
Chapter 146 Investigation

Chapter 146 Investigation
The annual meeting of Qidian is still going on, and after the episode just now, many people present are sitting down in a well-behaved manner without saying a word, so as not to leave it to Yi Tian, ​​the acting deacon of Qidian in front of him. a bad impression.

Pei Ming and Qi Haosi were sitting on the left and right respectively. Although their cultivation bases were higher than Yi Tian's, their identities were there, and they had just refined two fifth-level spiritual weapons. In this cultivation world where the strong are respected Here, it is not too much for Yi Tian to sit on the main seat.And Pei Ming was sitting on the left with an apologetic smile on his face, saying it was meaningless now, while Qi Haosi was sitting on the right, with an excited expression on his face, completely opposite to the old monk's expression just now.

The disciples of Pei Ming's department sitting below all glanced at it, and they couldn't help beating drums in their hearts. Did they visit the wrong pier? It was obvious that Qi Haosi was the one who wore the same pair of trousers as the eldest brother Yi Tian.

The one with the biggest contrast is Huang Ziang, who sits in the last row of the Foundation Establishment cultivators. What is the relationship with that person, he will definitely take care of him when he returns strongly this time.

Seeing that everyone sat down and listened, Yi Tian coughed twice, and then said: "Take a look at the aura that was discussed at this year's annual meeting. I haven't been in the Qi Temple for so many years. Today, I took this opportunity to take a look at the door. Whether there are outstanding talents, you can only take great responsibility."

Wan Rui, who was sitting below, was in a panic. He had a feud with Yi Tian more than 30 years ago, and he suspected that there was something wrong with the magic weapon he made during the entrance test. Don't be so strong, it's better to dig out those old accounts together.

Pei Ming also had no choice, although he had already made a conclusion, but that was just now, now that Yi Tian is here, he doesn't count, and the process has to be repeated.Seeing Yi Tian's appearance, sitting on the main seat and raising his legs, like Qi Haosi's enthusiasm, Pei Ming was also speechless, so he handed over the spirit sword refined by Wan Rui, and explained Said: "This year, there is a shortage of materials in the warehouse managed by Huang Ziang, so all the brothers and sisters have their own materials, so there will be uneven levels of quality."

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian just said: "There is no problem with the storage of Qidian managed by Huang Ziang. I paid for the materials in advance. Because of time constraints, I plan to blend the storage after training, and I also closed the Iron Sword Gate. Senior Brother Mingyi's The 20 spirit stones have all been handed over to Senior Brother Qi."

Qi Haosi on the side also took out four storage bags inappropriately and said: "I just got it not long ago, and I planned to make a public account in the Palace of Warehouses after the annual meeting. The deacon can order it face to face." Then he ordered Huang Ziang to come up and count.

The latter naturally came up happily, and fumbled with the four storage bags in front of everyone, and then said with a serious face: "Brother Qizheng, the things have been counted, Lingshi 15, all kinds of rare materials are equivalent to more than [-], and they will be directly entered into the official accounts of the Artifact Hall to prepare for inquiries from all parties." After speaking, he called several other deacons in the hall, and then distributed the spirit stones for registration.

So Pei Ming couldn't be chasing after him fiercely, so he had to laugh at Yi Tian: "So it's no problem for Senior Brother Yi to withdraw it, but this time it seems that Junior Brother Yi has refined two fifth-level spiritual weapons, I don't know if there are any Pay enough spirit stones or contribution points."

Qi Haosi, who was on the side, said again at this time: "Brother Zhenchuan will naturally withdraw the materials according to the rules of the Qi Palace. Yi Tian has not received offerings and bonuses from the Qi Palace in 30 years, so this time they will be included in the total. Besides, I also paid [-] contribution points, according to the preferential policy for true disciples, you can get a [-]% discount, and the material fee you have paid is more than enough," said the roster and handed it to Pei Ming.

Knowing that these three people are in collusion, and must have thought carefully beforehand to fill up all the loopholes in all aspects, Pei Ming also smashed his teeth and swallowed it, this time he was planted, it depends on how Yi Tian handles Wan Rui, If it's unfair, you have to make another shot.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the main seat, twirled around with the spirit sword between his fingers, and then said with a smile, "Junior Brother Wan is really a leader in the sect. He can refine a fourth-level elementary spirit weapon at the early stage of foundation establishment. En , Not bad, where is the task manager, find out all the requests for refining next year, find ten spirit swords to refine, and hand them directly to Junior Brother Wan."

After laughing, Yi Tian said to Wan Rui again: "Junior Brother's great talent should not be neglected, just work hard for the Artifact Hall for a few years, and you can also practice in the Artifact Refining Room, it doesn't get in the way, it doesn't get in the way."

Hearing Wan Rui, who was at the bottom, smiled wryly and said, "Thank you, senior brother, for cultivating."

Sitting on the seat, Yi Tian knew in his heart that this white and fat guy had greeted himself countless times in his heart, so he should refresh himself and not rest for a year.Then he turned his head to Pei Ming and said, "Junior Brother Pei, do you think this is good?"

Pei Ming also had no choice but to nod and said yes, even if I wasn't here at this time, he would still bear it, otherwise it would not be in vain to sit in the seat for so many years.

