
Chapter 139

Chapter 139
In the past two years, Tang Lin has suddenly emerged in the Discipline Hall. He is not outstanding in terms of cultivation and is still in the early stage of foundation establishment, but he is generous and partnered with the newcomer Gao Shou. He is the capable general under the fourth commander Gao Yuanfan.

The number of outer disciples of the Chiyang School has increased too much in recent years, and many of them have not had a good background review. The higher-ups are afraid that there will be too many people and things will be complicated, so they specially removed the foundation-building monks from the Discipline Hall to participate in the management.After Gao Yuanfan was transferred to be the guardian of Tianya Pavilion, the two stayed in the sect to maintain the order of the Chiyang Trading Square City. In fact, the Discipline Hall gave these two people the fat vacancy for Gao Yuanfan's sake.

On that day, Tang Lin took two subordinates to inspect the trading market. The current number of trading booths is increasing year by year, and the original venues are not enough, so the expansion has doubled.It is not uncommon for transaction disputes to occur. Tang Lin is responsible for maintaining the stability of the workshop, plus some arbitration and trivial matters.

As soon as he approached Ting Yuxuan, a clerk came up to greet Tang Lin and told Tang Lin that the Tianzihao room on the second floor was occupied by a senior from the inner sect, so he had to change rooms before and after going up.After listening, Tang Lin yelled loudly: "I know most of the brothers in the inner sect, and most of them are ascetics. I don't know who is so free to come to Ting Yuxuan today. I just came to pay a visit."

After pushing open the door of the Tianzihao room, Tang Lin saw a monk wearing loose cultivator clothes sitting with his back facing him and drinking tea in front of Sifangtai. On the left was Qu Yifeng, an inner disciple, holding a teacup and calling Tang Lin to come. sit together.

Suddenly Tang Lin saw that the monk in loose clothing picked up the teapot with his right hand, flicked his left index finger, and a little spark hit the bottom of the teapot. After three breaths, the tea was boiled, and then he picked up the cup on the table and poured a cup of tea. on the right.

It was almost 20 years since I saw this move. Tang Lin walked up to sit down excitedly and said, "Boss Yi, you are finally back. Brothers miss you so much."

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the middle, also laughed loudly: "I heard that you have been doing well in the past few years, and you also booked the entire second floor of Tingyuxuan back then, didn't you?"

After waving their hands, several subordinates left one after another, and closed the door behind them.Tang Lin smirked and said: "Isn't it true that the information you gave back then was useful? The gambling game in Fanxing City was really deceitful. The result of being tied for second place blocked everyone's mouths. Fortunately, that guy Gao Shou took the lead To cause trouble, I sent more than a dozen Foundation Establishment cultivators to the City Lord's Mansion to file a complaint, but the Flying Star Ancestor came out to settle the matter."

"Then how much did you earn in total?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's not much. At that time, Gao Shou gathered the group of people who had a share. Everyone pooled 25 spirit stones, and finally got back [-]. After cost, Gao Shou and I took [-]% of the profit."

Qu Yifeng on the side also almost spit out a sip of tea, no wonder these two dared to book the second floor of Yuxuan, it turned out to be this way.

"Is there still three people from Iron Sword Sect? How much did they get?"

Tang Lin drank a few sips of tea before he said: "You don't know that the people of Tiejianmen are really petty. The three of them can't get together [-] spirit stones, so they are still the true legend of the inner sect. In the end, they took it." Ordered the pills, the materials were used to offset the bill, and Gao Shou gave them [-] yuan at the end of the split. Who knew that fat man, Enemy Jiu, was the most quarrelsome. If the other two didn't want to make a big deal, this matter would really be troublesome Yes. Gao Shou finally gave five thousand more to stop the fat man's mouth."

"I haven't been in the sect for a few years. Apart from the fun at Qidian, is there any other movement?" Yi Tian shook his head and said.

Tang Lin stared at Qu Yifeng for a moment, Yi Tian took a sip of his tea, and said, "The little song is on our side, so you just say it's okay," and then cast a spell to create a sound-proof barrier.

Since Yi Tian said nothing happened, Tang Lin explained the situation in the past ten years.The utensil store is currently fighting fiercely, divided into two factions, Pei Ming and Qi Haosi. The new Qi refining disciples are okay, but Huang Ziang and Wan Rui are the two most outstanding among the foundation-building monks, and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce.

Dantang is now divided into three parts by Wu Xing, Zhao Xinmeng and Ning Ning, but Zhao Xinmeng is not a true biography, so it is just a formality, and Dantang is basically Wu Xing and Ning Ning fighting against each other.

As for the Discipline Hall, Tang Lin pointed to Qu Yifeng, meaning you can talk about it.Seeing his distressed face, Yi Tian knew that Jin Sheng probably made a move, but he didn't know who he had won, and it seemed that he had something to do with Qu Yifeng.

And Qu Yifeng who was on the side also sighed and said: "It's also my fault that I have been in seclusion for several years and didn't take care of those soul boys. After I left the seclusion, I found out that my junior brother Xu Haoxian had been working under Mr. Jin for three or four years, and Now he is also on duty in Starry City, so he can be regarded as Jin Sheng's right-hand man."

After listening to it, Yi Tiancai realized the seriousness of this matter. Jin Sheng was very scheming, and went directly to win over those soul boy disciples, which was tantamount to splitting the Chiyang faction at the root. Now it starts with Xu Hao, and I don’t know what will happen next What is it like.

Qu Yifeng looked at Yi Tiandao: "You are the one who initiated this matter, and you will be the one to solve it when the time comes."

