
Chapter 137 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 137 Chasing and Killing
There were people coming and going on the streets of Fanxing City, Yi Tian wore a bamboo hat and mingled among the crowd.During the second round of the Alchemy Conference held at the City Lord's Mansion a quarter of an hour ago, after Yi Tian put a drop of Xuanling Clear Liquid on the Qiankun Pill, the Qiankun Pill changed again, except for the original layer of Dan Yun, it still had A circle of pill patterns appeared, and the audience suddenly exploded.

Even the ancestor Flying Star who was a notary was dumbfounded. Cheng Xiangxu directly crushed the deputy arm of the chair, while Liu Yue from the Bone Gate walked forward with a smile on his face to discuss with a few people what to do next What should I do.

The Zhu Chen brothers and sisters on the opposite side seemed to be worried about gains and losses in the future, but fortunately the sect disciples still had the bearing, and they raised their hands to congratulate Liu Piaopiao.The alchemists around even rushed forward to see what the top-grade Qiankun pill looked like, which hadn't appeared in Fanxing City for a long time.In the auction house, it is impossible to get [-] yuan, but due to the fierce reputation of the Seven Shaw Witch, these alchemists can only look at it from a distance.

Seeing that the scene was out of control, Liu Piaopiao also asked him to go first through Yinchuan Yitian. The two of them had left their contact information before, and it would be very easy to meet in the future.Taking advantage of the confusion, Yi Tian also stood up and rushed out. Today, the main hall of the city lord is open, so he slipped out smoothly.

But walking on the street, Yi Tian felt that someone was staring at his back. At least four strands of consciousness were staring at him, and one of them was as strong as himself, and it should be the Golden Core cultivator.This is not a good thing, if you stay, you will change, Yi Tian doesn't care so much, let's get out of the city first.

The coming and going of people on the street also provided Yi Tian with a lot of convenience. After walking quickly through a few streets, Yi Tian found that the most powerful sense of consciousness was gone. It seemed that it was either Liu Yue or the lunar calendar. I'm in the city lord's mansion, and I can't get away for the time being.It is true to take advantage of this opportunity to leave the city as soon as possible. As for the rest of the people, as long as they dare to come up, don't blame yourself for being rude.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian arrived not far from the city gate. From a distance, he saw that there were many monks leaving the city today, and there were more than a dozen monks in the foundation building period.Everyone has to inquire when they go out of the city. If they queue up by themselves, they won't be able to get out in less than half an hour.Yi Tian didn't dare to think about flying out directly, the protective formation of Fanxing City is not a vegetarian, and it is estimated that the imperial weapon in the city will be shot down before it reaches mid-air.

And the few strands of spiritual consciousness behind him came up again, but they couldn't get away in front of them.At this moment, a Xuanling faction's imperial hearse stopped beside Yi Tian, ​​and after the door was opened, Nangong Qianyun was sitting in the car and waving to Yi Tian.

I didn't want to get in the car at first, but when Yi Tian read Nangong Qianyun's mouth shape 'Moyun Ridge, Tiger Leaping Cliff, Depression Cave', he stepped in without hesitation, and then closed the car door.The imperial hearse drove towards the gate of the city quickly. After Nangong Qianyun showed the identity jade card of the Xuanling Sect, the guard let it go without stopping.

Looking at the smug Nangong Qianyun in the car, Yi Tian couldn't put it on any longer, and took off his mask to reveal his true colors.Seeing Nangong Qianyun's puzzled face, Yi Tian had no choice but to focus on the key points.

After an explanation, I heard Nangong Qianyun playfully say: "I knew that it was not that simple when Jiuxiaolou sold the alchemy furnace, and a person like you would be afraid of being blackmailed by the Qisha Witch. It should be a good time to help alchemy this time." What deal is in it?"

After hearing the words, Yi Tian just pretended to be stupid and was stunned for a while. There was no deal, but he agreed to Liu Piaopiao in a flash of brains, but he didn't dare to say more now, for fear that the description would become darker.

