
Chapter 147 Infiltrate

Chapter 147 Infiltrate
In Hewan County, Mushan City, Dongjiang Country, Yi Tian was walking on the street, thinking about all the things in the past. He started his business here back then. After more than [-] years, he doesn't know if those people from back then are still there.

This time, the mission Yan Jungang ordered was to investigate Song Jiong, the lord of the Dongjiang Kingdom, and the foundation-builder monks who stayed behind. In recent years, the supplies offered by the lord of the Dongjiang Kingdom have become less and less, and there is still a lot of water mixed in.Moreover, the soul boys who came from Dongjiang country for more than ten years have gradually become extinct. It is clear that the roots of the three southern sects have been cut off, and this has stabbed a hornet's nest.

The upper echelons of the three factions felt that something was wrong, so they ordered a thorough investigation. The Dongjiang Kingdom belongs to the Chiyang Sect. Although it is in a remote area, the Chiyang Sect is obliged to do so. Therefore, Yan Jungang will ask Yi Tian to lead Qu Yifeng to the Dongjiang Kingdom. Check it out.

After this investigation, Yan Jungang also gave news that the Chiyang faction will also participate in the Xuanling big reward three years later. As long as the two can successfully complete the task within the time limit, Yan Jungang can give the two of them through the relationship of the Xuanling faction. It is a great opportunity to get the jade card for admission. It is a chance to get the Xuanyang Fruit and Xuanling Clear Liquid that are unique to the Xuanling Sect.

Qu Yifeng's eyes were wide open at that time, this is a shortcut to the middle and late stages of advancement.Unexpectedly, Yi Tian smiled, took out a jade tablet directly from the storage bag, and stared at Lei's big eyes.

Yan Jun was so angry that he was speechless on the spot, so he immediately changed the conditions, one thousand contribution points, plus the opportunity to practice for a month outside the lava cave of the Chiyang Sect, Qu Yifeng salivated, and finally heard Yi Tian only Said weakly: "Is it okay to convert it with spirit stones, all of them are middle-grade."

It's not that Yi Tian doesn't want to go to the lava cave, but it's too close to Chiyangzi, the ancestor of Chiyang.So Yi Tian resolutely refused. After much deliberation, Lingshi is the most affordable. All middle-grade Lingshi is useful for setting up formations or fighting with others.

I visited Quanbei City just now, and the Yiji grain store there is still there. The owner of the store has indeed changed. I heard that the shopkeeper Yida sold the store to others many years ago, and he went back to his hometown to retire.Now the Four Seas Casino on East Street is still in business, Yi Tian walked in wearing a bamboo hat, with only one penny on him, which was borrowed from the beggar's bowl at the door.

Sitting in front of the dice score, Yi Tian pressed the bill as soon as he stepped up.No one noticed at first, but he won ten hands in a row. Although he didn't win a tael of silver, the dice player standing opposite was not a fool.The person on the opposite side was obviously a master, so he hurriedly called a stop, and then ordered the boy to invite the gang leader out.

After a cup of tea, Yi Tian saw a middle-aged fat man who was about 45 years old and had a big belly walked down.The Wang Bao back then was the current youthful version, except for the beard and the wrinkles on his face, he was pretty much the same.After Wang Bao stood still in front, Yi Tian motioned for another dice cup, as if he wanted to compete with the boss of Sihailou.Wang Bao on the opposite side has not met an opponent in more than 30 years. It is rare for someone to come to challenge Bululu's real kung fu. I really don't know how many eyes Ma Wangye has.

I saw Yi Tian making a gesture of guessing each other for ten rounds. When everyone saw that it was the experts, they dispersed one after another to make room.More than 30 years later, the two confronted each other again in the same place and in the same way.It's a pity that Xianfan is different, after playing nine games, everyone around saw that the man wearing a hat used the same technique as the boss Wang Bao, and it was even more exquisite. Both of them guessed all nine games correctly.When Yi Tian was about to open the tenth, the middle-aged Wang Bao on the opposite side played a rogue and shouted loudly: "Yi Tian, ​​can't you let me order?"

