
Chapter 141 Clues

Chapter 141 Clues
Fenghua City is a city of cultivating immortals located in the depths of the mountains five hundred miles south of the Chiyang Hills. It is a bit larger than ordinary square cities and is an important stronghold in the southern part of the Chiyang Sect.The guards of Fenghua City are also Jindan monks of the Chiyang Sect, but they belong to the Lieyanzi faction, and Tang Lin rarely dealt with them in the Discipline Hall.But this time it was for Yi Tian, ​​so it was hard to refuse anything, so he led Yi Tian and Guan Mingyi to go.

Before leaving, Yi Tian also asked Huang Ziang not to disclose his affairs as much as possible, and just inform Wu Xing and Huashicheng later.This time Fenghua City may have to rent the No. [-] Refining Room in the Qidian after returning from Fenghua City, and ask Huang Ziang to help prepare in advance.Also, don't keep calling him Master Zhenchuan, it sounds awkward.

Huang Ziang smirked, and hurried back, and asked Yi Tian to contact him directly after finding the materials.

It took less than two days for the three of them to fly all the way to see Fenghua City. Before entering the city, Yi Tian proposed to find a hidden place for everyone to change their clothes.

Guan Mingyi looked at Yi Tian with a puzzled expression and asked, "Why is Junior Brother Yi doing this?"

Seeing Yi Tian smiled and said nothing, Tang Lin cleverly explained: "Brother Yi is afraid that it will be inconvenient to deal with some things while wearing Zongmen costumes." Then he smiled at Yi Tian knowingly.

From the storage bracelet, Yi Tian took out three sets of ordinary monk's clothes and three human skin masks and handed them to the two, then said: "This thing can block the spiritual consciousness of Jindan monks, each of you choose one to use."

After the three of them changed their costumes, they could still suppress their cultivation. They dressed up as three casual cultivators who had come to Fenghua City for the first time, and sneaked into Fenghua City after paying ten spirit stones as the entrance fee.

There are still more than ten days before the auction. Yi Tian asked Tang Lin to arrange the admission of the auction first, try to find a box, and then find a list of the auction.

He and Guan Mingyi found a resting place and rented three herringbone rooms for half a month with 60 yuan Lingshi, so that they would not have to hang around outside to avoid accidents, and just waited for the auction to start.

Tang Lin is also worthy of being in the world for a long time. In less than half a day, he settled the auction room and took a list of items, but the last three auction items were not clearly marked, and the auction house usually left suspense. It is for everyone, so you can only see it when you go to the scene.

After Tang Lin came back and directly passed the information to the two, Yi Tian looked at the list and asked, "Is it okay if I add another auction item now?" He took out a one-foot-long awl from the object bracelet, handed it to Tang Lin, and told him to take it to the auction house and directly add it to the auction items.

This was originally Xie Chuanxiong's magic weapon back then, but it fell into Yi Tian's hands and had no chance to dispose of it. During this retreat, Yi Tian also took the time to sort out the things in the storage bracelet, and put all the important things in the flames In the inscription ring, the magical artifacts and spiritual artifacts in the storage bracelet have been dealt with accordingly.

The texture of the awl itself is not bad, after adding some materials, Yi Tian directly refined it into a fourth-level high-level spiritual weapon.Even Tang Lin's eyes turned red when he took it over. The starting price of this thing is [-] spirit stones.Seeing him like this, Yi Tian took out another fourth-level high-level spirit sword and gave it to Tang Lin, and then sent him to work.

After the items were registered, Tang Lin took back the ticket number, and the three of them stayed in the room and meditated, waiting quietly for the auction to start.

More than ten days passed by, and the auction was held at noon. Tang Lin brought Yi Tian and Guan Mingyi to the venue an hour earlier and entered the box on the second floor.In order to avoid other people's eyes and ears, there were only ten private rooms in the entire auction hall. Tang Lin specially found the last one, and the three of them went in and waited for the auction to start.

At noon, people came in one after another, and the entire auction hall was packed.Yi Tian looked down in the room, the whole venue is not big, it can accommodate about two or three hundred monks.

According to Tang Lin, Fenghua City is considered a large-scale auction. It is located in the south of Dong'ao, so there are not as many monks coming and going as in Fanxing City, which is located in the center of Dong'ao.However, due to the unique geographical location of the place, the products produced are also unique, so the disciples of the three sects and some casual cultivators from aristocratic families will also choose to come here to try their luck.

The backstage of the auction was Tianlan Chamber of Commerce in Zhongzhou, and the host was also sent from there.Sitting in the room, Yi Tian watched what was about to start in the stands. The auctioneer was also a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment, in his 40s, dressed like a shopkeeper.

Because it is a mixed auction, monks in both the foundation building stage and the qi refining stage can bid, and the sale is all based on the bid, and with the endorsement of the Chiyang faction, generally there will be no murders and treasures.

After the auction started, the atmosphere of the whole venue became active.At first, the auctions were mainly some ore materials and ammunition. Even the third-level materials were relatively rare, suitable for those high-level monks in the refining period.

The spiritual awl handed over to Tang Lin was arranged as the last item on the list. When the item appeared, the atmosphere of the audience became a little lively.Generally, in places like Fenghua City, there are also fourth-level spiritual weapons, but there are relatively few high-level fourth-level ones.

After a while, I heard the auctioneer say: "The next thing is a top-level fourth-level spiritual weapon 'Breaking Cone', the reserve price is [-], and you can bid."

Turning his head, Yi Tian looked at it suspiciously. The spirit cone was placed in a jade box with the lid open for people to taste.Tang Lin on the side smiled and said: "Yi Tian, ​​the things you refine are good, but they lack packaging and gimmicks. I came up with the name, and I made the packaging. When I got it to the auction hall for registration ten days ago, that The connoisseur directly offered to buy it at a price of [-] yuan, but I said that it would only be auctioned and not sold, so they had no choice but to give up.”

