
Chapter 143

Chapter 143
A ten-foot-sized black charcoal area appeared on the grass, indicating that it had been baptized by bursts of thunder and lightning just now. The trees in the area were still burning, and in the center lay a seven-to-eight-foot-long black charcoal area. Seven inches of his body had been smashed to pieces, and the blood was dripping continuously from the wound.

The last Zhuge Wudi just now also used a unique move, but what surprised him the most was that Yi Tian used exactly the same move in the air.Although it was only the aura that was mobilized that was different, and the colors of the moves were different, but Zhuge Wudi was not ignorant, and he recognized the Cloud Turning Hand, the direct descendant of King Dao of Ming Dynasty.

After the smoke in the formation dissipated, Zhuge Wudi couldn't help but looked at Yi Tian who was in the air again, and said in his heart: 'This person has a great connection with the Holy Cult'.

Unlike Guan Mingyi and Tang Lin, Zhuge Wudi could see that Yi Tian was the leader of the three, and they would also be responsible for harvesting the corpses of the Dianjiao. Anyway, he only needed the inner alchemy.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the sky just now, must have seen his tricks. Zhuge Wudi has completely let go of his worries now, and he is not afraid of the three of them turning their faces at all. Moreover, he looked himself up and down, and it was obvious that he had the same thoughts as himself.

After a while, Guan Mingyi took a bloody inner alchemy and handed it to Zhuge Wudi, while he held a piece of electric flood crystal in his hand, smiled silly for a while, and then said to Yi Tian: "It's done, and then everything will be done. It's up to you," handing the spirit crystal over.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, looked away, then took out a jade box from the storage bracelet, took the spirit crystal and checked its quality, then put it into the jade box, closed the lid, and affixed a seal.Turning back to Guan Mingyi, he said, "It's in good condition, it's a five-level beginner, so it should be fine now."

The grass where the eight-door golden lock array was laid just now smelled of scorching, Yi Tian motioned everyone to rest next to it.Tang Lin was excited for a while. This was the first time he saw a level five monster at such a close distance. He lit a fire casually, and then went up to dissect the corpse of the Dianjiao with a spirit sword.Yi Tian's voice came from behind, "This electric dragon is full of treasures, you should be careful when you disassemble it, and keep everything that can be used."

A wisp of cooking smoke rose from the mountain depression, and four people sat around a pair of bonfires below. At this time, Tang Lin was acting as a chef, fiddled with sections of electric flood meat repeatedly, and the meat flowed down The dripping oil dripped on the bonfire and made a sizzling sound.

Zhuge Wudi, who was sitting on the side, was playing with the inner alchemy, which was the size of a pigeon egg, with secret joy on his face. Not only that, but he was also excited when he looked at Yi Tian.

After the four had a full meal, each of them recovered their spiritual power. Yi Tian also let the fat dog out to let the air out, and ate a piece of Dianjiao meat along the way.After eating, the fat dog was so full that the bunk on the floor refused to move, Yi Tian turned to Tang Lin and said: "You are finished eating too, take the fat dog to Dianjiao Cave for a walk and see what else is good Take things together."

Seeing that Tang Lin was unmoved, knowing that asking him to go alone still had lingering fears, Yi Tian smiled and said to Guan Mingyi: "Please brother Guan, please go and have a look together, there might be good things in the Dianjiao Cave. "

Zhuge Wudi on the side also chimed in: "Then there should be a third-grade purple orchid at the entrance of the Dianjiao Cave. You can transplant the whole plant and bring it back. It can be sold for at least [-] on the black market."

These Guan Mingyi can't sit still anymore, what he lacks most now is the spirit stone, this time he asked Yi Tian to make the weapon, and he hasn't discussed the price with him yet, so it must be an astronomical figure.Just in front of the opportunity, these treasures have to be searched as soon as possible.

