
Chapter 1372 Breaking In

Chapter 1372 Breaking In
After encountering Pu Dian outside Youquan Valley, Yi Tian's tense heartstrings for many years can finally be relaxed a little bit. He also walked around to find his whereabouts, but it was a pity that he came back every time.

But this time, after hearing that Pudian followed the footprints left by the monk Jie Ding in this calamity, he slowly found it, so he felt hesitant.After the two exchanged pleasantries in the air, Yi Tian pointed to the Bodhi tree of the demon soul in the middle of the distant spring and lake and said, "I don't know if my brother thinks this tree is related to Master Ding Ding. Do we need to go down and find out?"

Putian heard the words and watched from a distance before replying: "It is necessary to go down, but I am worried that this place is also a place of right and wrong, so I must not act rashly."

"Why is that?"

Putian's face turned sullen and he pointed to the demon spirit bodhi tree below and said: "Looking at the true nature of this tree, it should be a bodhi seed brought from the Daleiguang Temple. It is a miracle that this world has taken root and grown for so many years."

"I've considered this matter too. I think this place should be the resting place where the monk Jie Ding passed by. After planting the bodhi seed, he also wanted to use it to extract the power of the magic source," Yi Tian said.

"What the younger brother said is very true. In the demon world, spiritual cultivation cannot replenish spiritual power by striking away the magic source power. Usually, it can only rely on the medicine pills and spiritual spring water brought with it to recover," Pu Dian pointed out sharply: "With the strength of the precept monk, it will be even more difficult to recover in the devil world, so I guess he will plant the bodhi seeds he brought to purify the power of the devil source, and I conclude that there must be a large spirit below here. pulse."

"Senior brother means that the Master of Precepts took the magic source power from the underground spiritual veins after sitting cross-legged and purified it before replenishing himself," Yi Tian said with a bright eye.

"That's right, and I think that the bodhi tree will continue to absorb the power of magic and continue to grow for ten thousand years before the current situation will be formed," Putian said with a smile on his face: " And under this bodhi tree there must be a message left by the precept master."

"Then why don't we go down and find out what's going on," Yi Tian turned around after hearing this and was about to fall down.

"Wait a minute, Junior Brother," Pu Dian hurriedly stopped him, "As far as I know, Daleiguang Temple has always had regulations on planting bodhi seeds. All planting must be done in the way of one tree and one beast."

"Then according to senior brother, there may be a guardian monster next to the demon spirit bodhi tree below," Yi Tian turned around and asked.

"It's not a possibility but a certainty," Pu Dian replied in a deep voice, "Junior Brother should have noticed that there is no sign of any demonic activities within a thousand miles around here, and there is no territory of high-level monsters."

"That's true," Yi Tian thought for a while and said, "Then I don't know what kind of strength the monsters below will look like?"

"Better than you, about the same as me, in the middle stage of fusion," Putian sighed and said, "I don't know what the guardian spirit beast will look like after the baptism of thousands of years, let's go quietly to find out If you find that the situation is wrong, you can evacuate without hesitation."

Half a moment later, the two restrained their breath and slowly descended to the edge of the Youquan lake, then lightly raised their escape technique and floated on the surface of the water towards the root of the bodhi tree in the center of the lake in the distance.

After wearing the concealment cloak, as long as he doesn't use any magical powers, he can completely conceal his whereabouts. Even if he flits across the lake, it will only stir up a breeze.

Not long after, the two approached the root of the bodhi tree on the central island. Yi Tian glanced over and couldn't help but admire in his heart.This is indeed a good place, the entire lake has a radius of a hundred miles and the middle island occupies ten miles.The demon soul Bodhi was planted in the center of the island, but with a flick of his eyelids for no reason, he discovered that there were many stone tablets with inscriptions erected around the ground.

With a panic in his heart, he hurriedly said to Putian through voice transmission: "Too bad, we entered the formation by mistake, I'm afraid we have already touched the restriction."

Putian's face also changed drastically, showing embarrassment. Just as he was about to turn his head to reply, suddenly the words on the stone tablet near the soles of his feet instantly lit up in dark gold.After that, an invisible barrier appeared around the two of them and they were separated from each other. After Yi Tian's divine sense swept over, he saw that Pudian was hit by several magic lights and pushed out of the island and fell to the lake in the distance. superior.

It seems that the formations on this island are also limited by their cultivation level, and they can directly move and transfer people with cultivation bases above the integration period.Immediately, a sound transmission sounded in my ear: "Junior Brother Yi, go inside and check it out. I'll just wait outside. It seems that I can't force this opportunity even if it doesn't depend on me."

Faced with such a situation, Yi Tian could only bite the bullet and hold on, slowly raised the protective cover to protect himself, and then walked forward.At the same time, the pupils of both eyes condensed and used the magic pupil to look around, hoping to find the nodes of the formation and break the formation.

But after walking for more than half a mile, he didn't find a single formation node, Yi Tian's heart trembled and he secretly looked at the surrounding environment.Unexpectedly, Master Jie Ding's formation skills are so profound that he can't find any flaws in the formations he has set up.

The more I walked in, I found that the surrounding wind was blowing more urgently, and it made a buzzing sound when it blew on my protective shield.Yi Tian's face sank and he knew that this was approaching the core area of ​​the formation, and then he put up the protective cover with all his strength and walked towards the bodhi tree in the center of the island.

After walking for about three miles, suddenly the surrounding wind faded, and the front became suddenly clear.But the former demon spirit bodhi tree has disappeared. Yi Tian was startled and said to himself: "Could it be that he entered the phantom formation?" Exotic flowers and plants.

Sweeping away with his spiritual thoughts, he found that many of them were spiritual plants of the heavenly tribulation. After continuing to walk, a three-foot-tall bodhi tree came into view.There is a book of scriptures under the tree, there seems to be a phantom sitting cross-legged, and beside the phantom, there is a half-foot-long cub lying there as if in a deep sleep.

Needless to say, this is the situation when the precept monk was recuperating here, and the puppies next to him are probably the one tree and one beast mentioned by Senior Brother Putian.

After walking forward slowly, Yi Tian found that the phantom disappeared suddenly, leaving only the scriptures on the ground.At the same time, the cub seemed to be woken up by someone, opened its mouth and yawned, then stood up and stared at itself for a while.

Later he opened his mouth and shouted: "Where did the demon monks dare to break into the pure place of Buddhism, retreat quickly so as not to anger me and drive you out of this place."

"I don't know the name of your friend, but I guess it should be the Master Jie Ding sitting down to guard the spirit beast. I will come here next time for the good and evil Zen exercises. After I have a look, I will leave on my own," Yi Tian said. With the power of the Buddhist sect, he made his first reply.

(End of this chapter)

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