
Chapter 140

Chapter 140
Three days later, after a 14-year absence, Yi Tian returned to the Paradise of the Heavenly Paradise in Chuying Mountain, and he felt relieved.Basically nothing has changed in the cave mansion, no one has lived in it for more than ten years, and the concentration of spiritual energy inside is extremely high.Yi Tian sat on the bed in the bedroom and meditated, constantly performing exercises to absorb spiritual energy.

The Lionheart Grass planted next to the Lingquan in the living room has now grown to a foot high and is as thick as a finger. Except for the grass core on the top, which is slightly yellow, the rest of the leaves and stems are emerald green and transparent.Yi Tian has read the panacea of ​​the elixir and knows that the lion heart grass only takes three inches of grass cores to be used as medicine, and it can be refined into lion heart pills with other medicines, which can be used as golden core monks to get rid of hidden diseases.

This lion heart grass can only be used after it is fully mature, and the grass core turns yellow. Yi Tian estimates that it will take at least 50 years, so it is good to keep it for his future use.At this time, you can put it aside and talk about it when necessary.

Looking back on what Zhuo Lingfeng said to take care of him that day, Yi Tian also shook his head with a wry smile.Although the task of defending the formation chain was completed well this time, Zhuo Lingfeng also added [-] sect contribution points as compensation.

But he also has conditions. The fact that Yi Tian killed two Ming Wangdao monks cannot be made public. After so many years away from home, Yi Tian doesn't have much time to rest. Zhuo Lingfeng asked Yi Tian to retreat for at least five years, and not to have more contact with the sect Everyone contacted, and after leaving the customs, they can take charge of the Qi Palace or go out on missions for Ning Qingyuan, in short, they can't disclose the news.

It sounds like protection, but it's actually not the same as control in disguise.It seems that Zhuo Lingfeng didn't want the news of Ming Wangdao to spread at all, and Yi Tian also mourned for Qu Yifeng and Shen Peiqi in his heart.I am a sensible person, and I have a little understanding of this matter, but this time those two people were really tricked by me, and I don't know how Zhuo Lingfeng will arrange it when he turns around.

Anyway, it's good, Yi Tian himself hasn't practiced well for so long, and those magical powers on his body need to be strengthened again.The lesson of this attack gave Yi Tian a wake-up call. Before, he only focused on the monks of the same level, but once he encountered those high-level monks, he had no other way to escape.

After testing my own spiritual spell, Xuanyang Zhenhuo, I have been practicing it all the time, but I haven't practiced the above several powerful spells.Yi Tian chose three spells, Xuanyang Fire Wheel Formation, Spiral True Fire Shield, and True Flame Armor. These three spells can all be practiced to the golden core stage, and they are relatively powerful moves among intermediate spells.

In addition, Yi Tian also deliberately prepared to practice the Chiyang Sword, which can be used to pretend to be fake.The real killing move has no similarity in Chiyang True Fire, so even after refining it, Yi Tian is not prepared to expose it to too many people, so as to save people from talking about it.

Six years ago, Yi Tian had fully practiced the second-level spells in the Wind Escape Technique, and became the enhanced skill of Blast Flash, Blast Wind Misty.It works well when used for escaping, and with the combination of wood fire aura and Fengpeng cloak, the full speed can be more than twice the normal speed, and this alone has escaped from the hands of Jindan monks twice.

After fully realizing the importance of escape, Yi Tian decided to give priority to training wind escape and fire escape.With the cooperation of the two, although Fengdun only has the foundation-building spells, there is no need for higher-level escapes for the time being.

In the Annihilation Cave, he also engraved the Ming King's Fuyu Hand. Yi Tian knows the truth that greed can't be eaten. Although it is indeed very powerful after seeing Shangguan Dingsheng perform it, this has not been put on the agenda.

The two expeditions to the Annihilation Cave and Purgatory Valley both exposed the matter of Asura's dharma body. I never thought that the dharma body that I usually think is the most useless has the effect of spell enhancement. This is greatly beyond Yi Tian's expectation .