Seeing that the matter was over, Yi Tian ordered that Huang Ziang continue to serve as the storage deacon of the Qidian for ten years, and regardless of the reaction of the crowd, he got up and left for the apse.I only heard Huang Ziang's laughter from the lobby and said: "Don't worry, Brother Zhenchuan, I can be a deacon for 20 years."

Half a day later, in Huang Ziang's cave, there were several people sitting in a circle, namely Tang Lin, Wu Xing, Huang Ziang, Qu Yifeng and Qi Haosi. Come, Qu Yifeng happened to come to talk to Yi Tian about something, and came to have dinner together on the way.

It took many years for everyone to reunite, and they were full of pride, eating grilled dragon meat, while Tang Lin was explaining the process of slaughtering dragons that day, but it was completely his own performance, ignoring the others.

Yi Tian who was drinking was also tacitly aware, anyway, anyone with a discerning eye knew what was going on.I heard Qu Yifeng say to Tang Lin disdainfully: "Don't brag, the fifth-level monster is comparable to the early-stage Jindan monk, you are at most a striker, I guess that Guan Mingyi from the Iron Sword Sect is the main attacker, fooling the little boy." A child's trick," these two sentences aroused Tang Lin's drunkenness, and the two began to fight each other.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, really told Qi Haosi to be careful of the Pei Ming faction's counterattack. Although he can suppress it now, he doesn't know when the other party will find a chance to win back.Qi Haosi also nodded frequently, the two had fought fiercely in the past few years, and he knew how many catties and taels the other party had, and reassured Yi Tian that he would keep an eye on this matter.

What really scares Yi Tian is the 'Ye Xiao' from the Bone Gate, who has been lurking in Chiyang Sect for so long for some unknown reason.But it's useless to talk about it with the few people in front of him. Except for Qu Yifeng who knows something inside, Yi Tian doesn't want to involve other people.

While everyone was in Yitian, I also asked about Wu Xing and Zhao Xinmeng, and the answer I got was that the two of them were in a state of competition. Just keep your distance.However, the private communication between the two is still hot, and they use the alchemy room of the alchemy hall to keep in touch.

Wu Xing also mentioned that Huashicheng had left the sect ten years ago, and it would be difficult to make up for his Dao foundation damage in this life, so he found an errand to establish a cultivator in a subsidiary country of the Chiyang faction. The family hoped that after more than ten years, descendants would be able to enter the Chiyang Sect and continue his desire for cultivation.After listening to it, Yi Tian also felt very uncomfortable, thinking about how many people here will still be built in a hundred years.

After messing around for a long time, when the banquet was over, Yi Tian followed Qu Yifeng back to the Discipline Hall.Hearing that Yan Jun had just found him this time, Yi Tian knew in his heart that maybe it was all about eradicating traitors.I was arrested and recruited as a young man just a few days after I returned to Qidian, I was really upset, but Qu Yifeng pestered Yi Tian all the way to ask about Tujiao's story that day, Tang Lin was the version with water added, so I don't count.Yi Tian had no choice but to tell the truth, but he didn't tell Qu Yifeng about Zhuge Wudi's tricks.

After arriving at the Discipline Hall, the two went directly into the back hall without a pass. Under Yi Tian's questioning face, Qu Yifeng showed off the token in his hand.It turns out that since Shen Peiqi guarded Country Fong outside, he has now become Yan Jungang's deputy.Therefore, most of the staff in the Discipline Hall knew him, and Yi Tian followed him without any hindrance.

Yan Jungang, who was sitting at the top, was still the same. His many years of investigative experience made him appear more deep and sophisticated. Yi Tian reckoned that Yan Jungang's cultivation was stronger than that of Guan Mingyi. Compared with the two, Yan Jungang should have reached the Jindan Stage first. Yes, and it is conservatively estimated that it will not take 20 years.

After the three sat down, Yan Jungang first praised Yi Tian a few words, saying that he knew how to advance and retreat, and understood the meaning of the above.Then he opened a sound-proof enchantment and said directly: "This time, I invite you to come here to ask for something. After much deliberation, I still think you are the most suitable."

Seeing Yi Tian looking at him puzzled, Yan Jungang continued: "In the past few years, the Anzi of the Baigumen in the sect has been ready to move again, and seems to be plotting such a big event."

"What's the matter? Is it related to supper?"

Qu Yifeng, who was at the side, obviously heard this name for the first time, and he was also very energetic. Here, his backup is the smallest, and his strength in the early stage of foundation establishment is the worst, so he can only listen.

Yan Jungang thought for a while and said: "I'm going to retreat and attack Jindan. It will take about 20 years. When I'm gone, I will arrange for Shen Peiqi to take over my seat. Gao Yuanfan and Lu Qihao have no objections. I'm just afraid that Jin Sheng will play tricks on it, so I plan to kill first and play later, and with Master Ye's help, it won't be a big problem."

A dissatisfied Yi Tian looked at Yan Jungang and said, "Then am I temporarily seconded to the Discipline Hall? Is there any mission behind the scenes?"

"Actually, I want you to help me investigate the matter. Although it is a bit complicated, after the matter is completed, I will take the benefits and let you advance smoothly."

Yi Tian got excited when he heard the great benefits, and hurriedly asked Yan Jungang to tell all the details, so don't keep it up.

(End of this chapter)

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