Tang ran faster. Hearing that the elixir was worth so much, he forgot all his little thoughts just now. What is the most important thing in cultivation?Of course it was a spirit stone, almost dragging the fat dog and rushing towards the Dianjiao Cave.

After the two entered the mountain depression, Yi Tian and Zhuge Wudi looked at each other and smiled. After three breaths, Yi Tian heard Zhuge Wudi's voice transmission: "Which sky is Senior Brother Yi sitting down on?"

The reason for separating those two was to catch Zhuge Wudi's words. Yi Tian also directly revealed his identity, took out the token of Brahma Curse Heaven, waved it in front of Zhuge Wudi's eyes, and said, "Are you Di Yutian or utilitarian?" From the Ministry of Heaven?"

Zhuge Wudi was overjoyed when he saw it, and hurriedly took out his identity token, and showed it to Yi Tian, ​​and the word 'Diyu' was written on the token.Seeing Yi Tian frowned, Zhuge Wudi asked in bewilderment: "Could it be that Senior Brother Yi has seen other people in this part of the sky?"

Seeing this, Yi Tian also knew that Zhuge Wudi must also be one of the three candidate saint sons, so he didn't hide it from him, and told him how he met Shangguan Dingsheng and the battle with the three purgatory dogs in the Purgatory Valley. down.

Who knows that Zhuge Wudi was nervous for a while when he heard that Yi Tian had helped Shangguan Dingsheng obtain the inner alchemy of the three purgatory dogs, but when he heard that Shangguan Dingsheng actually asked Yi Tian to wait for his news in Dong Ao It's a look of surprise.This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in front of me, God will bear the blame if I don't go.

Immediately, Zhuge Wudi sent a voice transmission to Yi Tian: "Brother Yi is the Brahman Mantra Heaven Department that has been lost for many years, can you return to the Southern Border Emperor Yutian with the younger brother, so that there will be support in the future, although the younger brother is the third candidate for the holy son of Emperor Yutian , but there is also a chance to stabilize the position of King Ming, with the help of my senior brother, it is no problem to defeat the other two in the future."

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​he just shook his head and said: "I still have an identity in Dong'ao, and things here are not settled, so I can't escape for the time being. Why don't I go to the southern border after I form a golden core, and then the king of Ming Dynasty will revitalize my Brahma Mantra Heaven Division It can also be used to return to the origin.”

Seeing that Yi Tian refused to go, Zhuge Wudi was also anxious, thinking that Yi Tian should know the power of the internal struggle of the Emperor Yu Tianbu, if the Holy Son is not established for a day, the Holy Church will be unstable, and he is going to sit on the wall and wait for them to decide the outcome Come back later.But he didn't get the credit for recovering the 'Brahma Curse Heaven' part. Zhuge Wudi wanted to surpass the first two as hard as he could reach the sky. If he missed it this time, he doesn't know where the next opportunity will be.

Seeing Zhuge Wudi's appearance as if he had eaten a fly, Yi Tian was also amused for a while, so he could only persuade him: "Junior Zhuge is not as good as this, I will leave you a written note, and I will come to Nanning after I agree to form a golden elixir. Jiang, you can use this as a proof after you return to the holy religion, how about the credit for touring the 'Brahman Mantra Heaven' department?"

Hearing this, Zhuge Wudi's eyes lit up, and this was not exactly what he wanted, as long as he got back the written evidence and let the elders of the Holy Church verify his integrity, wouldn't his credit be appropriate, and he immediately nodded in praise of Tou Yitian's proposal.

And Yi Tian directly took out the talisman pen and talisman paper, and roughly wrote down the situation of the "Brahman Mantra Heaven" department, only saying that he inherited the will of the previous generation's head teacher Li Jianfeng, and now lives in Dongao, waiting to form a golden elixir Later, I will find my way and meet the holy religion in southern Xinjiang.The last signature was 'Yi Tianxing', and he also stained the token of 'Brahma Mantra Heaven' with electric dragon's blood and pressed the mark at the end, and handed the talisman paper to the other party after the ink was dry.

