
Chapter 142 Fighting Jiao

Chapter 142 Fighting Jiao
Thousands of miles to the south of Fenghua City, it is already out of the territory of the Chiyang faction, a group of four people are flying at low altitude with the imperial weapon, it is Yi Tian and his party.The leader was Zhuge Wudi at the auction in Fenghua City, followed by Guan Mingyi and Tang Lin, and Yi Tianshi followed at the end. The four of them had been flying in the mountains for two days in a row.

In order to avoid possible dangers, the four of them basically kept flying at a high altitude along the way, and only slowly lowered their altitude after approaching the target area for a hundred miles, in case that any mistake would alarm the nearby monsters, and the bamboo basket would be shot at that time. The water is empty.

In the private meeting room of the auction that day, after Yi Tian reached an agreement with Zhuge Wudi, he directly notified Guan Mingyi with a messenger crane.Then the two sat down for a cup of tea, Guan Mingyi led Tang Lin and pushed open the door, but his whole face was full of excitement, urging him to leave immediately as if he had been pumped.

The four of them discussed in the room, this time they were going to deal with a fifth-level monster. Yi Tian also knew that this monster was not a joke after it reached the fifth level when he dealt with the three purgatory dogs before, so he told the three of them. It is obviously not the best policy to fight hard, it can only be outsmarted.

Zhuge Wudi also agreed with Yi Tian's point of view, he met this electric dragon a year ago, when he was weak after the electric dragon crossed the catastrophe, but Zhuge Wudi did not dare to destroy the dragon alone.After a year, the electric flood dragon must have stabilized its realm. If you want to destroy it, you have to weaken it first.

Tang Lin, who was on the side, still proposed to use the method of prescribing medicine, but Yi Tian rejected it with one word.Last time, the flame heads of the three purgatory dogs had already activated their wits. At that time, this kind of trick was already difficult to work. If it weren't for the other two heads who rushed forward to eat the meat, it would be difficult for Yi Tian and his group to succeed in one blow. .

Since he couldn't use the old method of cheating food and drinking, he could only take the initiative to attack, but if the four of them went head-to-head, even if they killed the Dian Jiao, he would be hurt.

Seeing that the three of them were at a loss, Yi Tian smiled, this method is still somewhat troublesome, it mainly depends on everyone's cooperation.

The most urgent one is Guan Mingyi, who knew before that Yi Tiangui had the most ideas, and now that he has probably made up his mind, he urged him to speak up.

The four people got together, and Yi Tian used voice transmission to talk about the plan to be adopted, and the three who listened nodded frequently.Even the newly joined Zhuge Invincible thinks that this is the most secure way.

After that, the four of them split up to purchase the materials they needed. After about half a day, everyone was almost ready, and then they gathered at the exit of Fenghua City.After Yi Tian checked that all the purchased items were safe, he nodded to the three of them. Except for the city gate, Zhuge Wudi led the way, and the four flew towards the deep mountains in the south.

After driving for two days in a row, the four of them stopped fifty miles away from a mountain. Zhuge Wudi pointed to the mountain depression in front of him and said, "When we arrived, that electric dragon lived in the mountain depression in front of it. There is a banana tree outside the entrance of the cave, which is easy to distinguish from a distance.”

The four of them flew in mid-air and slowly approached the mountain depression, and the tree could be seen from a long distance away. Looking down along the trunk, there was a three-foot hole at the root of the tree, which was probably the shelter of the electric dragon. the place.

After looking around, Yi Tian chose a bush with a radius of about ten feet at the management office outside the mountain col, and laid down the eight foundations prepared in his hand according to the eight gates, and then took out a bundle of demon-inducing incense and put it in it. Turning the eight-door golden lock array upside down, he flew into the clouds and hid alone.

Tang Lin took out a large amount of blood food from the storage bag. These were freshly slaughtered beef and mutton. Several people in Fenghua City bought them separately. They spent nearly 1000 spirit stones on nearly three mountain cows and Several goats.Because they couldn't bring live animals, the three of them directly asked to be slaughtered on the spot, and even packed the internal organs and blood together.

After all the meat is prepared, the blood of cattle and sheep is sprinkled on it, and now the fishy smell is everywhere.Seeing that Guan Mingyi and Zhuge Wudi had found a good place to ambush, Tang Lin shot the whole bundle of demon-inducing incense with a fire bomb in his hand, and the smell wafted out all at once. When the fragrance rose to a height of three feet, Yi Tian Pointing in the air, a burst of blue aura turned into a breeze and slowly brought the fragrance of Yinyaoxiang to the mountain depression.

Although the electric flood dragon has taken off the snake skin, it is still the same as snakes in its bones. They are nocturnal creatures. They generally like to hide in the cave to rest during the day, and only come out of the cave when encountering special circumstances.The four of them calculated that under the fierce sunlight at noon, the strength of the electric dragon would be limited. Although I don't know what effect it will have, this is also part of the plan, and it can directly affect the final result if it is used well. .

After the three lay in ambush, it didn't take long before they heard rustling sounds from the mountain depression, and then saw some white arcs flashing, and Zhuge Wudi sent a voice transmission to the two of them: "The electric dragon should be here."

The palms of Tang Lin beside him were sweating. He and Huashi City had caught at most three and four monsters before, and they all used trapping methods. This was the first time for this five monsters. I heard that the strength Comparable to early Jindan monks.

