
Chapter 1364 Dark Devil Temple 7 Negotiation

Chapter 1364 Seven Negotiations in Dark Demon Temple
After solving Tu Bo, Yi Tian wasn't too happy. Originally, he expected that after Jiu Tuoluo secretly followed, he and him would have a big advantage in two-on-two.

But from what he said, it was revealed that he brought someone this time, even though he was Dugucan's deadly enemy, but after all, he was the one who broke the rules first.

Even if he told the truth about this matter, he would always have some scruples in his heart, and there would inevitably be some rifts in the future cooperation.

Kudhara is also an old man, so he can easily see his own thoughts, and later he said: "Yi Daoyou is indeed lacking in what I did, but the people I brought also have their own unique uses. After I find Dugucan, I will take care of the next thing without your help."

"You just want to get the remaining quarter of the spiritual species, and this seems to be the most likely place to keep one of them," Yi Tian looked at it and pouted playfully, "But you still seem to be Don’t have the Spirit Seed that refines the Blood Corpse Old Demon?”

Juddara's face turned pale and he replied: "The spirit seed is a thing in the upper realm, which contains a large amount of immortal spirit vitality. After being divided into four parts, it cannot be absorbed separately, otherwise it is easy to cause the spirit in the body to become unstable when the spirit is unstable. Power out of balance."

What he meant was that the four Spirit Seeds had to be combined into one before they could be used again. With one of them in his hand, he was bound to spy on the other three.

However, this mixed world evil Buddha is also very powerful. He didn't simply divide the spirit seed into four parts, but compressed, intercepted and split the spiritual power contained in it.

Therefore, even if it is handed over to any disciple under the sect, it cannot be used for cultivation alone, and it must be combined with four parts.Moreover, these four apprentices still have rifts with each other, so there is no need to be afraid of the spirit seeds being used to synthesize them.

Thinking of this, I really admire Master Huiming or Demon Saint Baotan in my heart.

Yi Tiancai said later: "Actually, I learned that there is a peerless magic treasure in the main hall of the Dark Demon Temple, and that is also the ultimate goal of Dugu Can and the others coming in."

"What is it?" Juddara asked with a frown.

"The sixth-grade world-destroying black lotus," Yi Tian said in a deep voice, "as a disciple of the evil Buddha in the mixed world, you should be familiar with this thing."

Hearing the words, Jiuduoluo showed a tangled look on his face, then looked at Yi Tian and sighed: "This thing is originally from the Buddhist sect, even if I get it, it won't help."

"The evil Buddha of the mixed world demonized it and practiced it into a peerless magic weapon, and he still survived the catastrophe of the Mahayana period safely, how can it be said to be useless?" Yi Tian said with a surprised look on his face. .

"If this thing is really so easy, why don't you use it yourself, instead of revealing the news to me?" Jiu Tuoluo asked back.

Now Yi Tian's face was slightly embarrassed, and what he said was indeed a bit far-fetched.And Kudala in front of him is not a fool, so he won't make any promises easily.

Yi Tian shook his head slightly and said again: "The main task of my visit to the Demon Realm this time is to collect the remains of the two great monks. The reason why I revealed this news to you is conditional."

"This is the fellow Yi Daoist I know. No treasure will never fall." After hearing this, the suspicious look on Jiu Tuoluo's face slowly faded, and he continued: "Since you have something to ask for, then we are willing to continue to cooperate." .”

Yi Tian secretly scolded "Old Fox" in his heart, and then thought that he still underestimated such a monk.When I told the news about the sixth-grade world-destroying black lotus before, I didn't expect the other party to be able to calm down. Such concentration is really amazing.The cooperation between the two parties is also based on the premise of mutual benefit. If I have not expressed any demands, I am afraid that Kudala will not easily agree to it.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth again: "I went to the main hall to find a Buddha bone left by the demon saint before he achieved Mahayana. It should be under the sixth-rank black lotus."

Kudhara didn't reply directly, but thought about the credibility of these words in his heart, and replied in a deep voice later: "It's no problem for us to get what we need, but there are three other people here, you are in front of them. It will leave a lot of trouble to collect the bones of the great monk of the Buddhist sect."

"You don't need to worry about this, I will handle it properly, as for the Mieshi Hei Lian, I will leave it to you," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

After sweeping his eyes, Jiu Tuoluo nodded slightly and said, "You Daoist Yi really deserves to be the leader of the Buddhist sect to kill decisively, so I promise you to help you achieve your success, but I only want the spiritual seed, the World-Exterminating Black Lotus, so I'll leave it to you. , the Buddhist spiritual weapon is not suitable for me."

I didn't expect him to make up his mind so quickly, and he also gave up Mieshi Heilian, which was beyond Yi Tian's expectation.But seeing that his face doesn't seem to be fake, Yi Tian felt a little uneasy, and then asked: "If you can't find a quarter of the spirit seeds in the Dark Demon Temple, wouldn't it be a waste of time to fetch water from the bamboo basket this time?" ?”

"Fellow Daoist Yi, you don't need to worry too much about it. What I want is definitely here, and it is expected that things will not be that simple this time. My fourth junior brother is cautious, and he was able to tell the secret news of the Dark Demon Temple to two people." An apprentice will naturally have a backup, maybe he has to do it once," Jiu Tuo Luo Jie Jie said with a smile.

Yi Tian was also taken aback when he heard it, but what the other party said was reasonable, and he obviously didn't encounter any real troubles after entering the Dark Demon Temple this time.

And every apprentice who is recruited with the heart of the demon sage will be good news. As far as Kudala in front of him is concerned, even if he betrays the teacher, he can reshape the deity after ten thousand years, and the rest of the brothers are even more scheming up.Maybe this time Dugu Can and Situ Rou are both pawns being played around with applause without knowing it.

After the two reached an agreement, they flew towards the passage of the defense line of the main hall one after the other. Yi Tianji followed the path he came from and rushed there. After flying for half an hour, he suddenly heard several loud noises in the distance. Come.

Looking back at Kudara, he frowned slightly and said: "It seems that someone has bumped into it. The sound is definitely caused by the attack of magical powers."

"The sound should come from the direction of the main hall, maybe someone arrived before us," Yi Tian replied.

"Go over and have a look and you'll know, it's not too far away," said Jiu Tuoluo, leaping past Yi Tian and then flying to the front and rushing forward.

The two quickened their speed, and after a while, they rushed out from the long corridor on one side and came to the bottom of a wide stone step. Looking up, this stone step is about tens of thousands of steps from bottom to top.At the highest point of the world, there was a door that was opened, and it was obvious that someone had stepped in first, and the attacks of the spell continuously resounded through the entire Dark Demon Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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