
Chapter 1363 Dark Devil Temple 6 Encirclement and Annihilation

Chapter 1363 Six Encirclement and Annihilation of the Dark Demon Temple
After settling down Master Huiming's remnant soul, Yi Tian walked through the corridor of the Dark Demon Temple again, which was definitely bigger than what he saw from the outside world.Flying hundreds of miles away with my own cultivation is only a blink of an eye, but I haven't seen the passage leading to the main hall in the hallway of the temple for half an hour.

Needless to say, there should be a Sumeru space in this dark demon temple, probably not smaller than any one I have entered before.

Thinking that it would not be so easy to get his Buddha bone back under the violent Black Lotus, Dugu Can and others would definitely beat their heads to death for that Black Lotus.As for the dark hand Jiuduoluo set up by him, he would not fail to recognize this treasure. If he wants to snatch the food from the tiger's mouth, he has to be a little lucky.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly there was a roaring sound from the fork in the passing corridor, which was very similar to the sound of magic attacks.Yi Tian frowned and said inwardly: "This is the beginning, it shouldn't be so soon. And the direction of the sound doesn't seem to be from the main hall, but the echo from the passage on the far right."

Panting and not wanting to cause trouble, Yi Tian still held back his curiosity and didn't look back, but continued to rush towards the main hall.Suddenly, he noticed two not-so-weak divine thoughts sweeping towards him at the same time, and his position was also exposed at the same time.After three breaths, in his divine sense, he found that the two opponents were flying straight towards his position at the same time.

Yi Tian frowned, and his face didn't look good, he didn't want to cause trouble, but he didn't expect the other party to come to his door.Standing in mid-air, he stabilized his figure and looked back, only to see two black magic lights coming from behind, and then appeared not far in front of him.

Looking closely, it turned out to be Tu Bo and Jiudala who came in together before.At this time, Tu Bo no longer had the domineering spirit he had before, and his whole body was covered with bloodstains. It seemed that he had suffered a lot from Jiutuoluo.

When he saw himself, he opened his mouth and yelled: "Fellow Daoist, hurry up and help, this person is a foreign monk who broke in for no reason. With our joint efforts, we will be able to restrain him, and then all the things on him will belong to you." gone."

Judhara looked at Tu Bo with a sneer on his face and said: "You are a scumbag from the abyssal demon clan. You have a good appearance. In terms of strength, you are really bad. Now you are uttering wild words. Why didn't you see you crazy just now?"

Yi Tian frowned slightly and didn't respond, just reached out and took out the Taiyuan Demon Knife, and quickly sacrificed to the magic light.But Tu Bo was overjoyed when he saw that he was holding two black hammers in his hands, and his body swelled by more than three points under the magic light all over his body.

Seeing this, Judhara just curled his lips and said, "Dangling around is still the same trick. Don't you Abyssal Demons have any other new moves?"

"Let's make a quick decision," Yi Tian said suddenly, and after he sacrificed the Heavenly Demon Blade in his hand, he disintegrated into hundreds of small magic knives and greeted Tu Bo.

Now how can he not understand that the two in front of him are the same group, his face suddenly changed and he let out a sharp howl, and put up a black magic light shield around his body.

Kudala also stretched out his hand politely and popped out two blood-colored pieces of flesh, hitting directly at the protective shield on Tu Bo's body.

At the same time, the two spells around him hit Tu Bo's body at the same time, and then exploded on both sides of the protective cover.Yi Tian's divine thoughts swept over and found that the power of his Heavenly Demon Blade was half a chip weaker than that of Jiutuoluo's blood clot, and it was his blood explosion that broke Tu Bo's defense first.

After Tu Bo screamed, two different injuries appeared on his body. On one side, a large piece of flesh and blood was peeled off after being attacked by the blood explosion technique, and then absorbed by Kudala out of thin air.On the other side, after being slashed by hundreds of Heavenly Demon Blades, there were small wounds with uneven layers, and the blood in his body splashed out instantly, and Tu Bo turned into a full blood man.

Seeing that, Kudala said, "Let's make a quick decision, I brought people in."

"You seem like it's hard for us to cooperate anymore," Yi Tian said in an unhappy tone.

"I'll give you a reasonable explanation after it's settled," Kudhara didn't care at all, and stretched out his hand to reabsorb the piece of meat sacrificed to the bleeding explosion just now.Then he stretched out his hand again and forced three drops of blood to gather in the air. After three breaths, a red blood clot the size of a bucket was formed, emitting a foul smell.

Yi Tian glanced over and found that the blood clot contained a large amount of sulfurous smell unique to the abyssal demon.Take a closer look, it turns out that it is the mutation spell produced by Kudala after absorbing the other party's blood.

He took out the Curse Heaven Demon Bell, shook it quickly, and then uttered the Qijue magic sound, and the light wave covered Tu Bo's body, causing his body to freeze.Immediately, Tu Bo only felt that the spiritual power in his body was not mobilized smoothly, and the operation of the kung fu was obviously weak by three points. After seeing it in a blink of an eye, he shouted: "How can you know the kung fu of the Heavenly Demon Race?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the blood cell was already close at hand. At this time, Tu Lu gritted his teeth and didn't hold back any more. After the magic energy on his whole body dissipated, all the original wounds on his body were completely repaired.Then he got down on his stomach and grew two more legs, but stretched out two arms behind his back, and the skin all over his body was covered with a layer of dark light.

Yi Tian scanned with his divine sense and found that it was a layer of black and bright scales, while Tu Bo was standing on all fours and his three-dimensional shape had more than doubled in size. After two seals were formed on his four hands, he simultaneously cast two defensive spells, and yellow flashed all over his body. The sulfur sand will protect itself.It's a pity that after his body became gigantic, Zhou Quan, who couldn't even protect him with spells, met the blood explosion.

"Boom!" After two bewildered sounds, Tu Bo's body was slammed heavily on the walls around the corridor, and after three breaths, it dispersed with blood mist, leaving behind an abyssal demon with scars all over his body.At this time, the aura on his body is not as good as before, at most it is only [-]% to [-]% of that in the heyday.

Before he could reply, another one-foot-long black magic blade slashed diagonally, aiming at Slaughter's face impartially.This time he was not so lucky to cast a defensive spell. After one move, the black magic blade passed through his body and left a half-foot-deep mark on the stone wall of the promenade behind him before dissipating.

A black black light flew out of Tu Bo's head and was about to escape, but the Daotian Demon Blade crossed its flight escape route and scattered him in one blow.

Jiu Tuoluo was only slightly taken aback, then sighed, turned around and looked at Yi Tian who was opposite him, and said, "You still have a little prejudice against me."

"Judhara, you seem to have overdone it this time, but you brought more people to the things we agreed on. I think it will be difficult to cooperate in the future if you do this," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"You are wrong, the person I brought is Dugu Can's deadly enemy, we can save a lot of things with him," Judhara said.

"Then do you know that there is another thing in this Dark Demon Temple that you will be very interested in," Yi Tian snorted coldly.

"Oh, then what are your conditions?" Kudhara said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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