Guan Mingyi looked excited. The intensity of this arc must be a fifth-level monster, that's right. After taking the spirit crystal from the monster's head, Yi Tian can directly refine it into a fifth-level spiritual weapon, which can be used to receive the power of the dantian. After 30 years of warming up as the natal magic weapon, you will be more confident when you pass the Golden Elixir Tribulation.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the clouds, looked down quietly, and saw that the electric dragon was about seven or eight feet long, with two horns growing on its head, and whether there were white arcs flashing on its white scales, knocking off the surrounding trees opened.I was also a little uneasy. It was the first time I saw such a monster, and it seemed that its strength was not much worse than the three purgatory dogs last time.

I only saw that the electric arc was getting closer and closer, and the three of them could feel the momentum of the electric arc after hitting the trees with a distance of [-] feet across the eight-door golden lock formation. They had never seen such a powerful monster before.

The Dianjiao swam into the formation and looked at the blood food. He didn't open his mouth directly, but circled around. When he saw the large bundle of demon-inducing incense burning in the middle, he realized that something was wrong, so he had to evacuate.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air, saw the right time, poured spiritual energy into his hands to activate the eight-door golden lock formation disk in his hand, and then covered the formation disk from the sky. The base of the formation echoed each other, covering the area of ​​ten feet.

He heard Guan Mingyi yell: "Do it." The three of them rushed out from behind the woods and attacked Dianjiao directly in three ways.

I only heard the electric dragon spit out the words: "Despicable human monk, dare to challenge my authority, let you know the anger of Master Jiao." Shoot directly at the three of them.

But the electric ball flew more than two feet in the eight-door golden lock formation, and then slowly began to shrink, and the speed gradually slowed down. When it hit Guan Mingyi, he easily dodged it.But the electric ball shot through the air directly pierced the tree at the back door, leaving a three-inch hole in the tree's waist.

The other two saw that the large formation could only suppress half of the Dian Jiao's strength, so they adopted the agreed tactics and started to swim and fight, hitting the Dian Jiao's seven inches from time to time.The Dian Jiao also had to gather himself up to protect the gate of life, and took a defensive position, and the two sides began to fight each other.

Under the leadership of Guan Mingyi, the spells in the hands of the three began to increase continuously, often hitting against one place. Although the Dian Jiao's defense was strong, it couldn't hold back the three of them attacking in turn, and their own spells were all blocked by eight. The door golden lock array was weakened, and the electric ball was either dodged or blocked by the defense system of the three.

Tang Lin's strength is the weakest, so he has to use the protective cover to resist every three shots. After two shots in a row, his own protective cover can't support it, and the whole person can only escape far away. Don't dare to stay next to the magic circle.

With one less person, the pressure of attacking the electric dragon has been reduced a lot, and the spells on his body have also been strengthened by three points.Guan Mingyi's eyes were red. If the fat in his mouth ran away, he would not be able to meet again in a monkey year.With a loud shout, the spirit-controlling saber in his hand poured all the thunderous saber intent into it, and the blade seemed to tremble a little, and it seemed that it could barely hold on.

Zhuge Wudi also felt the pressure greatly increased, and trembled for an hour. It seemed that the Dianjiao was at the end of his strength, and he could make a contribution after spending it, but he didn't expect Tang Lin next to him to be so useless.His eyes glanced at Xiaguan Mingyi was about to make a killing move, and he couldn't sit still, or he would have difficulty opening his mouth when he would divide the spoils.

Yi Tian in the sky is also anxious. Although it is only to maintain the big formation, it consumes no less spiritual power than the people below. Moreover, since Tang Lin quit the battle circle, Dianjiao has obviously become manic, and wants to take the opportunity to break out of the formation .At this time, Yi Tian didn't care so much anymore, he freed his right hand to cast spells, and King Ming Fanyun in his hand sacrificed to help the two of them.

The Dian Jiao was obviously a little tired after a burst of frenzy, Guan Mingyi saw the rare opportunity to take the lead, and used the thunderbolt saber intent in his hand, condensed into a five-foot knife shape, and slashed at the Dian Jiao seven inches away.

The Dian Jiao also forged ahead and spewed out a big electric ball towards the Daomang. Zhuge Wudi on the side saw two spells attacking in the air, and the Daomang defeated the penalty and continued to fly towards the Dianjiao. A yellow awn appeared in his hand. A big hand followed the knife light and smashed it up, and the Dian Jiao was a little dizzy after being hit by two moves in a row. The Dian Jin on his body was directly scattered in the scales and there were traces of red blood.

Before the electric flood dragon got up, another big blue hand hit directly on the top of the head, and the electric arc that had finally regrouped on his body was scattered again, a large piece of scales on his body was also broken, and the meat inside was also turned over. come out.

Then the Dianjiao struck with all his might, gathered more than a dozen penalty kicks in his mouth, and spit them all out at once. Guan Mingyi and Zhuge Wudi jumped up with their weapons when they saw it. Such an indiscriminate attack would definitely be stained if they approached the station. On point.Tang Lin also ran to the back. This kind of fifth-level monster's counterattack before death, even a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, had to avoid the edge for the time being, let alone him.

The most painful thing was Yi Tian who was manipulating the formation in the air, and it was too late to withdraw from the formation.I had no choice but to control the formation plate with both hands to open the eight-door golden lock formation with all my strength, compressing all the electric balls into it.

After three breaths, the entire formation shook violently for a while, and after a puff of smoke dissipated, the electric flood dragon lay upright on the ground, its eyes were lifeless, and its mouth was wide open.

Guan Mingyi was overjoyed when he saw it, and exclaimed excitedly, "It's done."

(End of this chapter)

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