
Chapter 138

Chapter 138 The Return
In Country Fong's tutelary mansion, Shen Peiqi was sitting in meditation indoors when suddenly her right eyelid twitched and she was startled.It stands to reason that there shouldn't be anything wrong with sitting here, and nothing special has happened in the past few months. As for cheating, there will be a little bit every two days.

The disciples of the sect outside the gate reported that a monk from the sect who established the foundation came to the workshop.Shen Peiqi had no choice but to get up and go out to have a look. If any brat is full and has nothing to do to entertain others, then he has to be careful.

After walking to the main hall with his entourage, he saw Yi Tian sitting there with a teapot in one hand pouring water into his mouth, turned around and left quickly, and ordered: "You go in and send him back to the sect, just say I'm not here. "

Before I finished speaking, I heard Yi Tian shouting enthusiastically from behind: "Senior brother Shen, go slowly, I miss my brother. How can I explain to Senior Sister Mo once you leave!"

Three days ago, Yi Tian escaped from Lunar Xing's pursuit, escaped into the defense formation chain of Heishuihe, and then directly activated the formation with the key of the formation talisman in his hand.

Seeing that the lunar calendar was about to catch Yi Tian, ​​the scene in front of him suddenly changed, as if he had returned to the scene of the Yin Corpse sect.After knowing that he entered the illusion formation, Lunar Xing was not reconciled, and directly wanted to use the spell in his hand to break through the illusion formation.After the two qi jin were shot out, they were directly bounced back, and the summoned refining corpse couldn't find the target in the phantom formation, and just stood like a wooden man.

After activating the big formation, Yi Tian took the opportunity to dive into the mountain, and with the key of the formation talisman in his hand, he successfully found the location of the formation plate, and then ignored the pain on his body, directly activated the trapped formation, preparing to trap the lunar calendar in the formation .Unexpectedly, just after the big formation was launched, Lunar Xing turned around and forced his way out of the trapped formation when he saw the rapid fluctuations in the surrounding aura.

After escaping, Yi Tiancai began to check his injuries. This was the first time he had faced a Golden Core cultivator since his debut. Compared to Zou Dong before the Lunar Calendar, he was simply weak. Yi Tian doubted that he could win the battle if he practiced in the late stage of Foundation Establishment him.Why is there such a difference between the third-rank Jindan and the middle-rank three.

The Yin Corpse Hand was indeed formidable, with just two hits, it broke the spiral fire shield and protective cover.If you hit one more hit, you won't have to explain it on the spot.

Especially the last one hit the body directly, fortunately Yi Tian practiced Xuanyang True Fire's Fiery Golden Body with the attributes of Zhigang Zhiyang, which removed all the dark energy from the Yin Corpse's hand.But this also made Yi Tian uncomfortable for a long time, and it took him two days to recover after sitting under the formation plate of the Heishui River.

The south of the Heishui River entered the boundary of the Chiyang Hills, and after the third day, Yi Tian left for the Imperial Palace and flew to Country Fong.As soon as he entered Fangshi, he went straight to the town guard's mansion to have a good chat with Shen Peiqi.

After entering the reception room, some disciples came up to make tea, Yi Tian didn't care so much, picked up the kettle and poured it directly, just happened to catch Shen Peiqi coming out from the corner of his eyes, and stopped him directly.

After the two sat down, Yi Tian first told about the expedition and the message Mo Tiexin asked to bring, and Shen Peiqi's face twitched when she heard it.

Before recollecting it, I heard Yi Tiandao: "Senior Brother Shen, I see that I helped you prevent the disaster, and even made a favor for you, then Senior Sister Mo also said that the one thousand eight spirit stones are your travel expenses, and the younger brother also Don’t dare to take it anymore, please tap the spirit stone in this storage bag, and Senior Sister Mo will come to you again later.”

