
Chapter 144 Interlude

Chapter 144 Interlude
It didn't take two days to return to Fenghua City from Dianjiao Mountain, but under Yi Tian's reminder, the three of them still flew carefully in mid-air, so as not to accidentally break into the territory of some monsters and cause a commotion.

This time the three of them have gained a lot, Guan Mingyi directly put his mind to rest, and the materials are ready, just go back to the Chiyang faction and wait for Yi Tian to open the furnace to refine the weapon.

As for Tang Lin, who was full of food, he packed up the rest of the electric dragon's body and brought it back. The electric dragon's skin and tendons were all put away. Yi Tian promised to make some armor for him, level five Armors made of monster skins can't be bought for [-] to [-] on the black market. Tang Lin was so happy that he shouted, "Make a few more, this thing is extremely defensive, and I'll sell one for [-]."

The electric flood keel was pre-ordered directly by Yitian. Last time when he went out in Fanxing City, he accepted Nangong Qianyun's love, so let's pay it anyway.Knowing that her weapon is a nine-section whip, Yi Tian mixed the keel with some black gold and iron on the spot to beat another nine-section whip, and made a handle with the horns of the electric flood dragon, preparing to go to the "Xuanling Great Reward" time to give her.

When going back, Tang Lin suggested that it would be better to go to Fenghua City. When he went into the city, he would have to exchange the contents of the Dianjiao Cave for spirit stones. In Yi Tian’s view, these items were all dispensable materials, the most important of which was What is valuable is a piece of electric python skin and an electric python egg left when the electric flood dragon advanced to the fifth level and shed its skin.

Tang Lin also felt that he would be able to get a pair of electric dragon leather armor in the near future, so he found someone to sell the python skin directly.As for the electric python egg, none of the three of them need it. The newly born electric python looks like a first-level monster, and it will take decades to raise it to the fourth level. Can't survive the fifth-level thunder tribulation.

Two days later, the three of them arrived in Fenghua City in the early morning. Yi Tian and Guan Mingyi went directly to a tea house to rest and let Tang Lin go to work alone. I want to come back to gather, and then go back to Zongmen.

Running to the tea house, Yi Tian paid ten pieces of spirit stones for a private room, and then walked in with Guan Mingyi under the guidance of the waiter. The two sat down facing each other, and after making tea, he told the waiter not to disturb.

After opening the sound-proof enchantment in the room, Guan Mingyi toasted Yi Tian with tea instead of wine, thanking him for his help in this matter, and also hoped that the subsequent refining of the spirit weapon would go smoothly.

After taking a sip of tea, Yi Tian also asked calmly: "Senior Brother Guan, although the materials have been assembled this time, I don't know what kind of shape the talisman of life that Senior Brother has in mind needs to be?"

Guan Mingyi said with a chuckle: "I am a saber user, and with the comprehension of the Thundering Saber Intent, I naturally want a saber-shaped fifth-level spiritual weapon. With this electric flood crystal in it, the power of the spiritual weapon can be increased. It's more than doubled, and that man Mo Tiexin will be mad at that time."

Yi Tian's face cramped when he heard it. After all, these two people are still fighting. I don't know if Mo Tiexin has refined the natal spirit sword. Yi Tian still remembers her set of flying swords. The weapon is very powerful, and it can be used to attack, retreat or defend. I heard from her that there is another move called "Seven Swords Unity" that I haven't used in the Annihilation Cave. I should try it when I have the opportunity.

After a long time, Yi Tian asked: "Brother Guan, now the materials are all ready, if you refine a fifth-level spirit weapon, if there is a change in the sky when the weapon is completed, then you can only rely on yourself, I can't do it, brother." Help you get through this."

Now Guan Mingyi said seriously: "Let me save it, what about the spiritual weapon robbery? Only the fifth-level spiritual weapon can carry it through. I will handle this matter myself, don't worry."

In this way, both of them will be informed, and everyone agrees that it will be fine to cooperate with each other at that time.The two waited for Tang Lin in the teahouse for nearly an hour and a half before seeing him rushing in.

As soon as he entered the room, Tang Lin sat down and poured himself a cup of tea. After taking a few sips, he took out the three storage bags tied around his waist.He also told the two that this time he sold all those things and exchanged nearly 1 pieces of spirit stones with others, especially the piece of python skin. They bid on the spot, and it was sold at [-] spirit stones.

Everyone was assigned the spirit stone of Xiao Siqian on the spot, but Yi Tian looked at it and frowned. One of the three storage bags Tang Lin took out had a special mark on it.This is the mark that those refiners often leave for the convenience of finding their own refining spirit weapons. Conversely, this is also a tracking mark.