After reading the fragment of Asura's transformation method, Yi Tian felt that this thing was definitely a spiritual art of the same level as Xuanyang True Fire Art.It's a pity that my own cultivation time is too short, and there are still many secrets that have not been discovered. If I complete the first level of cultivation, even if I am in the middle stage of foundation establishment, I should not lose the wind against Yan Jungang in the late foundation establishment stage.The third level of cultivation method Yi Tian is also inevitable, the prerequisite is to practice the second level of six arms before finding a way.

Yan Jungang had to worry about the Zongmen's affairs, and Yi Tian didn't want to get involved too much. Now that he and Liu Piaopiao are so close, it would be too much for him to be caught and accused of adultery with foreign enemies.

Decided on the next path to take, Yi Tian also directly opened the cave ban and started five years of retreat practice. Since the master and uncle in the Zongmen do not want to talk about it, he can do it accordingly, so as not to be assigned again. Yi Tian doesn't want to actually go south for another 50-year mission.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner, Yi Tian only follows his own cultivation progress, as to whether it will be five years or more is not something Yi Tian needs to consider.

In the past five years, other inner disciples in the sect were all assigned tasks by the busy author, or went out to find opportunities for breakthroughs, while the restrictions here at Young Eagle Mountain only changed once five years ago.If you count the 20 years since Yi Tian entered the cave for the first time, the restrictions here have only been opened three times.

And Yi Tian seemed to be stuck in the cave and refused to come out. He didn't see any movement in the sixth or seventh year.Until the end of the seventh year, two monks flew over the Eagle Mountain, circled a few times, and then stopped in front of the gate of the Eagle Mountain.

One of the two flying imperial weapons was still wearing the costume of an inner disciple of the Iron Sword Sect.The two sent a sound transmission talisman outside the restriction respectively, and it didn't take long for the restriction of the blessed land to be opened.After ten breaths, Yi Tian slowly flew out from behind the water curtain, looked at the opposite side, and it turned out that Tang Lin brought Guan Mingyi to visit.It was only then that Yi Tian remembered what he had promised when he was in Tiejianmen. It seems that Guan Mingyi must have brought enough materials to ask Yi Tian for help when he visited.

After the three of them met Li in the air, Guan Mingyi also said bluntly, "Junior Brother Yi has never seen such an improvement in his martial arts in the past year. What a joy to congratulate."

Seeing that Tang Lin on the side still looks like that, Yi Tian also shook his head in his heart. It is a great fortune that Tang Lin can cultivate to the golden core stage in this life. He is still wandering in the early stage of foundation establishment for more than 20 years. Looking at it now Compared with seven years ago, the growth of cultivation base is limited.

Guan Mingyi, an elite monk true biography candidate of Iron Sword Sect, seems to have worked hard for the past seven years. His spiritual power is restrained and attached to the surface, his eyes are full of spirit, and his whole body is like an unsheathed sword. .In the Chiyang faction, apart from Yan Jungang from the Discipline Hall, Yi Tianzhen couldn't find anyone who could rival him, even if he was himself now, he might not be his opponent if he didn't use his hole cards.

On the face, Yi Tian also replied politely: "Senior Brother Guan is a fast-moving man. It is estimated that within 30 years he will be able to reach the Consummation of Foundation Establishment. The impact on Jindan is just around the corner."

After a big laugh, Guan Mingyi was also a bold person, and said straight to the point: "Junior Brother Yi, do you still remember the promise back then?"

Nodding his head, Yi Tian responded: "Brother Guan's request, my younger brother has always remembered it, I wonder if the senior brother has gathered all the materials?"

Unexpectedly, Guan Mingyi's face darkened and he said in frustration: "Other things are ready, but I have searched everywhere for the past few years and have not been able to find a suitable spirit essence of a fifth-level monster."

After hearing it, Yi Tian knew that the main material was missing, and the grade of the spirit weapon would inevitably be affected.After seeing Xiaguan Mingyi, he didn't say much, and first told Tang Lin: "You help me send a message to the material deacon of the Xiaqi Palace, and say that I invite him to the Zhike Hall of the Zongmen to have a talk."

Then invite Guan Mingyi to go to the Zhiketang and so on, to see if the Chiyang faction has the spirit essence of a fifth-level monster.The three of them rushed to Nazhi guest hall together.

