
Chapter 1365 Dark Devil Temple 8 Main Hall

Chapter 1365
After several strong spiritual pressure fluctuations came out from the main hall, it seemed to tell the two that someone seemed to be fighting fiercely there.After Yi Tian and Jiu Tuoluo looked at each other, they actively used their evasion techniques and flew towards the gate of the main hall at full speed.

When the two rushed directly to the entrance of the main hall, they suddenly flew out after being bombarded by several spells inside, Yi Tian didn't dare to take it head-on, and hurriedly dodged sideways and flew to the side to dodge first.

Juddara also dodged like drawing a gourd, but when he looked back at the flying magic spell, his expression froze and he shouted: "There is a problem, there must be something wrong inside." After finishing speaking, he no longer evaded anything After opening the protective cover, he rushed in directly.

This is the first time Yi Tian saw Jiu Tuo Luo lose his composure, and he secretly thought that something was wrong.The circumstances that allowed him to forcibly break into the explanation were already unexpected.

He jumped up and followed Jiutuoluo into the main hall, and then his spiritual thoughts swept across, and he saw that Dugucan was fighting against Jiutuoluo and Yun Miu with one enemy and two respectively.As for Situ Rou, she was lying unconscious on the side, seemingly unharmed.

Yi Tian raised his head and stared at Dugu Can, only to see that his whole body was filled with endless killing intent, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body obviously showed signs of instability, sometimes strong and sometimes weak.

It was Jiu Tuoluo's connoisseur who glanced at him and said coldly, "Fourth Junior Brother is really scheming, and he didn't even let his two apprentices go. It seems that you have already given up on this situation."

After Dugu Can's eyes flashed red, he forcibly stabilized the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, then opened his mouth and replied in a sharp voice: "Brother, I didn't expect you to be reborn, but unfortunately this body is completely incompatible with yours. The skills match. It seems that you have miscalculated, and you may not be my current opponent just because of your appearance."

Juddara's face froze and he fell silent, his eyes looked directly at Dugu Can in front of him, and he said to the two people around him: "He is my fourth junior brother, the Blood Coagulation Demon, who was in the middle stage of fusion when he passed away. After so many years, even if the Nascent Soul survives, it will inevitably drop to the stage of distraction."

This time Yun Piaomiao came after Dugu Can completely, but now it seems that it is a difficult situation to ride a tiger.Hearing this, he snorted coldly and said, "You Taoist friend this time's situation is too different from what you said before. Yun Mou doesn't want to cause extra problems, so I won't accompany you in this battle."

After he finished speaking, he even hurriedly backed away, apparently planning to get out of the way.It's just how the Blood Coagulation Demon let him get away so easily. He stretched out his hand and swung the door of the main hall to close it directly, and then a magic light flashed and sealed the surrounding walls and the main door.

In this way, Yun Piaomiao couldn't get away, and after throwing a few spells at the main entrance, he heard continuous crackling sounds, and when the smoke at the entrance cleared, he saw that the gate under the protection of the prohibition was unharmed.

Yun Piaomiao had no way out, so he turned back and joined forces with Jiutuoluo Yitian to fight against the enemy. He also saw that there seemed to be no other way out except to kill the opponent.

Yi Tian didn't pay attention to the actions of Blood Coagulation Demon and Yun Miu from beginning to end.Since entering the main hall, the divine sense swept across and locked on the black lotus platform in the middle of the back of the main hall.

Looking at it with a glance of about one zhang, the lotus platform is only of the sixth grade, and it is pitch black and exudes a strong evil spirit.

On the steps below the lotus platform lay a skeleton wearing a monk's robe.As soon as Yi Tian's eyes lit up, he knew that the origin of this monk's robe was not simple. After 3 years without weathering, it should be a Buddhist spiritual treasure.

Later, I sent a private voice transmission to Kudara and asked: "He is your junior brother, so you should know him well. How should we fight now?"

After hearing the words, Jiu Tuoluo did not reply directly but slowly said: "Fourth Junior Brother, it seems that your body has been destroyed long ago, but these two disciples have followed your way, I am afraid that you have already It’s possible that you can easily take it away because you have tampered with the cultivation technique.”

A red light flashed in the Blood Coagulation Demon's eyes, and then he replied: "Senior brother, you really have good eyesight, but in today's situation, you have become a turtle in the urn, but it's just a bit of tongue-in-cheek, with the three of you working together, you can deal with me .”

After saying that, the evil spirit power on his body was instantly released, and his cultivation level was raised to that of the initial stage of fusion.

The faces of the three of them were startled and hurriedly put up their protective shields to protect themselves, but after ten breaths, Kudala really raised his head and laughed and said: "The outside is strong but the inside is flashy, junior brother, you just returned to the initial stage of fusion in terms of momentum, really Your strength is still at the peak of the distraction stage. If you are really a monk in the fit stage, do you still need to continue talking nonsense with us here?"

As soon as this remark came out, it could be regarded as a reminder to the other two people on the field, Yi Tian hurriedly used the Sky Demon Eye to check the blood coagulation demon's body.At this time, he saw that his spiritual power was rapidly running the Great Zhoutian, and the spiritual power finally gathered at the Niwan Palace on his forehead.There are two Nascent Soul spirits existing there at the same time, and the two Nascent Soul spirits, one big and one small, seem to be fighting with each other inside.

But the obviously smaller one, with blood red all over his body, had the upper hand and firmly suppressed the black Dayuanying spirit body.

"The Dugu crippled Nascent Soul has not been completely devoured, let's make a quick move, or else we will have to be beaten passively after the Blood Coagulation Demon completely controls the body," Yi Tian sacrificed the Taiyuan Demon Saber to spare nothing A huge demon blade condensed from his hand and slashed towards the body of the blood coagulation demon.

Jiutuoluo and Yun Mimiao looked at each other and knew that this was not the time to hide their clumsiness, and they also sacrificed supernatural powers to greet the Blood Coagulation Demon.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh" suddenly aroused several bloody winds around the blood coagulation demon's body to surround his body.

Yi Tian's Heavenly Demon Blade got stuck on the Gangfeng with one move, and failed to break through its defense until the rest of his energy was exhausted.

On the contrary, Jiutuoluo's blood explosion technique directly made a gap in the Gangfeng defense, and Yun Mimiao's magic sword flew in through it later. The scream of "ah" accurately hit the blood coagulation demon's body.

After the magic sword flew back, there was a large amount of dark red blood on it, Yun Miyu stretched out his hand to take it, and his face showed a hint of joy, just as he was about to continue to strike, suddenly the blood on the sword gathered directly and attached to him as if it had eyes. On the right hand, Yun Miu suddenly tore off half of his right arm with a bewildered sound.

I saw the pool of fresh blood wrapped around half of the stumped arm in the air and digested it after rolling a few times, and the remaining blood flew back to the Blood Coagulation Demon again.Immediately, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body surged again, as if he had eaten a great tonic.

On the other hand, Yun Piaomiao's face was ruddy, as if he had cast some kind of secret technique, and quickly raised his spiritual power, and then said: "Long," a brand new right arm grew out from the place where the arm was severed. The fluctuation of spiritual pressure is not as strong as before.

(End of this chapter)

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