After flying for a short distance, Yi Tian bid farewell to Nangong Qianyun. You can't always sit in other people's imperial hearses on this road. If you are alone and widowed, you will be in big trouble if you are seen by others. There are many masters in the Xuanling sect. The brothers are chasing after him, this is the rhythm of getting into trouble.

Before parting, Nangong Qianyun also invited Yi Tian to go to the Xuanling faction when he was free. If he wanted to get some more Xuanling clear liquid, he could participate in the Xuanling reward ten years later, as long as he performed well in the reward There is a chance.After speaking, he gave Yi Tian a map of Xuanling Cave and a jade token. Everyone who wants to participate should rely on their own abilities to avoid the traps in the cave, and finally reach the depths of the cave to pick off the Xuanyang fruit. Take it out and you can refine Xuanling Clear Liquid.

After receiving the map, Yi Tian looked at it. The key points of the formation were all marked on the map, and he just asked weakly in his heart, "Will you be beaten up by the brothers of the Xuanling Sect when you cheat like this?" '.

After the two left, Yi Tian put on the flying sword and headed towards Country Fong. He and Shen Peiqi still had some private matters to talk about. The [-]% tap should come back.

Just after flying a hundred miles away, I saw someone flying up from behind, and I heard that the strength was not weak.Yi Tian didn't want to cause more trouble, so he walked around, but he didn't know that he was coming for him, and a burst of acceleration shortened the distance to ten miles.

The imperial weapon was in the air, and Yi Tian looked at it with his spiritual eyes. It was a foundation-building cultivator of the Yin Corpse Sect. His cultivation level was similar to his own, and his heart sank.

The person behind him just came up to entangle him, and the real master has not arrived yet.Seeing flustered for a while, Yi Tian didn't dare to spend any more time with him, took out the aura at the foot of the flywheel and poured it in, and the wind escape technique sped up by three points and flew towards the Heishui River of Chiyang's defense chain.

If you lead the Lunar Calendar to Country Fong, you're not asking for it. After the matter of helping Liu Piaopiao was exposed today, Yi Tian couldn't gain a foothold in the Chiyang faction.

Seeing that Yi Tian was about to run away, the foundation-building cultivator of the Yin Corpse Sect at the back took out a Jade Crane to activate it and sent it out. He himself also summoned a bronze armored corpse, and after refining the corpse, he rushed up with all his strength.

After the two of them flew for half an hour, Yi Tian obviously felt that something was wrong. He was flying fast enough, but the person behind him could still keep up. If it wasn't because of his deep skills, it was because he used some kind of secret method to forcibly increase his speed up.

Suddenly, an ominous premonition appeared in Yi Tian's heart. There was a flash of light flying from the side of the sky, and it seemed that he was going to detour in front of Yi Tian, ​​and the speed definitely didn't look like a monk in the foundation period.I thought, "It's not good, it was Lunar Calendar Xing who personally chased and intercepted him."

Looking back at the chasing soldier, Yi Tian immediately became angry. Since you are playing outflanking, then I will not accompany you.With a sound of searching, Yi Tian stopped abruptly in the air, replaced the Wind Escape Technique with Fire Escape Technique, and rushed straight towards the Foundation Establishment cultivator, taking out the olive core given by Liu Piaopiao in his hand, a trace of Xuanyang Fire attached to it. After going up, he greeted the Foundation Establishment cultivator directly, and King Ming Fanyun raised his hand in his right hand, striving for a quick victory.

The other party was also overjoyed to see Yi Tian turning his head back, and stopped in the air, took out another burly corpse from the corpse bag, and controlled two people to greet him directly in the air with a masked corpse.

There were two clear popping sounds in the air, a corpse pierced by the olive core and then shot the monk, a ball of flames all over his body burned him to slag within three breaths, and another corpse was shot Before he was ten feet away from Yi Tian, ​​he was crushed by Fan Yun's hand.

