
Chapter 145

Chapter 145
This year's competition in the Artifact Hall of the Chiyang School is a bit weird. No one from the second senior brother Qi Haosi's school signed up to participate. Now Wan Rui, who is subordinate to the senior brother Pei Ming, is the only one among the craftsmen in the early stage of foundation establishment, and is competing in the Artifact Hall In the competition, he is superior to other heroes.

Huang Ziang, who was usually able to fight against Wanrui in court, this year dozed off behind a group of foundation-building monks. Those inner disciples were whispering to each other. During the inventory, there were nearly ten catties of star iron, eighty catties of copper and iron essence, and a full eight taels of ostentatious gold crystals.

Pei Ming, the chief deacon of Qidian, was furious because of this, and it was the second senior brother Qi Haosi who persuaded him, saying that he also knew about this matter, and that he approved the things and had nothing to do with Huang Ziang.

In short, Pei Ming was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger. In the end, Huang Ziang was exempted from the competition qualification, and he asked Qi Haosi to give a definite statement in front of everyone in Qidian at the annual meeting, or else it was a quarrel. When he went to the first seat of the Qi Palace, Pei Ming wanted to find out the truth.

But Qihaosi just casually said "I see", and then began to close his eyes and rest his mind. He didn't take this matter to heart at all, and was distracted even during the competition. Are you out of shape at all?

Today Wan Rui practiced a level [-] elementary spirit sword, because the Qidian didn't provide enough materials this time, so he used the materials he brought during the competition.

To be honest, the things Wan Rui refined were not bad, at least Huang Ziang looked at his spirit sword and found that it was not much different from his own, but it was not comparable to anyone else.

More than a month ago, after Yi Tian brought Guan Mingyi and Tang Lin back to the sect from Fenghua City, he directly summoned Huang Ziang, and then needed to mobilize a large amount of supplies. Although Huang Ziang is a warehouse deacon, his power is limited.On the contrary, Yi Tian took his true disciple jade card, opened the warehouse directly, went in for a walk, and came out with two storage bags.

At that time, I was in a hurry so that I didn't go through the normal process. When Huang Ziang went in to take stock again, his legs were so frightened that his legs were weak. It's okay to take a little at ordinary times, but Yi Tian just took a dozen catties or a dozen catties. .

Afterwards, Huang Ziang hurriedly reported the situation to Qi Haosi, but Qi Haosi did not expect that he said directly: "He is helping others to refine the fifth-level natal magic weapon, and he will take care of it in advance when he comes out. Just put it on his head." He patted Huang Ziang on the back with a smile on his face and said: "It's a small matter, if you can't get the materials for this year's Artifact Hall, don't go, let Pei Ming and his group go to work. .”

The refining room of the Chiyang Artifact Hall also has specifications. For example, Pei Ming and Qi Haosi can only use the No. [-] and No. [-] rooms, and the No. [-] room can only be used by true disciples, and it has been empty for decades. No one has been.

So everyone forgot about it, and the entire corridor leading to Dizi No. [-] Room was full of dust, but just like this, when there was a fire in Dizi No. [-] Room, no one could notice it from the outside.The only problem was that there was a monk wearing Tiejianmen clothes meditating at the door, and one of them hadn’t been touched for almost a month. Tang Lin who was standing next to him came to have a look from time to time. Who knew that Yi Tian inside would When will it be refined.

This time, Guan Mingyi also confessed half of his net worth, about 15 spirit stones and about [-] supplies, which had already been handed over to Qi Haosi through Tang Lin.Qi Haosi, who was sitting in the lobby of the Artifact Hall, was very happy. He had recovered all his investment before he practiced. Yi Tian just took about [-] spirit stones. Think about others The true disciples of Tiejianmen are really too rich.

Now Qi Haosi only hopes that Yi Tian can finish the work soon, and there will be a good show after the work is over.The performances of these foundation-building juniors are really unsatisfactory, especially that Wan Rui, who plays as fancy as he wants. He Xinsheng's copy, Pei Ming's standards are too low.