As a result, Zhuge Wudi read through the handwritten letter, and then beamed with joy. In this way, the 'Vatican Mantra Heaven' was tied to his chariot with certainty.From this letter, the elders in the church will definitely look at him with admiration.

After collecting the number of hands, Zhuge Wudi bowed his hands to Yi Tianyi to thank him, and after a while, he heard Yi Tian's voice transmission: "I see that Shangguan Dingsheng will illuminate the king's hand twice, I don't know if Junior Brother Zhuge has also learned it all? "

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Wudi replied angrily: "That Shangguan decided to win because his father is the elder of the holy religion, so he learned an extra trick of 'Ming Wang's rain-covering hand', so that the first holy son Sima Qiubai may not be defeated. He can be completely suppressed. In terms of cultivation alone, the three of us are in the middle of the middle, but I was reduced to the third place because I was three days late in building the foundation."

Seeing this, Yi Tian also smiled and said: "In this way, I have the right to give Zhuge Junior Brother a good future." After speaking, he took out the jade slip that was engraved in the Darkness Cave from the storage bag at that time And a blank jade slip, and then quickly re-engraved it, and after confirming that it was word for word, passed the jade slip over.

Zhuge Wudi was still puzzled at first, but when he saw the five words 'Ming Wang covered the rain hand' written on the jade slip, his eyes burned.Then I thought that the "Brahman Mantra Heaven" department is fortunately one of the four divisions of the holy religion, and it is not surprising that there are some unique knowledge of the holy religion, so I used my spiritual sense to scan it quickly, and then the smile on my face became even bigger.

Turning his head to thank Yi Tian, ​​he also sent a voice transmission: "Brother Yi is a great kindness, I will never forget it. I will rush back to southern Xinjiang in three days. I must practice hard day and night. I want to practice the sacred skills as soon as possible and win the Holy Spirit." position of son."

On the contrary, Yi Tian was a little puzzled that Dongao Southern Border was thousands of miles away, how could he go back within three days, unless he had an ultra-long-distance teleportation array like Shangguan Dingsheng or Xiao Linhang, so he couldn't help asking: "If I form a golden How can Empress Tang go to the southern border to find her junior, the two places are far apart, and it will take several years to get back and forth."

After hearing this, Zhuge Wudi laughed and said: "Brother Yi, you don't have to look out. I will tell you the location of the teleportation array. At that time, you only need to use the 'Brahman Mantra Heaven' token as the teleportation order, and you can start it directly." Wan took out a map and handed it to Yi Tian, ​​and repeatedly said: "This secret way is not available to non-sage preachers, and brothers can only teleport it alone. Each of the three holy sons of the holy religion has a secret way to travel between the two places." , I think that Shangguan Dingsheng still has reservations about senior brother, so I also ask Senior Brother Yi to give priority to the great cause of the holy religion and fully support me in aspiring to the position of holy son."

Seeing Zhuge Wudi's sincerity, Yi Tian couldn't bear to break his dream, so he just nodded and replied: "In this case, I will try my best to help, but the younger brother must promise me not to reveal my 'Fan' until the matter is completed." The matter of Cursing Heaven's Department is fine."

After getting Zhuge Wudi's affirmative reply, both of them sat down happily and ate the Dianjiao meat in big mouthfuls. Yi Tian also took out two bottles of Haoqi Yuntian wine, and each of them drank dryly. Get in touch with each other with wine and barbecue.

After a while, Tang Lin and Guan Mingyi also came back in a hurry. Looking at the excited faces of the two, they knew that they must have gained a lot. This time, all four of them are very happy.After drinking and eating, Zhuge Wudi offered to leave. Yi Tian knew that he was worried and didn't want to keep him. He just told him to meet again someday. The other two also made some appearances. Farewell to Yi Tian and others with a happy face.

(End of this chapter)

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