
Chapter 1374

Chapter 1374
After exiting the range under the Bodhi Tree of the Demon Soul, Yi Tian stood in the distance and looked at it. The black light tiger just hovered within about ten sheets under the root of the tree.

His eyes swept over the body that was directly pulled, as if he had no cultivation but lost his wisdom, his eyes were full of confusion, and his mouth growled from time to time, which was very much like a sign before going mad.

Yi Tian seemed to notice something wrong with a thought, but he hadn't pinpointed the specific problem of the main body yet.Immediately, he reached out and took out the Taiyuan Demon Saber, waved it lightly, and then slashed towards the opponent.

The black blade glow split through the void and came back whistling with the sound of the wind, hitting the Heiguanghu in an instant.But after the blade made a violent slamming sound, it was stuck on its protective cover, which lasted for three breaths and dissipated after the strength was exhausted.

Yi Tian couldn't help being surprised that he still underestimated the Warcraft in the fusion stage.The blow just now basically used [-]% of its strength.Cultivators of the same level are absolutely unable to resist this move. Even late-stage monks who are as cultivated as Ye Luan or Yan Tong can't completely resist the defensive cover, and they have to cast spells to attack .

But in front of the strangled body, it seems that even the protective shield can't be broken. If this goes on, even if all the tricks are used, it may not be able to hurt the opponent at all.

I am currently in the early stage of distraction, and according to my normal eyesight, I should be about the same strength as a monk in the late stage of clone, but it seems that I can't make up for this gap in strength when facing an opponent who is one level higher.

After thinking about it, an anxious look gradually appeared on his face, and after three breaths, he simply reached out and took out the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan, and then slowly raised it up, ready to try again.

Now the only tricks I can use at hand are the supernatural powers of my life and true fire. If the Ziyan Wind and Thunder Fan can't do its best, then I can only use Zixiaozhan.

Fortunately, the black light tiger is suppressed by the formation and can only move within a fixed range. As long as it doesn't get close to it, its own safety is still guaranteed.

With a slight movement of his mind, he suddenly found that the black light tiger in front of him seemed to have moved, and he opened his mouth and roared at himself.The roaring sound waves spread out and passed over him, Yi Tian was shocked by his intuition, and his whole body involuntarily shivered.

Hastily exercised his skills to suppress the tumbling spiritual power in his body, and turned to look at the black light tiger Yitian in front of him with a look of horror on his face.I didn't expect that just the sound of roaring could frighten my soul, forcing me to use all my kung fu to maintain it. If I use any tricks, I don't know if I can catch it.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly saw the red light in the eyes of the Heiguanghu, and then he bowed his whole body slightly and opened his mouth again.This time there was no roaring sound, and after seeing a black flame spit out from his mouth, it flew towards his position.

Seeing that the opponent made a move, Yi Tian was shocked, this move has exceeded the limit that he can bear.He secretly said in his heart, "Don't force it," and then he kicked his feet, leaving only an afterimage on the spot.After the magic fire passed by, it ignited all the places it went, and instantly penetrated the afterimage.

After flashing past, Yi Tian glanced over in a blink of an eye and saw that the place where he was standing had been invaded by the black magic fire, leaving only a piece of scorched earth.The flames spewed out of the black light tiger's mouth could not be extinguished after raging on the ground, and Yi Tian's face showed an unprecedented dignified expression.Such supernatural powers are no longer something I can bear now.

And it seemed that the other party was just trying a chopper, and now he opened his mouth again to sacrifice the magic fire.If this continues, I will soon fall into a passive position. If I can't break the situation, I'm afraid my life will be in danger.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Ziyan Wind and Thunder Fan and slapped the opponent fiercely. Since being beaten passively is not an option, it is better to take the initiative to attack.

After counting the sparks separated from the wind and thunder fan, they rolled a few times in the air and gathered several fist-sized purple flame clusters. At the same time, Yi Tian poured out the spiritual power in his body to stimulate the real flame, compressed it again, and condensed it into a one.

At the same time, the magic fire in the Black Light Tiger's mouth invaded again, turning into fireballs flying all over the sky, and then overwhelming the sky.

The spells on both sides met in the air in an instant and attacked directly. To my surprise, the magic fire was able to withstand the attack of Ziyan's own and gradually gained the upper hand, as if it was going to completely devour it.

Unexpectedly, the magic fire in Heiguanghu's mouth was so powerful, Yi Tian hastily stretched out his hand to make a seal, and then lit three times on Ziyan.In an instant, a thunderbolt exploded from the center and forcibly smashed the surrounding black flames.

Then Leiyan Ziyan relied on the power of thunder to devour the surrounding black flames in reverse, and began to purify them continuously.Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it, his natal true flame still contained traces of golden Buddha power, which was the nemesis of the magic flame.

After weighing it in my heart, I found that my cultivation was a little bit worse. Fortunately, the true flame attribute has an absolute advantage, so I can still have a slight upper hand when the two phases are offset.

Half a moment later, as Lei Yan Ziyan continued to devour the magic flame, he finally regained his strength.It can be seen that it seems that it has not caused the slightest damage to the strangled body, and if it goes on like this, it will consume itself to death.

Suddenly, there was a spiritual light in the storage ring, and Yi Tian scanned his mind and found that it was the Buddhist bead given to him by brother Yizhen when he was in the spirit world that year.

This variable might be the key to breaking the situation today, Yi Tian took it out casually and gently injected spiritual power into it.After three breaths, a phantom flew out of it into the air and turned into the phantom of the precept master.The black light tiger in front of him immediately changed his face and stared blankly at the phantom for a long time as if he was frozen.

Only Xu Ying said: "I won't come when the opportunity is too late."

After Yi Tian understood immediately, the figure flashed out and rushed directly to the remnant body that was strangling, and after three breaths, he swept across his neck and reached out to take off the jade tablet.

Looking back, he saw that the Buddhist bead slowly fell to the top of Heiguanghu's forehead, and then a dazzling golden light burst out, forcing him to turn sideways to avoid it.After the golden light faded, there was a sound of 'poof' behind him, and the remnant body fell down powerlessly.

A ray of white aura flew out from his forehead, and then he revealed a throbbing soul, but the color of this soul was a little different from the one in the jade slips, and his whole body was full of dark golden luster.

At the same time, after the jade slips of Zen Dharma of Good and Evil that had been put away automatically flew out, the golden soul that was strangled sprang out from it.After the two spirits entangled with each other, they finally merged into one and slowly fell down.

"The evil thoughts of this seat have finally returned to the original body. Xiaoyou Yi, please send me back to the Da Lei Guang Temple, so that I can re-cultivate Buddhism in the next reincarnation," Le Dong said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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