
Chapter 1370 Dark Devil Temple 3 Ending

Chapter 1370
After spending seven days in the Dark Devil Temple, Yi Tian put away the Mieshi Black Lotus. At this time, there was a one-inch-sized lotus imprint on the back of his right hand.If you don't look carefully, you can't see it. Just in case, I took out a pair of gloves and put it on, so that others can't see it unless it is deliberately revealed.

The current Yi Tian also showed a gloomy expression, and sighed helplessly after checking.The previously well-behaved Heavenly Thunder and Eight Sounds cleared away the evil black energy on the Mieshi Black Lotus. Although the effect was not satisfactory, it still made some achievements.

But later, in order to hurry up, he even sacrificed his natal real fire, Leiyan Ziyan, to assist in clearing away the evil spirit.Compared with only using Buddhist esoteric techniques, it is naturally much faster, but after collecting Leiyan Ziyan, I found that all the evil spirits on the original Mieshi Heilian were cleared, and logically it should be restored to the Huiming monk back then. The Jingshi Hualian used.

But in fact, after the sixth-grade lotus platform was purified, the color of Lei Yan's purple flame was preserved. At this time, the tip of the white lotus platform was already slightly glowing with a purple halo.

Moreover, the entire lotus platform has the characteristics of tribulation thunder faintly after being burned by the purple flame of Lei Yan. Afterwards, I didn't cast a spell to put it away. The sixth-grade lotus platform automatically turned into a white aura and flew directly to the forehead and turned into a lotus flower. imprint.

Yi Tian himself did not expect such a change, but fortunately, he could summon the sixth-grade lotus platform by himself.As for the magical function of the spiritual weapon, we still need to find an opportunity to ask the remnant soul of the monk Huiming.

After tidying up the remaining things in the main hall, Yi Tian also found several exercises among the relics left by Dugu, including the blood practice formula.

I remember that Jiu Tuoluo once mentioned that this technique is the main technique practiced by the blood coagulation demon, but unfortunately he tampered with it, so it left an indelible flaw in the technique.Thinking about it, with the strength of Dugu Can and Situ Rou, it would not be so easy to be suppressed. It is estimated that it was this flaw that made the Blood Coagulation Demon able to control Dugu Can so easily.

In addition, there is an animal-skin-like letter written clearly with the words "Tianmo Tong" in the characters of the devil world.After Yi Tian opened the letter, he quickly glanced over it with his divine sense, and found that it contained the complete Heavenly Demon Pupil secret technique.The first half is the dark magic pupil, and in the middle there are two important parts that need to be connected, the magic liquid washing pupil.

The third paragraph is the true training method of Tianmotong, and what is recorded here is exactly the same as what Dugucan exchanged for himself back then.But there is also a fourth part of the whole exercise, which is to face up to the last trick of "Sunburn" that I have been unable to find.

Fortunately, Situ Jing'er reminded me that there was something wrong with Dugu Can's exercises.It's a pity that there is no way to investigate the death of others now. Thinking about how he was taken away by the blood coagulation demon and was completely swallowed in the end, Yi Tian felt a little sympathy in his heart.

It's not a good intention for a person like him who hurt others to end up hurting himself to ask for his help, but now he doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

Turning around and looking at the unconscious Situ Rou Yitian also shook his head, it seems that the flaws in this technique are really serious.It's been many days and I haven't seen her have a clear consciousness. If she just left like this, it may depend on God's will whether Situ Rou can do it.After thinking about it, she stretched out her finger and tapped her body three times with spiritual power. Situ Rou immediately trembled three times before slowly opening her eyes.

Seeing Yi Tian alone in the empty main hall later, his expression changed a few times, and he stood up and asked, "Where are they?"

"Who are you referring to?" Yi Tianming asked knowingly.

"Didn't Dugu Can open the blood training pot to release Master's Nascent Soul, and then was taken away, and a stranger came in during the period, logically speaking, they shouldn't let me go," Situ Rou was puzzled road.

"Then you are living well now, and it doesn't seem to be doing anything to you," Yi Tian said jokingly: "It seems that you were directly stunned by the blood coagulation demon using the flaws in the skills."

A look of embarrassment appeared on Situ Rou's face, and then he looked at Yi Tian, ​​and after a while he choked out a sentence: "Could it be that you killed them all?"

"It's about the same, but there is a slight deviation," Yi Tian said with a smile, "Dugu Can is indeed dead, and he was swallowed by the Nascent Soul after being captured by the Blood Coagulation Demon."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian glanced over Situ Rou and found that her face was also a little lonely, and then continued: "As for your master Blood Coagulation Demon, he was captured by his big brother Jiutuoluo, fortunately, they are in the same situation as fire and water. You don't have to worry about Blood Coagulation Devil coming to trouble you in the future, he probably won't live long before being refined by Kudhara."

When Situ Rou heard this, a light flashed in his eyes, he looked up at Yi Tian and smiled and said, "I'm afraid fellow Taoist is the one who planned this behind the scenes, so if the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, I will give you all the benefits." I'm afraid I'm also scared and banned by you."

"Fellow Daoist Situ is worrying too much. Although I don't dare to consider myself a gentleman, I don't bother to control and threaten women." Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "Believe it or not, anyway, the road is facing the sky and each side is going to go. I didn't stop you or anything, if you want to leave, you can leave calmly."

"You really didn't do anything to me?" Situ Rou asked again, looking straight into the eyes.

"The blood training formula on your face has a big flaw. Now that I know it, I don't need to be afraid of you. If I want to deal with you, why bother with you?" The jade slip pushed it lightly and said: "But I think you should practice other exercises, Jiu Tuoluo said before that the blood training formula practiced by the blood coagulation demon was also modified by your master, the evil Buddha who mixed the world. Yes, even if you practice to the depths, you can only stop at the fit stage."

After hearing this, Situ Rou stretched out his hand to take the jade slip, and said with joy on his face, "This is the exercise in Dugu Can's hands, and now I have finally got it. Our two brothers and sisters practiced for this blood I don’t need to care about the flaws of the exercises after wasting for a thousand years, now that I have the whole exercises, as long as I can practice to the fusion stage, I am satisfied.”

Yi Tian didn't expect Situ Rou to think about it this way, but he shook his head helplessly and replied: "Let's go, we have been delayed here for a long time."

"You kid is really beneficial to ordinary people. If the ordinary demons see me, the succubi will rush to take it for their own use, but you haven't shown any interest at all," Situ Rou blinked meaningfully. He said: "There is only one explanation for this situation. You are not from the demon world. Although I don't know your purpose, could you please tell me your real name."

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, but his expression didn't change, but he secretly said that it was not good, he still underestimated the cultivators of the demon world, and his attire still showed his feet, so the other party didn't have any malicious intentions, and then he just said lightly: "This The seat is the elder Keqing, the Expeditionary Army of the Demon Clan in Flame Prison, and Yi Tian is also my real name."

(End of this chapter)

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