A shout from the main hall pulled Qi Haosi back to his mind, Pei Ming's faction kept yelling, Wan Rui had already handed over the refined spirit sword, and Pei Ming was just pretending He commented like this, did he let out a few exclamations from his mouth: "Wan Rui is really a formidable young man. I didn't have such a level in the early foundation establishment." Then he handed the spirit sword to Qi Haosi and asked directly : "Junior Brother Qi, what do you think?"

Qi Haosi was also sloppy, and after looking at it, the three words "it's not bad" popped out of his mouth.

There was no expression of joy or anger on Pei Ming's face, he just curled his lips and announced: "This year's inner sect disciple's first name is Wan Rui." He also directly stepped forward to congratulate Wan Rui for winning the first prize.

Pei Ming looked at it and said to Qi Haosi: "Junior Brother Qi, Wan Rui won the first place in a few years, and Huang Ziang made such a big mess in guarding the warehouse of the Artifact Palace last year. I think he should be replaced in a few years. It's up to Wan Rui to monitor the material warehouse," Pei Ming was about to announce in the hall before Qi Haosi could respond.

Qi Haosi who was on the side suddenly said: "Senior Brother Pei, the appointment of the warehouse deacon is usually decided by the chief executive. If the chief executive is not there, he still has to listen to the opinion of Qidian Zhenzhuan. Why don't we wait?"

Not knowing what Qi Haosi said, Pei Ming asked proudly: "The first one has been in seclusion for many years and doesn't ask about common things, but the true disciple Yi Tian hasn't appeared in nearly 30 years, Junior Brother Qi, don't delay," and then called Wan Rui Go forward and prepare to deliver the appointment on behalf of Yuezu.

Now Wan Rui is a proud recipient of the congratulations from all the brothers and sisters. He got up and walked forward, saying "I don't dare to do it".Standing in the middle of the hall, he still didn't forget to look back at Huang Ziang, who was shrunk behind. The latter just smiled at him strangely, fell asleep without saying anything.

Instinctively felt that the situation was not good, but Wan Rui said that he would not output anything. Seeing that Pei Ming was in power, even Qi Haosi could only delay time.Wan Rui couldn't help but decide in his heart that gold will always shine no matter where it is placed. Although the foundation was established a year later than Huang Ziang, he was still 30 years old, and under the care of his senior brother Pei Ming, he was late and faintly There is momentum to catch up.

Qi Haosi looked at Pei Ming and Wai Rui's pairing together, and felt amused in his heart. The third junior brother Ning Yuxuan only succeeded in building the foundation for the second time, so he has been retreating for so many years, and he must practice until the middle stage of foundation building. Exit.

And that unreliable Yi Tian finally showed up after being away for more than 20 years. Listening to his message, it seems that his master ordered him to do an important matter. After he came back, he was basically asked to fade out of the sect's sight.Fortunately, after the lifting of the ban period, he was restless, and directly accepted a job as a fifth-order spiritual weapon. This was something that he and Pei Ming couldn't do. Let's see how he completes this request.

Standing in the hall, Pei Ming first praised Wan Rui, and then announced in public: "This year, the warehouse deacon of the Qidian will be appointed." Before he could finish speaking, the sky outside suddenly became dark, and the entire hall suddenly became It looked like it was night, and the Artifact Hall discussion was scheduled to be held at noon. Generally, there would be no sudden changes in the sky at this time, unless someone was going through a catastrophe.Pei Ming scratched his head and thought, "Basically all the disciples registered in Qidian are there, and Ning Yuxuan has already read the Foundation Establishment Tribulation, it shouldn't be." '

Seeing that the people below suddenly became restless, Qi Haosi stood up on the side, put on a posture of the head of the palace of equipment, and said loudly: "Silence, how noisy is it, come to hold the lamp, and follow me Go out and have a look, don't mess yourself up."

It didn't take a while for a registered disciple to come forward and light up the oil lamp on the wall. Qi Haosi winked at Huang Ziang and then strode towards the refining room of the Artifact Hall. Huang Ziang immediately got up and called out a few The brothers and sisters followed up together.Pei Ming didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Qihaosi's gourd, seeing a vision in the sky and it was in the backyard of the Hall of Qi, he had no choice but to put down what he was doing first, and asked all the disciples to go and have a look.

