
Chapter 1369 Dark Devil Temple 2 Harvest

Chapter 1369 Twelve Harvests of Dark Demon Temple
After the war, the Dark Demon Temple finally returned to calm. Unexpectedly, there was a blood training pot on the tribute platform, which was just used to collect the Nascent Soul of the Blood Coagulation Demon.This time he fell on Kudhara, so it would be more or less auspicious. Based on my understanding of Kudhara, he would definitely extract his soul and refine his marrow until he was drained.

Not long after, I saw Jiu Tuola came forward to look at the unconscious Situ Rou, then shook his head and said, "You Daoist Yi, you are kind and soft, but this is also the heart of the government and you Buddhist practitioners."

Yi Tian glanced at him and saw a little joy on his face, then changed the subject and asked, "Did something happen?"

"In the blood training bottle, I didn't expect him to hide the spiritual seed so well," Judhara said with a smile, "it's thanks to you that he can get the second spiritual seed as he wished this time."

"We are mutually beneficial. Don't forget that the last share is still in the depths of the Dark Demon Abyss. I'm afraid it's not easy to get that share with your second junior brother outside," Yi Tian pointed out.

After hearing the words, Juddara showed a helpless face and said: "Well, you are right, if I want to combine the four spiritual seeds, it seems that I really have to catch your power. The things here I will leave it all to you, we will keep in touch, as for the third clue, I already have some clues and I will contact you when I have definite news."

After speaking, he reached out and took out the jade talisman of quick communication and sent it over. After a while, the figure flashed and disappeared from the main hall.Needless to say, the things here are no longer attractive to him, and staying here is just to make himself doubtful.Anyway, there is still room for continued cooperation between the two parties, and he is happy to be an adult and leave everything in it to himself.

Yi Tian sighed only after he couldn't find any trace of Jiuduoluo in his divine sense, and then slowly walked up to the high platform.His eyes swept over the skeleton and stayed for a few breaths, and he faintly realized that the power of the Buddhist sect left on this skeleton was twice as strong as the one he cultivated now.

With a sigh in my heart, I thought about how powerful the monk Huiming was back then, and he also failed to return on top of the natural moat of buying the Mahayana period in the final integration period.In the end, I had to go down to the city to get rid of the Buddha's good thoughts and bones to verify the way of magic and enter the Mahayana stage.

After thinking about it, he reached out and took out the glazed cup, then said respectfully: "I also ask the great monk Huiming to show up, and I have something to ask."

The flame in the glazed lamp flickered for a few times, and then the phantom of the monk Huiming appeared on the lamp, and then he turned around and glanced around before replying faintly: "Did you find that skeleton?"

"Exactly," Yi Tian replied: "And the sixth-grade Black Lotus is also there, but I found that there is still a trace of the master's kindness in this thing, so those demon cultivators dare not take it lightly."

Monk Huiming turned his eyes to the sixth-grade black lotus at a high place and looked at it for a few breaths before he sighed and said: "It is true, violence is formed by the obsession in my heart. Only by getting rid of all good thoughts You can step into the Mahayana stage only after you get rid of it. It’s a pity that this approach is just a downfall, at most you can only be regarded as a half Mahayana monk.”

"Does the master mean that the two parts must be combined into one to be regarded as a Mahayana monk in the true sense, but now that Bao Tan has this fatal flaw, will it affect his body cultivation?" Yi Tian didn't agree. asked the solution.

"The influence is natural. I guess without the heart of kindness, the evil thoughts left in his heart will continue to sink. In the end, he will become a half-demon cultivator who only knows bloodthirsty killings, and he will never be able to escape," Huiming said. The monk sighed for a while.

"I don't know how the junior should collect this pair of bones now?" Yi Tian asked again later.

"Use the power of the Buddhist sect to collect the bones and put them in the glazed lamp. When you return to the Buddhist world, you can hand over the lamp to Minglun Temple in Daxue Mountain to preside over it." Monk Huiming thought for a while before continuing: "As for the six of you I don’t think Pin Mie Shi Hei Lian has been completely demonized, you can put it away and use the Buddhist secret technique to get rid of the evil energy in it quickly.”

After finishing speaking, the phantom of Master Huiming flashed a few times and then retracted directly into the glass lamp. Yi Tian lowered his head and glanced to find that the brightness in the lamp had dimmed a little, and the remnant soul of Master Huiming seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep among.

After that, Yi Tian put his hands together to sacrifice the spiritual light to wrap the skeleton and slowly hold it up. After chanting the Buddha's name of Master Sheng Huiming, the skeleton obviously felt a sense.After a while, the soft Buddha light flashed through the bones and slowly turned into a halo, and finally shrank and became the size of a one-inch bullet.

Yi Tian Shennai cried out in surprise: "Buddha bone relic, Master Huiming's Dharma is indeed profound." Then the Buddha bone relic slowly flew into it as if being drawn by the glass lamp and stayed on the wick, The remnant soul of Master Huiming who was originally in the fixed nature also got into it and merged with the relic.

This was originally his body, and it is natural that he does not need external help to reunite today.After tidying up, Yi Tian put away the glazed lamp, and then walked up to the highest step.

There is a three-foot lotus platform in front of it, and it is divided into six grades and the whole body is dark.Showing the appearance of the spiritual deity, Yi Tianfei sat down slowly in the middle.Unexpectedly, the Mieshiheilian reacted to her immediately, except for a bright golden light flashing in the center, after which the demonic aura burst out from all around and surrounded herself.

Yi Tian was shocked when he saw it, and hurriedly jumped down, and then saw that the evil spirit on the black lotus also subsided.

After looking at the meeting, he transformed his own form into that of a demon cultivator, then stretched out his hand to draw out the power of the magic source, and began to sacrifice the sixth-rank World-Exterminating Black Lotus. This time, there was no obvious sign of rejection.The evil energy condensed in the black lotus petals and did not come out, but the golden light in the center seemed a little impatient and kept flickering.

Sitting cross-legged in the middle of the sixth-grade lotus platform, Yi Tian settled his mind, and then slowly read out the secret technique of the Heavenly Thunder Eight Tones, the golden sound waves settled in the black lotus from top to bottom, and even the evil spirit inside was continuously suffocated. Clean up.

After reciting hundreds of times like this, Yi Tian was surprised to find that there was a tier of black lotus leaf on the front where most of the demonic energy had been extracted and purified.Now the leaf petals are no longer pitch black but slightly gray.

After seeing his own achievements, Yi Tian was overjoyed and secretly thought that there is a way for such treasures to be of great use if they are refined properly.

As long as there is still a trace of the Buddha's light of the Huiming monk in the center of the black lotus, I can try to purify it and get rid of it quickly.

Thinking of this, a smug expression appeared on his face, and he closed his eyes and muttered the truth again.And from time to time around the lotus platform, black evil energy leaked out and was directly purified, and the remaining petals of the sixth-grade lotus platform were also mutated to varying degrees.

(End of this chapter)

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