
Chapter 1371 Encounter

Chapter 1371 Encounter
After finishing the trip to the Dark Demon Temple, Yi Tian finally felt relaxed.The biggest achievement this time is to find the clues of the evil Buddha in the mixed world. In addition, he was entrusted by the monk Huiming to find his bones and the black lotus of the world. It can be regarded as a reward from heaven.

After parting with Situ Rou, Yi Tian reminded her not to gossip after going out. Although she was vaguely aware that her identity was different, she didn't really find conclusive evidence.

Moreover, Situ Rou was grateful for his intention to be merciful this time, so much so that when they parted, he still remembered to leave a letter of communication, maybe they could work together again in the future.

Yi Tian left the entire blood refining formula and part of the blood refining alchemy in Dugu Remnant Storage Ring to her.These things are made by taking a lot of souls to extract their blood, and they are completely useless to me, so I am happy to be a personal favor.

Forget it, my trip to the Dark Demon Temple only took less than a month, so I don't think there will be any major problems in the Devil's Ridge Mountain.Taking advantage of this gap, he could make up the idea of ​​'Devil Soul Bodhi', since he killed Ye Luan, he has been thinking about this matter all the time.

Bodhi was originally a spiritual plant of Buddhism, but since it can be transplanted into the devil world, there is a unique reason for it.Thinking about it, only two great powers like the Evil Buddha of the Mixed Realm or the Mieshi Moluo can do it.After thinking about it again and again, I still think that this thing is more related to the Master of Precepts. After all, after this trip to the Dark Demon Temple, I can almost get in touch with some of the secrets of the past.

With the vicious heart of the Demon Saint, he will definitely not have any interest in these spiritual plant transplants from the Buddha world, and the supernatural power he cultivates is the blood way technique, which can be regarded as another way in the demon world.Like the Heavenly Demon Clan, the blood inheritance can continue. It is estimated that Bao Tan also wants to take this route.

It's just that for some unknown reason, the bloodline has not been continued like the Heavenly Demon Race, or there are still remaining veins in this world, and I have never known it.

I want to change direction and fly towards Youquan Valley. From the map, you can see that the location of Youquan Valley is roughly within the northern border of the Feitian Rakshasa Clan and the area where it meets the Shadow Demon Clan.Now that I am pretending to be the Demon Clan of the Flame Prison, if I ran to the territory of these two clans for no reason, I would really poke some troubles.

After concentrating the breath around his body, he flew at high altitude all the way through the territory of the Feitian Raksha clan, and then quietly approached the location of Youquan Valley.From the map, it is roughly in the depths of Shado-Pan Mountain, surrounded by mountains and surrounded by deep springs and lakes.

Because the Flying Rakshasa Clan and the Shadow Demon Clan have maintained a relatively stable state for a long time, this place has become a rare sphere of influence for the two clans to jointly manage.

So Yi Tian didn't see any signs of low-level monks' activities during his flight.It wasn't until they reached the sky above Youquan Valley that they discovered that there was a strong demonic energy entangled in the middle of Youquan Lake in the distance below.

After stopping at a high altitude and using the magic eye, I found that there was a towering tree growing on the small island in the center of the lake, and the crown of the tree almost covered one-third of the lake.

Needless to say, this tree is the Demon Soul Bodhi. Judging from the age of the tree, it should be at least ten thousand years old.The whole tree exudes a strong power of the magic source, and it is almost the strongest spiritual plant I have seen since I came to the devil world.

It's just that this tree can stand in Youquan Valley for thousands of years, but there must be some unknown secrets.Yi Tian thought about it and estimated that such a spiritual plant should at least have a monster in the distraction stage or even the integration stage, otherwise this place would not become a public restricted area for the two races.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly noticed a reaction in his storage ring, and after taking it out for a look, it turned out that the jade token that Senior Brother Putian had left for him gave off a little inspiration.

After a little sensing, he found that senior brother Putian was rushing towards his direction, so Yi Tian hurriedly picked up the communication jade card in his hand and activated it to inform the other party of his exact location.

After three breaths, Putian's reply came from the jade tablet: "It's good that I found you, you brat. I'll be there later."

So Yi Tian waited for an hour in the sky a hundred miles outside Youquan Valley before he saw a black light flickering a few times before flying towards him.

After the sound of the wind whizzed past, Dunguang stopped ten feet away from him, and after the Dunguang faded away, he revealed the appearance of a cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Race.After looking at the other party, he smiled and said, "Boy, you really have a skill. I'm afraid your magic body transformation technique is much better than mine." , it was the Pudian monk who went to the Netherworld together before.

It has been more than 20 years since the two met again in the Demon Realm, and they naturally walked on eggshells along the way.After the meeting, the two sighed and briefly talked about what happened during this period of time.

When Putian came out of the cross-boundary passage, he was teleported to the depths of the underworld, and the two were separated by hundreds of thousands of miles.After he finally arrived at the Blood Corpse City, he realized that the battle there had become intense. Afterwards, he mixed into the army of the Heavenly Demons and took the opportunity to sneak into the Demon Realm first.

After coming to the Demon Realm, he searched for his traces everywhere. After decades, he kept discovering the place where the precepted monk stayed in this world.He also searched for this clue for a long time before he found Mohun Bodhi.

Yi Tian mixed himself into the flame prison demon army over the years and then supported the master of the third palace, and secretly provoked disputes between the two clans, and then helped the flame prison demon army to drive the other party out of the Demon Spine Mountain Range. I omitted everything about cooperating with Kudala.

After hearing this, Putian's eyes brightened and he laughed loudly: "What do I think is the matter? The originally peaceful situation in the demon world has become more and more tense in the past few years. It turns out that you are playing tricks. But this can also stir up a few demons. Zun's attention is convenient for us to do things, but you have to be careful, the six demons still form an offensive and defensive alliance against the sky demons on the surface."

"Brother Putian, is there any reason for this? I only know that the seven tribes in the demon world are doing their own thing. The other races only maintain vigilance against the demon tribe, and they don't know that there is an alliance," Yi Tian puzzled.

"That's because the Heavenly Demon Clan still has a Mahayana cultivator Mozun, and the Heavenly Demon Clan is good at recruiting Ascending Demon Cultivators for their own use. The continuous expansion of strength over the past ten thousand years has already attracted the fear of the other six clans. There will be a situation where the six Great Demon Lords will come forward to form a united front to jointly resist the Heavenly Demons," Pudian explained.

(End of this chapter)

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