After everyone in the Qidian arrived at the refining room, they saw Tang Linchu there, looking up at the sky, and everyone took advantage of the opportunity to look up.I saw a disciple in Tiejianmen clothing holding a single knife in the air, standing there, a calamity cloud slowly formed in the sky, and the thunder calamity in the middle was ready to go.

Suddenly someone shouted that it was not a foundation-building calamity, but a spiritual weapon calamity.The people at the side also whispered nonsensely, this first one has not been released for many years, and it turned out to be a fifth-level spiritual tool for people.

Even Pei Ming and Wan Rui looked enviously at the Spirit Artifact Tribulation in the sky. This is something that the following craftsmen dream of, and it also represents the identity and status of a craftsman.

On the other hand, Qihaosi and Huang Ziang were pleasantly surprised, this Yi Tian finally succeeded, as long as he survived the spiritual weapon tribulation, Yi Tian would be firmly seated as the No. [-] person in the Qi Palace.

The robbery cloud in the sky condensed for a moment and then chopped down directly. Everyone saw the white lightning with the thickness of an arm hit the single knife in the hand of the Iron Sword Sect disciple.

Guan Mingyi, who is in the sky, is having a hard time now. He didn't expect that the Thunder Tribulation would be so strong that it would almost catch up with the Golden Core Tribulation, but this is better. As long as he survives the Golden Core Tribulation, this natal magic weapon will be more useful .Seeing the thunder calamity hit the blade, Guan Mingyi held back the paralysis caused by the thunder and lightning, bit the tip of his tongue, and spat out a mouthful of blood. His hands were infused with spiritual power. After the sword was infused with both spiritual energy and blood, his whole body shone with golden light. Receive all the remaining thunder and lightning, and then temper the blade in the thunder and lightning.

After a burst of thunder, Guan Mingyi slowly flew down, and looked at the simple saber in his hand, with white arcs flickering from time to time, and after the spirit crystal was fully integrated, there was a faint appearance of electric dragons on both sides of the blade , accompanied by the sound of Jiao Yin.This spiritual weapon has been completely advanced to level five, and it has absorbed Guan Mingyi's blood from the tip of his tongue, so there is no need to recognize its owner with a drop of blood now.I saw him holding the saber with one hand in his right hand, and then he pointed with a tactic with his left hand. After flashing an electric arc, the saber slowly became smaller, and with a whoosh sound, it went into Guan Mingyi's dantian.

Now Qi Haosi hastily stepped forward to congratulate him and said: "Congratulations to Senior Brother Guan for getting this treasure, and there is hope for the Golden Elixir in the future." Everyone around looked at the two of them in surprise, and Pei Ming secretly thought that something was wrong, what is the master? Being partial to Qi Haosi, he didn't talk to himself about such an important matter, and immediately stepped forward to congratulate him.

Unexpectedly, Guan Mingyi said with a look of disdain: "Tell that stinky boy Yi Tian, ​​don't get cheap and act good, and I'll see how he lives later, hmph"

Qi Haosi who was standing next to him got dizzy when he heard it, what the hell is Yi Tian doing, hasn't he already refined it.This is the color of the robbery cloud in the sky turned into fiery red. All the craftsmen know that the thunder robbery also changes according to the attribute of the spirit weapon. The sword just now is obviously of the thunder attribute, but now the red robbery cloud does not indicate that Is it that the fifth-level spirit weapon with the fire attribute is about to become a reality?

Before recollecting it, the door of Dizi No. [-] refining room opened again, and Yi Tian rushed out wearing a dirty linen robe, holding a fiery red circle the size of a foot in his hand. Dun, after seeing everyone, just said: "Everyone is here, stay away and I will come down later." After speaking, he took the flywheel up to the sky.

This time when the red thunder struck, Yi Tian just held the shield on his head with both hands, pouring the aura in his hands into it with all his strength, and the shield doubled in size in an instant, and it withstood the lightning strike all at once.

In the end, his cultivation base is still a bit worse than Guan Mingyi. Yi Tian was hit by the red lightning in the air and sank a foot before he stabilized his body. After overcoming the lightning, Yi Tian slowly flew down from the sky, After landing, he said to Guan Mingyi: "Look, it's not much worse than you."

Guan Mingyi also snorted and said with a smile: "You are just a dead duck with a stubborn mouth."

(End of this chapter)

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