
Chapter 1378

Chapter 1378
After discussing with the two in the hall of the city lord, Yi Tian found an excuse and retreated.I have already confided everything I thought and planned, and as for how to implement it, it is up to Concubine Yan to grasp it herself.The three of them are also well aware of this point, not to mention that since she is embarking on the road of seizing the heirloom, many things naturally cannot be done by others and need to be done by herself.

Nanny Yang was also very pleased with her proposal, and she could see a deep sense of approval from her eyes.

After he walked out of the hall, the demon generals who had gathered outside received a message from the inside and hurriedly entered from the left and right passages in two ways.Needless to say, Concubine Yan will definitely have further arrangements for them.

Looking over, I saw Yantong standing alone by the side of the main hall, as if he was waiting for him specially.Seeing that he was going out, he smiled and walked up to Jishou to salute, "Thank you, Daoist Yi, for your kind words for me in front of the third princess, Tong will keep it in mind."

"Fellow Daoist Yan, you don't need to be polite, these are all expected. With you in the Devil's Spine as the commander-in-chief, you can set off to fight with peace of mind," Yi Tian replied politely, raising his hand.

"Then I have to ask my friend Yidao to allow me to steal hundreds of years of leisure here," Yan Tong said with a hasty smile. The next small favor is naturally to find an opportunity to vote for Li Baoxiao to repay it.

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian changed the subject and asked: "Just now, fellow Taoist suggested in Neizhong, do you have any advice?"

"I don't dare to teach you, but it's just a pity that I couldn't find the treasures you wanted after years of inquiry by Yi Daoyou. This time, I just have the opportunity to find what you want, so I don't know." Yan Tong Blinking his eyes, he signaled to go out and talk.

Then the two went straight out of the city lord's hall and flew up to the mid-air before Yantong continued, "Does Yi Daoyou know about the Dongshan meeting of the Heavenly Demon Clan?"

"Dongshan Club," Yi Tian frowned and searched for the word in his mind, but he never remembered where he had seen it.In a blink of an eye, looking at Yantong's hesitant expression, he wondered in his heart that there might be a trade of precious materials in Dongshan.

Shaking his head to signal him to continue, Yantong slightly opened his lips and said: "The Heavenly Demons are recruiting talents. This Dongshan Club is a trade fair held under the banner of Demon Dragon Road, an alliance formed by monks who ascended."

"In this case, why did Fellow Daoist act so mysteriously? Could it be that the Dongshan meeting is shameful?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"That's not true, it's just that I heard that although the Demon Dragon Dao is attached to the Heavenly Demon Clan, it always has a disobedient heart, so people who participate in their trade fairs will more or less avoid suspicion, at least they have to hide their identities ,” Yan Tong explained.

It's so easy to understand that this is the black market of the demons, but the organizers have a bad reputation and everyone is a little afraid of being implicated.So even if you want to participate, you have to cover it up so as not to be misunderstood by the demons.

But right now, it seems that the black market trading of Dongshan Society has the best chance of obtaining precious materials, and Yi Tian is also a little hesitant about this matter.Now that the Devil's Ridge Mountain is tentatively decided, the Flame Prison Demon Clan naturally wants to maintain a stable situation, and myself and Yantong can fully represent the Flame Prison Demon Clan Expeditionary Army, and many things have to be carefully considered.

After thinking about it, Yi Tiancai said: "Let's go and have a look, but we have to make a good disguise to avoid being seen by interested people and cause trouble, as long as it doesn't affect the plan of the third princess."

"Then let's go back quickly. It's only [-] miles away from here to Dongshan. If we go now, we can catch up with the general arena, and maybe we can make a fortune," Yan Tong said.

Yi Tian just twitched his lips and then responded, and the two of them used their escapism skills and flew towards Dongshan.

Along the way, I also made indirect inquiries. This Dongshan meeting is also an irregular gathering organized by Demon Dragon Road.During the period of a few months, there was no special transaction according to the cultivation level, and the transaction was completely sold in the market.However, because there are a large number of ascended monks, they usually bring some special products from the lower realm.

What's more, these ascended monks will sneak into the depths of the devil world to find a large number of rare treasures to participate in the exchange.

Magic Dragon Road will take protective measures for every trader in Dongshan, and will also expel fit monks to sit in command.So as long as you follow the rules there, there is basically no limit to the variety and quantity of transaction content.

If there is a dispute, you can ask the people of Demon Dragon Road to resolve it, and at most it will be a valuable remuneration afterwards.But it is limited to disputes below the integration period, but it is enough to think about it, there will never be a monk in the integration period who is free to cause trouble in the exchange of Dongshan Club.

As for the general arena competition, it is divided into challenges of different cultivation levels. Participants can bring spiritual weapons that match their cultivation levels to participate. If they win, they will naturally get valuable rewards.

The onlooker monks can naturally participate in the betting, and the betting is limited to the magic spar.Originally, Yi Tian didn't have much interest in such competitions, but Yantong mentioned that many refiners would participate in such competitions, and they would show the spirit weapons they refined through the contestants.

For this point, Yi Tian finally found some reasons to persuade himself to go to watch the game.After coming to the Demon Realm, I really did not have the opportunity to communicate with the craftsmen in this realm.Although he knew that his level of refining weapons in the spiritual world was second to none in the Nine Realms, but he had a specialization in the arts, and the level of refining weapons in the magic cultivator should not be underestimated.

Looking at the horizon in the past can also understand the difference between yourself and the craftsmen in this world.The opportunity was so rare that he bumped into it. Yi Tian secretly asked if he would find an opportunity to participate in the general arena. Fineness.

Along the way, the two flew away one after another, and Yan Tong took out the clothes he had prepared beforehand and put them on when they were approaching Dongshan Mountain.Yi Tian took out his breath-suppressing cloak and mask and put it on, at the same time restraining the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body.In this way, even the monks who are also in the distraction stage cannot see through the disguise, and even the monks in the fusion stage cannot easily detect their identities through their spiritual pressure fluctuations.

When he came to the foot of Dongshan Mountain, Yan Tong took out two invitation cards and handed one to himself.Later, after the two showed it, they walked slowly from the mountain road at the foot of the mountain towards the market halfway up the mountain.

The Magic Dragon Road also divides the entire Dongshan Mountain into three trading places for heaven, earth and people according to the level of cultivation and the grade of treasure materials.With Yi Tian's cultivation base, they can enter and exit any exchange at will, but the two seem to be interested in walking along the way and slowly strolling through it.

After all, some Ascension Cultivators don't have enough cultivation, but the things they bring have some magical effects, and it would be a pity to miss them.After hearing his suggestion, Yan Tong patiently accompanied him and walked slowly towards the path on the mountainside, expressing his opinions from time to time along the way.What I didn't expect was that he was also a high-level alchemist, and he was able to point out many special low-level treasures with a single shot.

(End of this chapter)

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