After speaking, Yi Tian sent a storage bag up.Seeing this, Shen Peiqi became even more embarrassed, so she could only smile and said: "Senior brother helped me a lot this time, and I am also a reasonable person, so I will keep this spirit stone first." Returning the storage bag to Queen Yi Tian, Then he took a storage bag from his waist and handed it over, and then said: "Junior brother will share my worries, how can a senior brother be stingy, take out these spirit stones and have a cup of tea first, and senior sister Mo, please take care of me." .”

After speaking, regardless of Yi Tiantong's disagreement, he directly stuffed the storage bag over.Both parties smiled knowingly, as long as everyone is satisfied, there is no need to point it out.

Then Shen Peiqi asked again, why is Yitian's weather not looking so good.Now Yi Tian shook his head for a while and said: "It's not that the old ghost Yin Lixing chased me anxiously, and I was hit by the Yin corpse hand, otherwise it would be like this, and he pointed to the tattered clothes on his body." place.

Now Shen Peiqi's face changed drastically, she looked at Yi Tian as if she was looking at a monster and said, "You mean you escaped from Lun Lixing's hands"?
After nodding his head, Yi Tian grumbled: "Fortunately, I led him to the defensive formation at the Heishui River. This old ghost chased me for a long time, and the corpse decomposition hand he used at the end didn't do anything to me. Wait for me After sneaking into the big formation, I wanted to trap him, but I didn't expect him to be clever, and he didn't go deep into the big formation, so he forced his way out when he saw that he couldn't do anything at the edge."

Shen Peiqi, who was at the side, was speechless for a while, and it took a while to come back to her senses: "Do you know that Lunar Xingxing is a Jindan cultivator of the upper third rank, although he has only just entered the Jindan middle stage for less than fifty years. But he is a person who has the opportunity to advance to the Nascent Soul stage. You can escape from his hands, which shows that your strength is far beyond the same level."

After listening, Yi Tiancai suddenly realized: "It turns out that he is in the middle stage of the Golden Core of the upper third rank, no wonder he is so powerful, and his flying speed is fast enough, I was still bitten by him for a long time with my full-speed imperial weapon." Turn around and look Shen Peiqi, who was in a semi-petrified state, continued: "Don't worry about this, I'm a clone of the lunar calendar in the secret realm, and now he has to make up for those missing spirits before he has a chance to advance to Nascent Soul. It is impossible to go back in a hundred years, and by then I will definitely reach the golden core stage, and I will settle this account with him slowly."

Shen Peiqi, who was sitting on the side, woke up like a dream, and hurriedly took out a bottle of top-grade Buyuan Pill from the storage bag and handed it to Yi Tiandao: "Junior brother, go back to the sect to return to your order, it's not too early, and the city is not too late. There are still things I need to take care of."

Seeing that Shen Peiqi is so enthusiastic, Yi Tian is also embarrassed. It's not worth taking the spirit stone, but now it's a elixir.But Shen Peiqi looked like she was sweating coldly, Yi Tian didn't want to say anything, after taking the elixir, she said goodbye and went back to the sect.

After seeing Yi Tian out of Fangshi, Shen Peiqi ordered that whenever Yi Tian comes to visit in the future, he must be notified as soon as possible.Feeling that this was not enough, Shen Peiqi directly took out the Zongmen Jade Card and sent a message to Yan Jungang, the content of which was only one sentence, "Yi Tian escaped from the hands of Lunar Calendar, and his strength is even stronger than before."

Returning to the sect where he had been away for many years, Yi Tian was really not used to it. The disciples stationed in front of the mountain gate had all been changed, and the new disciples did not recognize Yi Tian. The disciple really regarded Yi Tian as a casual cultivator who broke into the mountain gate by mistake.

After entering the Zongmen, Yi Tian went directly to the task hall of the Imperial Artifact Road Discipline Hall, handed in the task first, and checked which bastard was behind the scenes.

But the deacon in the mission hall searched for a long time but couldn't find the original mission request of Yi Tian, ​​and said that if he couldn't find the preserved mission jade slip, it can only be said that Yi Tian has been wandering outside for more than ten years and has not turned against the sect. It is also necessary to add penalty points for unfinished tasks in the past few years, as a warning to others.

