
Chapter 1368 Dark Demon Temple 1 Destroyed

Chapter 1368 The Eleventh Defeat of the Dark Demon Temple
There was another sudden change on the scene, Yun Miyu was accidentally caught by the Blood Coagulation Demon, and after the air attack, he had to abandon his body and escape from the Nascent Soul.Fortunately, he still chose Yi Tian's side under his first reaction, and after Feidun came, he begged bitterly for protection.

Yi Tian was not some heinous big devil, so it was naturally Yun Miu's best choice to expose his true identity this time.

Facing the flying Yuanying spirit body, he reached out and took out a jade bottle and put it in it.Then close the lid and seal the bottle into the storage ring.

Turning his head, he saw that the blood coagulation demon in front of him seemed to have absorbed Yun Mimiao's body completely under the surge of spiritual power again, and then a bloody wind radiated from his body, taking back all the blood droplets scattered around and attached to his body.

After the strong wind dissipated, the blood coagulation demon's true self was revealed, but at this time his body was covered with a thick layer of magic armor, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations all over his body were suddenly lifted to the peak of the distraction period.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to put away the Taiyuan Demon Knife and Curse Sky Demon Bell, and then changed his body to remove the original demon body and reveal the spiritual deity.After turning over his hands, he took out the Brahma Golden Bell and the Great Sun Golden Wheel and held them in his hands. Later, he said to Jiuduoluo: "We are starting the second round, fellow Taoists, please don't be merciful."

"You're a slippery boy, I knew you would hide your clumsiness a long time ago, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with such a commotion now," Judhara also said angrily, and at the same time, two black and red lightning bolts condensed on his hand Mo Leilai opened his mouth and said: "Okay, no one will bother you at this time, let's make a quick decision."

After saying that, the two thunder lights in his hands turned into one and then covered the Blood Coagulation Demon. This time, he didn't have any spare hands at all, and the lightning from the evil spirit illuminated the entire hall.

Seeing this, the blood coagulation demon's face darkened and said: "Eldest brother, don't expect you to go back and forth for so many tricks after so many years," after all, the blood on his body glowed red.

After the Mosha lightning hit his face, he stretched out his hand to hold it up forcibly, and then crossed his arms and missed trying to push the Mosha electric ball away.

Suddenly, the Coagulant Demon only felt that the power of the Mosha electric ball had been weakened a lot as soon as the force on his hand was released, but before he could feel happy, a golden sound wave covered his head and let him body.This golden light wave is obviously more powerful than the previous Qijue magic sound. The blood coagulation demon only felt the magic power in his body tumbling, and the magic armor around his body was pouring the magic source power rapidly under the golden light.

The spiritual energy in the whole body seemed to be drawn out, and it was purified after being separated from the body.

The blood coagulation demon screamed and shouted: "Judhara, you actually sneaked into the demon world with Buddhist monks. It seems that the plan is not small. Are you doing this to make an enemy of the entire demon world?"

Unexpectedly, Jiu Tuo Luo curled his lips and replied disdainfully: "At the beginning, I made a mistake on purpose and asked Master to drive me out of the door. You fools don't know it. I really thought that after practicing this blood refinement formula, I would be able to get rid of it." In order to advance to the Mahayana stage, I am afraid that after the fusion stage, it is already the limit."

"What secret do you know?" The Blood Coagulant asked with disbelief.

"You're plotting against your apprentice, why don't you know that you're being plotted against by your master?" Jiudala laughed and said, "The Blood Alchemy Jue is just an incomplete skill, and practitioners will receive it more or less. Master's restraint, I was aware of this back then, and then I used the method of transformation to destroy my body and rebuild it again. But you don't have to think about this now, let's deal with the situation in front of you first, today You may not be able to get away, so why think about the future."

Yi Tian listened to it and knew that Jiu Tuoluo didn't want to delve into this issue, after all, it was related to his secret.With both hands together, he raised the big sun golden wheel in front of him, turned it into a one-foot-sized halo, and then swung it at the back of the Blood Coagulation Demon.

The 'Great Sun Golden Wheel' turned into an arc, flew over the Coagulant Demon's head, and hit him. After the whistling sound sounded, the void that the halo passed by froze.At this time, even the demonic lightning caught by the blood coagulation demon in front of him was also weakened under the illumination of the golden wheel. Immediately afterwards, the ten-foot radius in this area began to twist, and the scattered demonic energy was drawn out by the Buddha light on the golden wheel. Afterwards, it was purified directly, and the sound of '呲呲' continued.

Even Kudara, who was on the side, didn't dare to stay where he was at this time, and hurriedly retreated thirty feet away and put up a protective shield to protect himself. There was a hint of horror in his eyes, but he cursed in his mouth. : "Stinky boy, watch out, don't you want to pay the old man too."

Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "Fellow Daoist Jiu, please forgive me. Seeing that the Buddha Treasure is the precept of the monk, I can't control it all."

After all, the Dharma seals on the hands were formed one after another, and then they tapped a few times towards the 'Dari Golden Wheel', and said in the mouth: "Buddha's light shines everywhere," and a little halo flashed on the golden wheel in an instant. After falling, it directly penetrated into the coagulated blood In the body of the demon.

In three breaths, the flesh and blood on the Blood Coagulation Demon's body couldn't withstand the halo, and the essence began to peel off one after another, and he couldn't resist the Mosha lightning in his hand anymore, and after letting go, his whole body met the electric ball and burst open.

Seeing this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed at the 'Dari Golden Wheel' to take it back, and then the golden light slowly dissipated.

Suddenly, a red bloody light flew out of the area where Mo Sha's lightning exploded and rushed towards Situ Rou who was unconscious on the ground.Yi Tian's sharp eyes saw that the blood coagulation demon's Nascent Soul spirit body was in the blood light, and this time he did the same trick again to take away the apprentice's body again.

But not long after his Nascent Soul flew out, it was covered by a black light, and the whole Nascent Soul seemed to have lost its own control, and was pulled by the black light and flew towards the source.

Yi Tian looked up and saw that it was Jiuduoluo who did not know when he was holding the blood training pot in his hand. At this time, he slowly raised it and shot it at the blood coagulation demon Nascent Soul, and instantly restrained it.

After a scream, the Nascent Soul of the Blood Coagulant Demon was sucked into the blood training pot with a 'swish', and Jiuduoluo covered the lid with a backhand, sealed it and put it away.

After doing all this, the scene was considered quiet, and Yi Tian immediately put away the Brahma Golden Bell and the Great Sun Golden Wheel, and then put away his spiritual power.

Later, he walked up to Situ Rou and stretched out his hand to find that she seemed to be in a coma, and the Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace was also falling asleep.

After reaching out his hand to make a seal, he tapped her forehead a few times to seal some memories in her soul.I don't want to commit more crimes and at the same time I don't want to reveal my secrets. Although I know that she is still in a coma at this time, but I still play tricks in his spirit, I can feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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