
Chapter 1373 Spirit Beast

Chapter 1373 Spirit Beast
Falling into the Youquan Valley, Yi Tian and Pudian tried to land on the island directly from the water surface, and soon after entering, they found that they had touched the prohibition of the island's formation.

Immediately after the formation was activated, the general epileptic monk in the middle of the fusion was directly shielded from the island.This time, Yi Tian, ​​who stayed on the island, became single-handed again.

After walking down slowly, Yi Tian struggled to move forward in the formation against the restraining wind. After entering the central area, he suddenly found that the wind in front of him had disappeared.

And the surrounding area became a sunny scene again. I knew in my heart that this was the environment created by the big formation. Naturally, my face didn't dare to be careless. After I walked in slowly, I found that there was a golden jade slip under the bodhi tree. There.Before, I seemed to see a phantom sitting in front of the jade slip, but when I walked in, I couldn't see it.

Beside the jade slip, there was a cub lying on its stomach as if it had fallen into a deep sleep, but when he approached, the cub uttered human words and disturbed its cultivation by intruding into the sacred place for no reason.

Yi Tian didn't dare to approach any more. After standing still, his pupils froze and glanced at the cub, and found that he couldn't see through its true face.This beast looks a bit like a cat but has sharp teeth and speaks old-fashioned.But thinking about it, the spirit beast that has been guarding here for thousands of years doesn't want to offend him directly.

But his eyes glanced at the jade slip in front of him, which clearly wrote the three spiritual characters of good and evil Zen, and he couldn't help but want to reach out for the jade slip with joy in his heart.

Suddenly the cub roared again: "You demon cultivator leave quickly, this is the holy land of the Buddhist sect and you cannot be allowed to act wild here."

Yi Tian immediately realized that the other party should have seen his face and thought he was a flame prison demon, so he obstructed him in every possible way.After thinking about it, he slowly put away the demonic energy on his body, and then chanted the Buddha's name in his mouth, and then cast the Tianlei eight-tone secret method.

This is the first time I tried to use the demon body to perform the Buddhist esoteric art. I didn't expect that after the esoteric art was read out, the formation in front of me would be connected and sensed.Then the Zen Jade Slip of Good and Evil that was originally placed on the ground slowly floated up and flew towards him.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand to pick it up and held it in his hand, Yi Tian offered Buddha rituals again and said, "Senior, forgive me, junior Yi Tian has overstepped."

"This Great Leiguang Temple has guarded the secret scrolls for thousands of years, but this is the first time I have seen a demon monk who can be a fellow practitioner of gods and demons. However, since you can get the approval of the ancestor's skills, it should be a predestined relationship Dear man, I have something I want to entrust to you, I don't know if you can agree," Le Dong thought for a while before saying.

Looking at the other person's eyes, Yi Tian guessed eighty-nine points in his heart, and replied with a smile: "Senior, do you want me to send this jade slip back to the Buddha World Daleiguang Temple?"

"Exactly, what do you think?" Le Dong asked anxiously.

Yi Tian smiled and replied: "The younger generation can naturally accept it, but there are a few questions, please tell the senior truthfully?"

"But it doesn't matter?" Le Dong replied with a frown.

"Senior's soul doesn't look like a remnant soul, but like a detached true spirit. Is it like returning to the Buddhist realm along with the jade slips of Zen?" Yi Tian asked.

"Sure enough, I have good eyesight. It's true that my soul-suppressing has been trapped in the devil world for too long. Fortunately, I have the ancestor's jade slips as the foundation to hide it in it," Le Dong said with a trace of helplessness on his face: "The ancestor ordered me Guarding the Jade Slips of Cultivation Techniques here, and telling me that someone will come to rescue me in 5000 years, presumably this person should be you."

Hearing this, Yitian's eyelids trembled, and in his heart he secretly said that Master Jie Ding was really powerful, and he was able to figure out that he would come here and left the jade slip of exercises early in the morning.

But in the blink of an eye, the brows were slightly frowned. In his mind, he thought that since Master Jie Ding could have such a foresight, he must be able to see his own future clearly. If so, why did he still fall into the evil way?

There seemed to be some unreasonable situations in this, or it could be said that he hadn't found the real reason for his obsession back then.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a refrain and said: "Since you are the one who should be robbed, you can definitely take me out, and I will return to the jade slips, and I will not be able to escape until you break through the restrictive formation later. "

"Break the restriction," Yi Tian said with surprise on his face after hearing this: "Isn't senior the eye of the formation? Is there any remaining spirit beasts guarding the eye of the formation?"

Le Dong made an innocent face and said: "My soul is transcended, but unfortunately the body left behind was corrupted by the evil spirit that was squeezed out under the Bodhi tree of the devil soul. If you want to get out, you must be in my body. You must get the key from above, otherwise you will be locked in this devil soul space forever."

After speaking, he moved his figure and flashed a few words, then turned into a streak of spiritual light and flew into the jade slip.Yi Tian reached out and found the imprint of a big cat appeared under the three characters of Zen of Good and Evil.

Unexpectedly, Le Dong's body turned out to be a cat, and Yi Tian thought to himself: "Then even if it is like this, its corrupted body is not much stronger." '

Just as I was thinking about it, the scene in front of me suddenly repeated itself, and the originally sunny environment suddenly turned into a black cloud suit.The place where the Jade Slips and Scriptures were placed before also turned into a skeleton, and as for the place where it was lying down, a sleeping monster appeared.

Looking closely, it turned out to be a monster with a head more than ten feet long, although its body could be vaguely seen as a demonized black light tiger with black hair all over its head and body.But Yitian has never seen such a weird monster. He thought it was a harmless cat, but it turned into a man-eating tiger in an instant. This expansion seemed a bit unexpected.

What's more, it also exudes aggressive spiritual pressure fluctuations, which are not much worse than Pudian senior brother outside.

After three breaths, it seemed to feel that the strangled body in front of it was shaking slightly. After a lazy sigh came from its mouth, its eyes were opened to reveal a pair of red eyes, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on its body dispersed. Suddenly, Yi Tianzhen was pushed back by three feet.

Then the demonized black light tiger moved its four legs and then stood up. Turning its head, red light flashed in its eyes, and it opened its mouth to show its sharp fangs and roared three times.

At this time, Yi Tian's face suddenly changed and he smiled bitterly before he realized that he had gotten into big trouble.After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that there seemed to be a jade tablet tied around Heiguanghu's neck, needless to say, it should be the key to get out.

But to get the key, he had to defeat the Warcraft in the middle stage of fusion. Yi Tian's face suddenly became dry and his mouth was dry, and he found that he seemed to be in unprecedented trouble.

But it seems that there is no second way for him to choose here. If he can't defeat the monster in front of him, he will really want to be trapped in this formation forever.At the moment Yi Tian hastily pulled back and pushed back first to distance himself to observe, he didn't dare to make a rash move, otherwise he would fall into a passive position if he was careless.

The black light tiger didn't catch up after seeing it, but just wandered around under the Bodhi tree of the demon soul for a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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