The two quarreled on the spot, and attracted several inner disciples to watch.But the deacon just insisted that he didn't find the archive of Yi Tian's mission Yujian, and the ghost knows how Yi Tian took the mission.

For the past ten years, Ye Qingchen has been on duty at the Discipline Hall, and he has nothing to do on weekdays. He just practiced in the quiet room behind the Discipline Hall. If something important happened, he would entrust everything to Yan Jungang for his impartiality. It is reassuring.

Today coincided with Yan Jungang going out to handle errands, and the deacon in the precept hall was also pressed by Yi Tian, ​​so he had to take the task jade slip to knock on the door of the hall master's quiet room.

After Ye Qingchen came out, his gaze was attracted by the jade slip in the hand of the deacon. This is not an ordinary mission slip, the imprint on it is only used when the Supreme Elder issues a mission.After listening to the deacon's explanation, Ye Qingchen only said: "Your name is Yi Tianlai, I will handle this matter."

A quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian followed Ye Qingchen to the door of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and Zhuo Lingfeng was still sleeping soundly on the registration table at the door.Ye Qingchen signaled Yi Tian to be safe and not to be impatient, and went up to grab Zhuo Lingfeng's sleeve to wake him up.

Yi Tian, ​​who was at the bottom, was also puzzled. It was true that he handed in the task well, but what did he bring him to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion? Moreover, Zhuo Lingfeng, who was greedy for money, had hacked his spirit stone several times, so why did he ask him for it.

Zhuo Lingfeng rubbed his eyes after being woken up, and then saw Ye Qingchen and Yi Tian standing there like two door gods.Before Zhuo Lingfeng opened his mouth, he heard Yi Tian ask: "Old Zhuo, could it be that you are responsible for my mission? Why did I demote you for more than ten years?"

Ye Qingchen was shocked, hurriedly stopped Yi Tian, ​​and then stepped forward to salute: "Uncle Zhuo, there is an inner disciple, Yi Tian, ​​who has completed the task today, and is here to make a errand."

Yi Tian was also taken aback when he heard Ye Qingchen's words. The old money fan in front of him turned out to be from the generation of his master. Doesn't he look quite like him? It's so fast to pick up the spirit stone. There is such a master's uncle .

Zhuo Lingfeng took the jade slip and scanned it with his spiritual sense, looked at Yi Tianhou who was standing behind, and said to Ye Qingchen: "You go down first, I will handle it."

After hearing this, Ye Qingchen had to bow to Zhuo Lingfeng and bid farewell. Before leaving, he gave Yi Tian a look, which meant that you should take care of yourself.

When there were only two people left, Zhuo Lingfeng first opened a soundproof barrier, and then said to Yi Tian: "Have you set up a defense line on the northern side of the Chiyan Hill?"
After nodding his head, Yi Tian already guessed in his heart why Zhuo Lingfeng targeted him so much, or it was for this matter.When Yi Tian was in the mission hall just now, he specifically checked the guards of the Xingcheng Iron Mine Cave in Meteor Mountain, and it turned out that the guards had not been changed for nearly 30 years.That senior brother Jiang Tai must have looked forward to seeing him there, and the origin of all this may have something to do with Yi Tian's revelation of Ming Wangdao back then.

Zhuo Lingfeng looked at Yi Tian's indifferent look, and then said: "Then you have time to run to the south to build another line of defense. I will give you 30 years, but your cultivation has not been pulled down."

I just heard Yi Tian jokingly said: "Uncle Zhuo, it's okay to be clothed for 50 years. I killed two monks who understood the kingly way in the past few years. By the way, Shen Peiqi and Qu Yifeng were also present. Did you put them Two pies to help me, okay?"

After finishing speaking, he looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water and waited for the next article.After Zhuo Lingfeng heard this, he opened his eyes wide and looked at it, then sighed and said, "You already know the reason, so tell me how you killed those two people."

Seeing that there is a door, Yi Tian directly took out the identity jade cards of Zhong Yue and Fan Jian back then, and told everything about the Thousand Needles Forest.

 Ready to go home for the New Year, every day.

(End of this chapter)

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