On the spot, he scolded Tang Lin for being dazzled by the spirit stone in front of him. He took out a piece of four-level python skin and showed it to others. He didn’t suspect that you had material on him. I found you.

But Tang Lin said that it would be better to stay in Fenghua City for fear that they would not dare to do anything in the city, but Guan Mingyi explained with a smile that these craftsmen who dare to do this must be with the guards in Fenghua City .After Yi Tian saw that look, he felt that this guy was doing something similar to planting money on Tiejianmen's territory.

Seeing Tang Lin's little daughter-in-law angry, Yi Tian also patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's not convenient for us to reveal our identities now, so we should hurry up and leave the city, give me the storage bag, and I'll help you find a way Bar."

Half a quarter of an hour later, the three of them settled the bill in a hurry, even waiving the change of spirit stones, and went out of the city without stopping, heading towards the sect of the Chiyang Sect.Yi Tian also found a single antelope five miles outside the city, hung the storage bag directly on the horns, and then the three of them drove back after a while.

The three of them flew less than seventy or eighty miles before they were stopped by a group of people. The three Xuanling disciples who blocked the way turned out to be three Xuanling sect disciples. Yi Tian saw that he still knew each other. The leader was Dongfang Zhuo, and the next one was Pusiyuan , there is another person who has never met face to face, but his cultivation level is indeed the highest, and Yi Tian looked a little familiar but couldn't remember who it was.

I only heard that Dongfang Zhuofei came forward and asked Tang Lin: "Boy, why did you run so fast after bidding just now? We still want to ask you to find out the whereabouts of Ziyou Xianglan?"

Tang Lin saw that his brothers were all around him, and on the opposite side there was one in the middle stage of foundation establishment and two in the early stage, Guan Mingyi was still in the late stage here, and Yi Tian was also a fierce man, so he didn't have to be afraid.Wei Wei stepped forward and replied: "The bidding is in charge of the bidding, why should I answer your questions, don't think that you can mess around because you have a lot of people."

On the contrary, Pu Siyuan slowly flew forward and said: "This fellow Taoist has misunderstood, we saw that you have this electric python skin, so we want to ask about the whereabouts of this electric python, we only want to find the companion grass 'purple' Youxianglan', used as the main medicine for refining the Breaking Barrier Pill."

Yi Tian was startled when he heard the word "Breaking Barrier Pill". Isn't this pill recipe in Liu Piaopiao's hands? How could Nangong Qianyun get it? Could it be that there is still a deal between the two of them.

And that familiar disciple also flew forward and said, "Brother Daoist, our original intention is to inquire about the location of the electric python cave, and we don't need you to lead the way. A congratulatory gift that needs to be prepared."

Hearing this, Yi Tiancai realized that it was no wonder that this little white face looked so familiar. It turned out to be Nangong Qianyun's younger brother. Today, it was not handled well and spread to Nangong Qianyun's ears. It will be difficult for him to explain when he meets in the future.

Tang Lin, who was at the side with the imperial weapon, was also helpless, and hoped that he could pay attention to it for a day.Guan Mingyi, on the other hand, was indifferent to this matter, and he also knew something about Nangong Qianyun and Yi Tian from Mo Tiexin, but he just looked at it with a smirk on his face, and didn't say a word.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian made a decision, and slowly flew forward and said to Pu Siyuan first: "Brother Pu, it was nearly thirty years ago in Pushanfang, so don't come here and you will be safe." Tear off the human skin mask on his face, revealing his true face.

This time it was the turn of the other three to be stunned. Before they could react, Ting Yitian said: "Brother Dongfang's cultivation has not fallen, don't you think that we will meet again here in Donghai City."

When Dongfang Zhuo saw Yi Tian face to face, he was also embarrassed for a while, so he had to say that he had misunderstood, but his eyes were still fixed on Tang Lin.Yi Tian knew what these people were thinking, so he didn't point it out.He asked the third person, "Is Nangong Qianyun your real sister?"

Seeing that Yi Tian directly reported Nangong Qianyun's name, that person knew that he must be an acquaintance, so he had to bite the bullet and come up to talk: "My name is Nangong Jie, and Nangong Qianyun is my sister."

Yi Tian looked up and down and said: "Your cultivation base is a little higher than hers, and it seems that you are also a hard worker, you should pay attention when you go out and walk around in the future, follow up like you at every turn, if you meet some powerful people It’s okay to kill you directly.”

Who knows that Nan Gongjie is also a child with a temper, so he directly confronted him: "How powerful you are, why don't you lend me a trick, and if you lose, tell me the source of Ziyou Xianglan." After speaking, he really spread his posture The look of wanting to do it.