The Chiyang Sect usually receives foreign monks at the outer door, and only those important guests will be invited to the Zhike Hall of the Zongmen.And generally only true disciples or Jindan elders can exercise the right.

It didn't take a quarter of an hour for the three of them to come to the Zhike Hall. After Yi Tian issued the identity jade card, some deacon disciples led them into the reception room of a local shop. After serving tea, the three of them sat down and waited for the arrival of Qidian.

Before Yi Tian swallowed a sip of tea, he heard the door pushing, and the person who came in was Huang Ziang.Yi Tian was taken aback for a while before realizing that Huang Ziang was already the material deacon of the Hall of Ascension Qi.

After entering the door, Huang Ziang greeted several people first, then sat down carelessly, poured himself a cup of tea, and said to Yi Tian: "I heard that you are back, but I have seen you many times in Chuyingfeng You are retreating, have you forgotten your old friends?"

Laughing for a while, Yi Tian also shook his head helplessly and said: "The Patriarch Chiyang told me to keep in touch with the disciples of the sect, and wait until the limelight passes. I can't help it."

A few people widened their eyes when they heard this, Yi Tian finally got to the point, but it was related to Chiyang Patriarch's message, Huang Ziang and Tang Lin also knew that this was not a joke, otherwise according to Yi Tian's personality, he would have been in Zong The door is half full of water seats.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Yi Tian first changed the subject and said to Huang Ziang: "You are in charge of the material warehouse of the Artifact Hall, you should know how many spirit marrows of level five monsters there are in the warehouse."

Guan Mingyi who was on the side was the first to speak when the time came: "Junior Brother Yi is Gao Yi, but it doesn't have to be like this."

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian stopped Guan Mingyi with a wave of his hand and said: "This is a matter related to the natal magic weapon of the senior brother, so we must be cautious. If the senior brother only uses a fourth-level high-level spiritual weapon as the natal magic weapon, it is better not to use it."

After hearing this, Guan Mingyi also fell silent, but what Yi Tian said was reasonable.If a fourth-level spiritual weapon is used as a natal magic weapon, after entering the golden core stage, the natal magic weapon will be too low in rank, and it will really become tasteless to Guan Mingyi, so it is better not to use it.

Huang Ziang was startled when he heard this, the Iron Sword Sect cultivator in front of him must be a cultivator in the late stage of Foundation Establishment or even in the Consummation realm, Yi Tian respects him very much, so of course he can't do anything wrong.Immediately sat down and said: "Brother Zhenchuan, there are three fifth-level monster spirit essences in the warehouse of Qidian, namely the earth demon bear, the flying golden roc and the deep sea poisonous shark."

After listening to it, Guan Mingyi also sighed with disappointment. These are not in line with his attributes. Even if he refines it into a spiritual weapon, it is impossible to keep it in his dantian.

Seeing this, Yi Tian said: "I have a spirit crystal of a fifth-level purgatory dog, and I don't know whether it is suitable for it."

Hearing these words, Guan Mingyi's complexion improved a little, he turned around and cupped his hands to Yi Tianyi and said, "Junior Brother Yi's noble sect's fifth-level monster spirit essence may not match the attributes of my subordinates, this matter really worries Junior Brother, This is also because my opportunity has not yet come, let me think of a way after I advance to Jindan, so it is so disturbing."

Before Guan Mingyi got up, he heard Yi Tian ask: "I don't know what kind of attributes and spirits Senior Brother Guan needs?"

"Naturally, it is a monster with lightning attribute, but monsters with this attribute are rare. If you advance to the fifth level, you can look down on other monsters with this attribute alone. Thinking of such a spirit is like finding a needle in a haystack," Guan Mingyi said. It was also a moment of dejection.

Tang Lin, who was sitting on the side, said inappropriately: "There will be an auction in Fenghua City in half a month, brother, why not go there and try your luck."

Yi Tian's eyes lit up when he heard this, Tang Lin was really responsible for the auction and treasure hunt.Guan Mingyi, on the other hand, had a look of disbelief: "Is this okay?"

 Ready to go home for the New Year, every day.

(End of this chapter)

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