Seeing the lunar calendar in the sky, I gritted my teeth angrily after seeing it, and the speed increased a bit.It was too late to clean up Yi Tian, ​​after taking back the olive core, he hurriedly used the wind fire escape technique, and the flywheel under his feet turned fast, nearly doubling the speed.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the flywheel, estimated that his speed should be fast enough. Last time, even Zou Dong couldn't catch up. Looking back, he saw that the distance between the lunar calendar line and himself was gradually shortening. There was already a difference of thirty miles. It is the opponent's speed.This time Yi Tian was in a hurry, because he escaped too smoothly last time, and he underestimated the ability of the Jindan cultivator. This lunar calendar trip is at least the third-rank Jindan, and it may be the upper-third rank, or faster than Zou Dong so many.

I was anxious for a while, there must be no way out if I was caught up, the spiritual power injected under Yi Tian's feet became stronger.

After the two of them chased in the air for three or four hours, their speed has not slowed down, and the distance between them has been shortened to less than five miles.Yi Tian couldn't stand the high-intensity output of spiritual power. Fortunately, he took out the heroic Yuntian to replenish his spiritual power, holding a middle-grade spirit stone in his hand.

The lunar calendar that followed was also uncomfortable. I wanted to send a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment to follow up, and I could go around and outflank it. I didn't expect that the kid in front of me would kill the pursuers with two moves, and even flew with himself for a long time. The speed can actually catch up with himself as a mid-term Jindan cultivator.Flying down again, we will reach the boundary of the Chiyan Hills. At that time, the dragon really enters the sea, and the tiger returns to the forest. If this opportunity is lost, the ghost knows that we will meet again in the year of the monkey.

After flying over a few mountains, Yi Tian was overjoyed, he would arrive at the bewildering formation that he had set up in a short distance, and as long as the formation was activated at that time, he would be able to run away.With joy in his heart, he looked back at Lunar Xing's actions, and was so frightened that he quickly opened the defensive cover to the maximum, only to see Lunar Xing cast out a spell, and two corpse hands flew over like two shells.

Yi Tian who was in front had to dodge hastily, but luckily the distance was far away, and the flying spells were all at the end of their strength, so Yi Tian easily dodged.

Before he had time to be happy, Yi Tian realized that he was being chased by the other party again. In the next quarter of an hour, Yi Tian dodged left and right to avoid the attacking spells from behind, but the distance between the two was also shortened to one mile. .

Lunar Calendar Xing laughed and changed his hands, and the Yin Corpse's hands turned into two, two into four, four into eight, and attacked Yi Tian one after another.

Now it was Yi Tian's turn to panic, if he was hit at such a short distance, he would be disabled even if he was not dead.Make full use of the three-point effect of spiritual consciousness, use the wood fire aura to open the protective cover at the same time, put your hands together and put the spiral fire shield behind you, the flywheel under your feet spins faster, and the distance between the two can no longer be maintained at one mile. Not getting any closer.

The Yin Corpse Hand shot over like a cannonball. This time Yi Tianduo was in a bit of a panic. He had to wind the flywheel a few times each time. After dodging six times, he found that the seventh time behind him was rubbing. Flying over with his body, a gust of wind blew Yi Tian off to the side, and before he had time to rejoice, the last hit hit him right in the middle.

The fire shield in front of him shattered after ten breaths of effort, and the defensive cover on his body was removed by three points. Yi Tian saw the gray energy hitting his chest, and hurriedly lifted the Xuanyang Raging Fire In the golden body, a layer of flames appeared from the inside out, and the whole body turned red instantly.Hearing a bewildered sound, Yi Tian was sent flying more than 20 feet by Lianren with a spiritual weapon.

Look at the hole in the clothes on the chest, the fiery red skin is exposed inside, the fist strength of the Yin corpse hand is still blocked.Yi Tian turned around to see that he had reached the range of the big formation of Heishuihe, and directly activated the big formation with a formula in his hand, turned his head and smiled at the lunar calendar line, and then got into the white mist.

 Ready to go home for the New Year, every day.

(End of this chapter)

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