Dongfang Zhuo and Pusiyuan also wanted to see how far Yi Tian had reached, so they stepped back five feet to make room.Guan Mingyi said as if he had nothing to do with himself: "Hurry up and leave, I'm still in a hurry."

I only heard Yi Tian replying, and then said to Nangong Jie: "Let's fight quickly, let's decide the outcome with one move."

Nangong Jie also nodded, and then stretched out his hands in front of his chest to form a seal, and a wave of spiritual power appeared to attack Yi Tian out of thin air.Dongfang Zhuo and Pusiyuan standing behind burst into applause.Guan Mingyi, who was standing behind him, had a serious expression on his face. He could recognize this move, which was the secret technique of the Xuanling Sect.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the air, felt that the fluctuation of spiritual power in the air in front of him was a bit extraordinary, and the opponent should have made a move after forming the seal, but he didn't see the attack move, could it be.Just a burst of divine consciousness attack, almost directly hitting Yi Tian's forehead through the protective cover, a flash of light flashed in Yi Tian's mind, this is the last attack of spiritual consciousness in Mingyang's refining formula. prick'.

Knowing the opponent's tricks, it will be easy to do next. Yi Tian has also practiced the Mingyang Refining God Art, but he has not been able to practice the last move. How can he not grasp such a god-given opportunity now.Immediately, the divine consciousness was placed in front of the forehead to condense into a defensive shield of divine consciousness, and the phantom thorn couldn't penetrate a single bit of the shield when it hit the shield.

The cultivator's spiritual consciousness competition is based on the strength of two people's spiritual consciousness, unless the attacker withdraws it himself, or it will be consumed until one person's spiritual consciousness is exhausted and passes out.

After a quarter of an hour, Nan Gongjie was obviously sweating down his face, but Yi Tian on the opposite side seemed to be fine, and if he continued to fight, it would not be a discussion.At this moment, Nangong Jie felt remorse for a while, why would he mess with this person if he had nothing to do, now it was hard to get off.

Looking at Nangong Jie's state, Yi Tian also said directly: "Nangong Jie and we are tied, you just stop and I have something for you to take back to Nangong Qianyun."

To Nangongjie, Yi Tian's words were really the sound of nature at this time, and then his consciousness shrank back, he swayed and stood firm, and then said to Yi Tian in a grand manner: "If you have something to say, hurry up, in a moment or three quarters you will I'm about to lose, and I don't want to embarrass you too much, lest my sister trouble me."

Tang Lin, who was on the side, let out a chuckle, glanced at Yi Tian's face, and suppressed the rest of the laughter.

I saw Yi Tian took out a jade box with a seal from the storage bracelet, pushed it lightly and sent it to Nan Gongjie, and then said: "Please help me hand over the contents of this jade box to Nan Gongjie." Nangong Qianyun, by the way, tell her for me, I am very grateful to Yi Tian for the matter of Fanxing City."

Nangong Jie gently lifted the seal, opened it and glanced at it, it turned out to be the fourth-grade top-grade Ziyou Xianglan plant at the auction, and then blurted out: "You are the guy who bid [-] yuan, I can't see that you are quite rich Is it right?" Then he covered the jade box, put the seal back on, and put it into the storage bracelet.

Seeing that a misunderstanding was resolved, Yi Tian also sighed, and suddenly Nan Gongjie's sound transmission came from his ear: "Yi Tian, ​​you are so good, you actually tricked my sister into giving away the secret of the Xuanling Sect. I have already taught you the Yang Alchemy Art, so after you try the last move 'Mingyang God Illusory Thorn', it won't take long before you go back and practice it."

Looking at Nangong Jie's proud face, Yi Tian knew that he had misunderstood. It was because he didn't dare to explain it, and the more he described it, the more he described it. The people of the Lingpai will immediately turn against each other under unknown circumstances, and sometimes being misunderstood by others can cover up bigger loopholes.

I had no choice but to nod, Yi Tian simply made a mistake this time, and he made a mistake.Next to my ear came Nangong Jie's cheap voice transmission: "Originally you wanted my sister to guide you in practicing 'Mingyang Shenhuan Thorn', but this time it's fine, even though I'm going to do it for you, don't you Tell my sister."

After thinking about it, Yi Tian actually forgot one of the most important things, and hurriedly took out the refined nine-section whip and handed it to Nangong Jie, asking him to take it back and hand it to Nangong Qianyun.But seeing Nangong Jie's anxious look, Yi Tian knew that the little ghost was difficult to deal with, so he simply took out the top-level spirit sword of the fourth level as a gift to him, and then confuse the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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