
Chapter 1379 Trading

Chapter 1379 Trading
After the two arrived at the Dongshan meeting, they walked all the way down the mountain. After passing by the three major bazaars, did Yi Tian use his spiritual sense to scan the precious materials and elixirs placed on the trading seats and found that there were many things in them, although they were of different levels? High, but they are all high-quality items in the same category.

There are also some special treasures brought from the lower realms. Although I can't use them myself, it can be regarded as a great harvest to open my eyes.

When the two came to a prefecture-level trading booth, Yi Tian's mind moved slightly and he noticed that there seemed to be movement in the storage ring.After sneaking in the divine sense quietly, I found that it was the map I had previously collected that had changed.

This kind of situation will only appear when encountering similar items. I have encountered it twice before and successfully put together three quarters of the map.

Now that you encounter this last one, you can't miss it. Later, you will walk slowly towards the direction of the induction without showing any emotion on your face.Behind him, Yantong's face changed slightly, and he lowered his head and asked via voice transmission, "Did you find anything?"

Yi Tian led the way and walked slowly, and just replied indifferently: "If you find something, you can take a look. Fellow Daoist Yan, please be safe and don't be impatient, let me check."

Walking forward slowly until a certain booth, Yi Tian stood still and glanced at the person in front of him, and found that it was a cultivator at the transformation stage.I saw a faint air of alien world exuding from his body, although it was not very strong, it did exist.Needless to say, this person should be a soaring demon cultivator, and it would be extremely difficult to deal with such a person in Dongshan.

The other party's ability to get here must be due to the power of the Demon Dragon Dao. If he uses his strength here, he will definitely alarm the monks who will maintain order in Dongshan, and maybe it will attract the attention of the monks who are in the body stage behind him.

This is the last thing I want to see. After thinking about it for a while, I decided to get in touch first and solve it in a gentle way.

After thinking about it, he slowly walked forward to look at the traded items on the booth, then pointed to a magic marrow drill and asked, "I don't know how to trade this item?"

The cultivator of Huashen sensed his movement early in the morning, and then looked at the two people in front of him with a look of horror in his eyes.Obviously, he has already noticed that the person in front of him has a much higher level of cultivation than him, so naturally he can't come to him for no reason.

Although he felt a little lack of confidence, but this person is also a monk who is backed by the Ascension Alliance Demon Dragon Dao. At least his face is not humble and he replied: "One piece of magic essence drill is exchanged for a spirit weapon or elixir of the same value."

At this time, Yi Tian took a closer look at this person's appearance in the early stage of transforming the gods, with his body full of aura brought up from the lower realm, it seemed that he had not yet passed through the thunder calamity of entering the world.

It seems that within 200 years there will be a thunder disaster, but now exchanging materials for spirit weapons and elixir makes sense, at least they can be used directly.

However, all ascension monks always have some skills. After scanning their eyes, they found that some of the goods in front of them were human-level magic weapons, and most of the others were not popular.Obviously, this person may also be a craftsman, but at a slightly lower level.

Yi Tian thought for a while, then lowered his head and asked via voice transmission: "What is the name of this fellow Taoist?"

"I'm enshrining in the refinement stage of the Demonic Dragon Dao Transformation God Stage, Di Yun, I don't know what advice you have," the other party replied.

"You have a lot of precious materials in the hands of fellow daoists, but unfortunately most of them have failed to enter the rank. I don't know what other materials you have to choose from," Yi Tian induced step by step.

"I only have these things in my hands, which may disappoint my fellow daoists," Di Yun unexpectedly refused directly.

After hearing this, Yi Tian didn't get angry, he just said again: "I have a secluded thunder pill in my hand, maybe fellow daoists can use it, why don't you think about it again?"

Hearing these words, Di Yun's mouth trembled slightly, and a gleam flashed in his eyes. After thinking for a while, he replied via voice transmission: "This is not a place to talk, let's find another place to talk in detail."

Knowing that the other party has moved his heart, Yi Tian is determined in his heart, not afraid that he will insist on it, as long as there is a need, this matter is still easy to handle.The cultivator who came before him naturally knew how to choose between chance and life-saving.

Turning his head, Tong Yantong informed him for a while, and Yi Tian followed Di Yun to leave first, and the two of them chose a room at random when they reached the side of the market.After entering the inner chamber, Di Yun stretched out his hand to set up the sound-proof barrier, Yi Tian smiled and chose a seat and sat down.

After Di Yun sat down later, he asked, "I don't know what you value in my lower body, please explain."

Yi Tian reached out and took out a jade bottle, gently placed it on the table, then lifted the cap and said, "This is the secluded Leidan, fellow daoist, you can check it."

After a slight movement of Diyun's Divine Sense, he directly plunged into the jade bottle, his face was shocked a little later, his lips trembled and he said eagerly: "It really is a secluded Leidan and it's still a top grade, fellow daoist, you really made me An undeniable price."

"Fellow Daoist is an Ascended Cultivator, so he should understand the power of the Lightning Tribulation. Although the Demon Dragon Dao will have countermeasures, it is worth a lot of money," Yi Tian said.

Di Yun lowered his head and pondered for a while before replying: "I don't know what is there on the lower body that makes you so interested?"

"Naturally, it's something from the lower realms. Why don't fellow daoists take out the things you brought, and exchange them directly if you like them," Yi Tian suggested.

"If this is the case, if the value of that thing is much higher than that of Lei Dan, how can we trade it? After all, I also know that although many things in the lower realm seem mediocre, their real value is far from what they seem. I don't want to miss anything. , Fellow Daoist should know what I mean," Di Yun replied.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian reached out and took out a piece of defensive armor, put it aside and said, "This piece is an earth-level mid-level defensive magic weapon of the Flame Dragon Armor. It can be used as an addition. If it is combined with the Secluded Lightning Pill, it will surely allow fellow Taoists to get through the time of entering the world safely." Thunder Tribulation."

This time the envy in Di Yun's eyes showed unreservedly, after all compared to treasures or unattainable opportunities, his life is the most important.Thinking about which of these ascending monks in the lower realm is not the master of the all-powerful side, all of them regard their own fate as extremely important.

Then Di Yun reached out and took out the items in his storage ring one by one and put them on the table for Yi Tian to choose at will.

After a while, he took out a jade slip wrapped in animal skin, and Yi Tian thought to himself: "It's him." Then he stretched out his hand to take it lightly, and said with a smile: "It should be this thing, and the secluded Leidan will return." Fellow Daoist."

Di Yun's expression turned pale when he saw it, but then he hurriedly replied: "Fellow Daoist wait a minute, I intend to exchange for the Yanlong Armor, why don't I see if there are other fancy things." Take out some things from the lower world.

(End of this chapter)

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