After lifting off the hat, Yi Tian showed his true face, and smiled at Wang Bao: "Wang Bao has been here for more than 30 years, don't come here without any problems."

Seeing that Yi Tian's appearance was still the same as before, Wang Bao was also taken aback, and then he smiled and greeted Yi Tian to go to the back hall to chat.After the two chatted for two days, Yi Tian left ten copies of Peiyuan powder and gave them to Wang Bao, and asked him to take half of them to Yi's house in Hewan Village, and he would not go back, so as not to be sad when he got it.

Wang Bao also readily agreed, and also found a painter to paint the portraits of himself and Yi Tian, ​​which will be kept as family heirlooms in the future. A burst of blue light sealed the magic spell of a thorny being, and asked Wang Bao to drip a little blood to admit the master. In the future, whenever the Wang family encounters a fatal disaster, the direct descendants can activate the spell with their own blood.

Three days later, the escort team of the White Horse Gang confronted two bodyguards, who were disguised by Yi Tian and Qu Yifeng. The two changed their identities in the bodyguard because of Wang Bao's relationship, and then followed the bodyguard car all the way to Dongjiang Country .

In fact, Qu Yifeng also very much agrees with Yi Tian's idea of ​​secretly inquiring. Together, the two of them found out that their identities are a hidden danger, and they swaggered into the city. Those snakes, insects, rats and ants have long been hiding. With this cover, they can attack secretly. .Moreover, they haven't visited the remaining Foundation Establishment cultivator yet, so the two of them felt that it would be better to contact the left-behind cultivator after conducting a secret investigation to obtain evidence.

Yi Tian and Qu Yifeng, members of the bodyguard team of the White Horse Gang, disguised themselves as bodyguards and sneaked into the capital of Dongjiang. After entering the city, the two found his private house according to the address given by Wang Bao.After entering, they found that the housekeeper had all the servants and maids. The two deduced that Wang Bao's men came to pick it up and slept in the open for one night, and then they were arranged by the housekeeper to go to the woodshed.Yi Tian said in his heart, "I can't see that Wang Bao is very active in his mind. He has set up a home in the capital, so it's okay to hide in the golden house here."

After the two stayed that night, they first went around to inquire about the situation of Song Jiong, the lord of the Dongjiang River.Ask the neighbors in the neighborhood that they have a lot of affection for the current ruler. He is a rare wise ruler who is diligent in government and loves the people.What these people say is far from the government basically deviates from the actual situation a lot.Yi Tian and Qu Yifeng jointly prepared to visit the palace at night, and surprise is the most effective.

At night, Yi Tian slipped out from the back door of the house in a linen coat and a bamboo hat, without disturbing anyone.Along the way, because there was no one on the street due to the curfew, Yi Tian didn't dare to use escapism to stir up spiritual power fluctuations and attract the attention of interested people.Speeding through the back alleys of rows of houses, aiming at the direction of the capital of Dongjiang country.

When he got to the foot of the king's city, Yi Tian performed the Jianghu Qinggong Juyingbu and jumped onto the tower, and walked quietly along the city wall to get close to the Zhengde Hall.This is the daily office of Zhu Jiong, the lord of the Dongjiang River. Yi Tianmao took a look on the city wall with his spiritual eyes. The lord Zhu Jiong was sitting in the palace reviewing the memorial, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Yi Tian watched the whole night until Song Jiong rested in Zhengde Hall before leaving.For the next ten days, Yi Tian went to stay in Wangcheng every night, and basically found nothing abnormal. On the contrary, King Song Jiong slept in Zhengde Hall almost every night, which aroused Yi Tian's suspicion.After they came back, the two discussed it, and they also felt that something was wrong. The lord of a country didn't go to those concubines to warm the bed at night, and he slept alone in his study. This was already suspicious. Qu Yifeng even joked: "Is there something wrong with this king?"