That's it, Yi Tian nodded frequently, he was still relatively lacking in this aspect, so he took out some good things casually, those who didn't know the goods thought they were bought from a street stall, and they had to meet an expert.

Generally, monks in the Qi refining period dare not touch the fourth-level spiritual weapon, and some foundation-building monks have already started bidding.After seeing the voices in several private rooms, Yi Tian knew that the bidders were basically suitable for monks of the same level as him, and in the end they only sold for [-] spirit stones. The main competition was between No. [-] and No. [-]. The monks in the box, after the final bid reached [-], the box No. [-] in the room next to Yi Tian voluntarily gave up, probably because he thought it was not worth it.

Next, the host of the auction was replaced by a late-stage foundation-building monk. Everyone knew that this was the finale auction.The first thing that came into view was a fourth-level top-level elixir Ziyou Pandan, and the whole elixir was well preserved in the jade box.Through the restraint of the jade box, Yi Tian saw that there was still a little arc flickering on the purple orchid, and nodded to Guan Mingyi, motioning to take a picture of it.

Just after the auctioneer in the middle called out the starting price of [-] spirit stones, there were bidding sounds from three or four boxes.It was still the No. [-] box that screamed the loudest, but this time the three of Yi Tian came to look for an opportunity, and when they saw it, they would definitely attack with all their strength.Yi Tian stretched out two fingers to signal Tang Lin, and the latter directly called out a price of [-].

The rhythm of those bidders was interrupted for a while, and basically the noise next to them stopped immediately.Even the No. [-] box, which was the loudest, fell silent. The auctioneer smiled and counted three times slowly. Seeing that there was no more bids, he immediately called 'Deal' with the final word.

In the room, Tang Lin directly took out a storage bag and handed it over. Yi Tian opened it and glanced at it with his spiritual sense. There were about 3 yuan of spiritual stones, so he looked up at Tang Lin.He heard his voice transmission, which was won by the gambling game in Fanxing City. Originally, Tang Lin and Gao Shou made a deal, but they never found a chance to give it to Yi Tian. This time, it happened to pay back the favor.

After opening the door, Yi Tian went out directly, and met someone who came out from Room [-] next door. After the two looked at each other, they walked to the registration office of the auction house one after the other.

After arriving there, two guys greeted each other and entered the two reception rooms. Yi Tian took out the identification number in his hand, the eight thousand spirit stones, and the ticket number for the sky-shattering awl.The person who received Yi Tian was a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment. After reading it, he understood it, and wrote it down without saying much.

But Yi Tian's purpose is not here, the owner of this Ziyou Pandan is the main purpose of this trip, so Yi Tian proposed to meet the owner and ask in person.The deacon of the auction house didn't say anything else, but asked for a handling fee of five hundred spirit stones, and arranged a private reception room for Yi Tian to wait in.

Before it was time for tea, the deacon came in with someone, and Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in his seat, looked up and saw that it was the person in the No. [-] box.The deacon came forward to accept Yi Tian's ticket number and Lingshi in front of that person, and then took out the jade box containing the elixir from his hand and handed it to Yi Tian.After the two parties confirmed that they were correct, the deacon withdrew first, and closed the door together before leaving to facilitate the conversation between the two.

After seeing the ceremony, the two sat down respectively. Before Yi Tian could speak, the man introduced himself first: "I am Zhuge Wudi, a casual cultivator. I don't know what your name is?"

"I, Yi Tianxing, is a craftsman by profession, and is a casual cultivator just like your Excellency." The first time I met Yi Tian, ​​he just used a fake name to pass the test. After seeing Zhuge Wudi's attire, he was dressed as a casual cultivator, but his words and deeds His demeanor is generous, like a disciple sent by a big sect to travel.But people don't want to reveal anything, and they don't want to pursue it.

Then Yi Tian asked straight to the point: "I see some thunder and lightning residues on this Ziyou Xianglan. I don't know the attribute of this guardian monster. If you have the spirit of a monster, I would like to buy it at a high price."

Zhuge Wudi also smiled wryly after hearing this: "You Daoist Yi is serious, the guardian monster of this elixir is a fifth-level electric dragon, I just got lucky, and I didn't have time to get a clone when the electric dragon crossed the catastrophe." Spiritual medicine. The fifth-level monsters cannot be killed by me alone. This time I came to the Fenghua City Auction to see if there are any suitable spiritual weapons. Just like the sky-shattering cone refined by your Excellency, I think it is very It's suitable, but unfortunately I didn't have enough spirit stones to take pictures just now."

That's the case, no wonder the bidding stopped at [-] just now, and Yi Tian secretly applauded, "I'm not afraid that you won't speak, I'm afraid that you don't need it."Immediately said that as long as Zhuge Wudi provided the exact location or something of the electric flood dragon, he could help them hunt together, and Yi Tian could directly provide the fourth-level high-level spiritual weapon at half price.

The deacon Zhuge Wudi hesitated after hearing this, looked Yi Tian up and down, but didn't continue.It seems that the other party still has reservations about him, maybe because it seems a bit unrealistic to kill a fifth-level monster after seeing his cultivation in the early stage of foundation establishment.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian also directly revealed that there are three people on his side, including a late-stage foundation-building cultivator. With the strength of the three of them, as long as they are fully prepared, it is not impossible to hunt and kill the fifth-level electric flood dragon to get his spiritual marrow .

Zhuge Wudi was also bold, and directly proposed to join in the hunting of electric flood dragons, and only take the demon pill after the matter was completed.Yi Tian thought for a while and thought that the interests of the two parties did not conflict, so he nodded and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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