Yi Tian was also puzzled for a while when he heard it, he hadn't been back to the sect in the past few years, and he hadn't met Xu Haoxian face to face, so why should he be blamed.

Tang Lin on the side interjected: "Yi Tian, ​​this matter starts from the root cause, it is indeed what we did in the Red Flame Hills back then. Didn't you protect that girl Ye Ziyan back then, and she saved your life?" Zhien is still in his mind. Then Xu Haoxian and Ye Ziyan are both called the golden boy and jade girl of the new generation of Chiyang Foundation, but Ye Ziyan made it clear to Xu Haoxian that it is impossible to become a Taoist couple in this life, and he has an ideal candidate in his heart." After finishing speaking, she said Taste the tea on my own, order everything to the end, and don't embarrass Yi Tian.

And Qu Yifeng also had a look of self-blame in his eyes, and he was also responsible for not treating the younger brothers and sisters below him well.I also learned some things from Yan Jungang and Shen Peiqi, and knew that there were still some unstable factors in the sect.Jin Sheng is Yan Jungang's deadly enemy, the two of them can't urinate in the same pot, and if they meet, they will hit each other. That's why he was sent to Fanxing City.This time he made a hole in the soul boy, and he didn't know what it would turn into in the future. Qu Yifeng was entangled in his heart and didn't look at Yi Tian and just drank tea.

Now it's Yi Tian's turn to be depressed, people say "brother is not in the Jianghu, there are legends about brother in the rivers and lakes", but I am better "I am not in the sect, and there are rumors about myself in the sect", but I can ask myself that Yi Tian is also a victim .

Seeing Yi Tian sitting in a daze, the two of them didn't want to disturb him.The three of them sat like this for less than half a moment, and suddenly Yi Tian noticed that someone had sent a message through the Zongmen Jade Card. After checking, it turned out that Yan Jungang was looking for him, and he didn't know what it was.

After replying the message, Yi Tian asked the staff to add another seat, and Qu Yifeng and Tang Lin simply sat down and waited.

In less than a quarter of an hour, they heard someone coming from the escalator on the second floor. As soon as the door was opened, the three of them saw Yan Jungang walking in in a hurry.

After saying hello to Yi Tian, ​​Yan Jun just glanced at the two people next to him, walked directly opposite Yi Tian and sat down without saying much.Yi Tian also got up to salute, then poured Yan Jungang a cup of tea with a teapot in his hand, and covered the four of them with a soundproof enchantment.

Yan Jun, who was sitting on the seat, just picked up the cup and took a sip, then smiled and said to Yi Tian: "Shen Peiqi sent me a message, but I didn't believe it at first, so I went directly to the outskirts of the Heishui River to investigate. The fluctuation of spiritual power is still there, you kid can be regarded as a famous person now, even I am not fully sure to get out of my body."

Now Yi Tian understood why Yan Jungang suddenly had something to do and was not staying in the Discipline Hall. It turned out that he went to the scene for investigation, and smiled and said: "For a moment of luck, Senior Brother Yan laughed."

The two people next to him didn't know what was going on, and hurried forward to ask Yi Tian.I only heard Yi Tian say without any emotion on his face: "I escaped from the Lunar Calendar."

Tang Lin didn't know much about the details of the lunar calendar, but Qu Yifeng didn't sound like it.As a direct disciple of the sect master, I have more or less heard and witnessed the situation of the monks above the late foundation establishment stage in those hostile sects.Liu Yue from Lunar Walk and Baigumen were all taken care of by Yang Yanzi. They belonged to the upper third-rank Jindan monks, and the chances of advancing to Nascent Soul are still very high.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting next to him, had a level of cultivation higher than his own, but he could already escape from the mid-stage Golden Core cultivator. If it was replaced by him with the same cultivation level, I really don't know if he could do what Yi Tian did. .

Yan Jun just looked at Yi Tian, ​​and asked again: "Then how is your injury? Shen Peiqi said that you were hit by a trick, so you can still run away."

"The second-stage Yin corpse hand of the Yin corpse old ghost is a bit powerful. You should be careful when you encounter it in the future. Fortunately, the Chiyang faction's exercises have a restraining effect on the Yin corpse faction. At the edge of the Heishuihe formation, I was almost killed. He caught up. About a mile away, his spells were able to hit me. Fortunately, my wind escape technique was not badly practiced, and the last one pierced through my shield and protective cover, but my body was hard. I carried it, and then I took advantage of the opportunity to get into the big formation and directly activated the phantom formation to trap him, and I took the opportunity to slip away." After speaking, Yi Tian pointed to the hole in his clothes, showing off with a proud face Down.

And Qu Yifeng's fragile heart was about to be unable to withstand the blow, and he said, "You are so alive after being hit by a trick, are the spells of those middle-stage Jindan monks so weak, or that you, Yi Tianzhen, are so strong what. '
Facing Tang Lin, who was already in a state of petrification, the way he looked at Yi Tian had changed. It had been more than ten years since Yi Tian had become stronger.At this foundation building stage, you dare to tease the golden core monk's tiger beard, and you can still get it when you reach the golden core stage in the future. Such thick thighs must be hugged tightly.

Yan Jun just looked at it and sighed: "Forget your fate, that lunar calendar is not a small character, and his insufficiency is all due to you destroying his clone, just based on this, he and you will never die Now, be careful to walk around in circles when you see them." Then they gave Yi Angel a wink, and the two of them said something was up, got up and left.

Tang Lin and Qu Yifeng were left blankly thinking about Yi Tian and Yan Jungang's words.

 Ready to go home for the New Year, every day.

(End of this chapter)

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