Half a month later, when Yi Tian was about to change places to check the harem, he suddenly saw a concubine leading several court ladies into the Zhengde Hall.It stands to reason that it is normal, the king is tired from work, is it normal to find his wife to liven up the atmosphere?Ke Yitian saw the maid brought by the concubine sticking her head out to see what was going on outside the Zhengde Hall, and hurriedly closed the door.

With the intention of finding out what happened, Yi Tian used his lightness kung fu, and flew to the roof of Zhengde Hall with a few vertical leaps. Looking down through the skylight, the concubine was sitting in Song Jiong's arms and feeding him ginseng tea. .But the color of the ginseng tea was a bit wrong, Yi Tian took a closer look, besides the ginseng tea, the complexion of the ruler Song Jiong was also not right, the whole person was expressionless, like a puppet being manipulated by someone.

Seeing that something was wrong, Yi Tian directly sent a message to Qu Yifeng, and then jumped off the skylight.After landing, there was a panic in the hall, Yi Tian looked around and saw that the concubine on the throne shook her hands while holding the ginseng tea, and the two maids and eunuchs next to her started yelling, but they didn't look at it for a long time Someone broke in at the door.

Looking at the face of the king Song Jiong and the composure of the concubine, Yi Tian knew something was wrong, let go of the spiritual power on his body, and pointed at the king Song Jiong with one hand, trying to pull him over.Song Jiong's body flew up straight like a wooden man, and the concubine flew up after seeing it and wanted to snatch Song Jiong.

A blue shadow flashed past, Yi Tian stopped in front of her directly, the two looked at each other and sacrificed spells in their hands at the same time.There was only a loud noise coming out of the Zhengde Hall, waking up the surrounding Imperial Forest Army.With a bang, the gates around Zhengde Hall were kicked open, and groups of soldiers filed in from each gate, surrounding Yi Tian and King Song Jiong.

The concubine turned around and was about to run away, Yi Tian was also on fire, and the movement spirit force let out a 'hum' from his nose, and a wave of air spread out centered on Yi Tian, ​​stunned all the surrounding soldiers.Fei blocked the concubine's way, and Yi Tian asked in a deep voice: "Where did you come from, a monk, dare to act wildly on the territory of the Chiyang Sect." And his hands didn't stop. Just now, after a small test, he found that this woman turned out to be a Yi Tian, ​​a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, is not polite anymore, and shoots three spiral fireballs directly.

I saw a piece of Jinluopa was sacrificed, covering the woman's entire figure, but the three fireballs seemed to have eyes, staring at the defensive spiritual weapon, and with a snap, the third one The fireball directly penetrated Jin Luopa's defense and hit a white protective shield, making a sizzling sound.The woman turned pale with shock, she could tell at a glance that there was a huge disparity between strength and weakness, and hastily shouted: "Brother Yin, come to the rescue quickly."

There was a bang on the roof, and a figure descended from the sky and landed in front of the woman.Yi Tian calmed down and saw that it was Yin Wuhui who he had seen when he was setting up formations in the East China Sea. It seemed that the people in Dongjiang Country were the ghosts of these two people in front of him.

Yin Wuhui smiled and said: "Junior Sister Tao, don't panic," turned to Yi Tian and said, "Boy, we seem to have seen it before. Have you grown very fast in the past twenty years?"

After a rough assessment of the strength of both parties, Yi Tian found that Yin Wuji's cultivation level was one level higher than his own in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, but the aura on his body was not as condensed as Yan Jungang's. It is estimated that he had just entered the advanced stage not long ago, but there were more people on the opposite side , and the reinforcements from his side have not yet arrived, so he hastily resorted to the "Drag Word Jue", hoping to buy Qu Yifeng some time.

Turning around, he used his body skills to stop the king Song Jiong and said, "Your corpse faction has repeatedly crossed the border. It seems that this time you plan to settle it here?"

Just as Yin Wuji was about to answer, he saw a fireball falling from the sky, and a figure appeared in the fireball was Qu Yifeng who had heard the news, and the scene suddenly became a two-on-two situation.

(End of this chapter)

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