and was influenced by the dark side of Bao Tan's heart before it was demonized into a black lotus," Master Huiming shook his head and said. : "This thing is connected with my mind and spirit, but there is a Buddha's heart in it, but I don't know if it has been polluted for so many years."

"In the face of such a treasure, I'm afraid the junior will be powerless, and won't the Demon Saint Bao Tan take this thing away?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"Hehe absolutely not, he abandoned everything to become a demon, so naturally he won't miss the things he brought from the Buddhist world," Master Huiming said, "I'm a little tired, I'll go back to the glass cup to recuperate first, if there is no emergency Don't bother me."

After speaking, a faint golden light glowed above the figure, and then slowly retracted into the glass cup. After the light in the center was lit, one could see the remnant soul sitting cross-legged inside from the flames.

After tidying up the things around him, Yi Tian changed his body shape again and returned to the appearance of a monk of the flame prison demon clan.After putting the glazed cup back into the storage ring, his face sank and he began to think.

According to the current situation, I have one more task after I arrive at the Dark Devil Temple. Dugu Can and Situ Rou should be the disciples and grandchildren of Baotan, and Jiutuoluo is the first disciple he expelled from the gate.With these people gathered here, the Dark Demon Temple will definitely not be too quiet in the future. Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth curved into a smile.

Later, Yi Tian slowly released the restriction, walked out of the stone room, and continued to explore the depths of the corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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