
Chapter 1383

Chapter 1383
Not long after, there were several knocks on the door of the room where Yi Tian was, and then there was a waiter from Molongdao holding two trays in his hands.There were dozens of storage bags, large and small, on one of them, and a storage bracelet on the other.

This extra share is naturally a bargaining chip for him to win, and all the storage bags, large and small, are precious materials.Yi Tianshen scanned and screened the treasures in the storage bag one by one before putting them away neatly.

This time, he gained a lot of money by killing all rounds. In addition to winning a lot of high-level Meteorite Iron, he also had a pair of heaven-level magic spider webs.He planned to smelt this pair of magic spider webs into the meteorite shield to raise its grade by a small level again.

Turning around to see Yan Tong in front of him was also full of joy at this time, and he also gained a lot.This time, Di Yun's payout was high, and the return after his heavy bet was naturally much more than expected.

Although a [-]% discount will be deducted for betting on the big handicap, it doesn't matter for high odds.Later, Yantong restrained the smile on his face and raised his head to ask: "Yi Daoyou, what did you mean by the trouble you mentioned earlier?"

Just as he was talking, he suddenly heard another knock on the door, and then another voice said: "I, Demon Dragon Daoyinbufan, ask to see two fellow Taoists."

I was really afraid of something, Yantong looked at Yi Tian with a look of surprise on his face, and then whispered: "This person is the elder Keqing of the Demon Dragon Road who specializes in refining weapons. The trouble you mentioned, Fellow Daoist Lai Yi, has come to you."

With confidence in his heart, Yi Tian just smiled, and then replied flatly: "Friend Yin, please come in."

After three breaths, a seven-foot-tall Moxiu pushed open the door and walked in.This person exudes a strong demonic evil spirit all over his body, mixed with a little demonic fire. Needless to say, he should look like a typical craftsman.

Needless to say, it must be because Di Yun used the Yanlong Armor he had exchanged for on the general arena just now, which attracted the attention of interested people.At the same time, it can also prove that his refining skills are passable in the devil world, at least let many people have an idea.

When Yin Bufan walked into the room, the succubus maid behind him naturally backed out slowly and wisely, and when she went out, she also closed the door behind her.

After the people left, Yin Bufan stretched out his hand to open the soundproof barrier, and looked at the two people in front of him in a blink of an eye.After staring at Yantong for a while, he first extended his hand and saluted, "I don't know that the newly promoted Lord Yantong, the guard of Devil's Ridge Mountain, is visiting, and Yin is not far away to welcome him."

Yan Tong showed a complacent look on his face, and then he saluted: "Don't dare, you are the elder Dao Ke Qing of the Demon Dragon, and he is a rare master in the devil world."

These words are regarded as a compliment to the other party, but at the same time, it is also a disguised form to inform him and introduce the other party's background and identity.

A little later, I saw Yin Bufan turned around and bowed to himself, saying: "This fellow Taoist is very embarrassed, who is the master of the flame prison demon clan?"

"In Xiayan Prison, the Lord of the Third Palace of the Demon Clan Expeditionary Army is sitting down, the guest elder, Yi Tian, ​​fellow Daoist Yin, you are very polite," Yi Tian simply replied.

"It turned out to be Daoist Yi in person. It's a pleasure to meet you. You must be able to guess a little bit about the purpose of my visit," Yin Bufan said seriously after sitting down slowly.

Yi Tian first sized it up when he heard the words, and then asked puzzledly: "Could it be that the Demon Dragon Road has many requirements for betting, and the betting is just a one-time small win. Is it possible that the Ministry of Guild can't accept this small bet?" A small loss?"

Yin Bufan raised his head and laughed loudly when he heard the words: "You Daoist Yi, why did you say such a thing? My Demon Dragon Dao will do what I say. Naturally, such a small gamble will not be taken seriously."

After all, Yi Tian found that the other party's eyes were evasive, but they were not as light as he said.Since he didn't come to pursue his own bet, there must be other plans.

Now that the other party has confirmed his identity, he naturally doesn't dare to use force, but he doesn't know which point in him Yin Bufan has taken a fancy to.

After a while, he sighed and said: "I admire Master Yi's crafting skills very much, since we are all fellow-teachers, I wonder if we can have a chance to communicate with each other?"

Judging from his appearance, the communication is only pretending to gain some benefits from himself, so Yi Tian thought about it and laughed: "That's a good relationship. If you don't know what Master Yin wants, please speak up."

"I saw that the Yanlong Armor that has been refined is quite exquisite. I wonder how much it will improve the disciples in the transformation stage?" Yin Bufan asked.

Sure enough, Yi Tian thought about it for a while, but then changed the subject and asked, "Who is Daoist Yin trying to deal with? As far as I know, the contestants who signed up for the general arena are all from your Molongdao family." situation."

"I'm also making an inquiry on behalf of someone else, and the situation behind the general arena is definitely not as simple as Daoyou Yi thought," Yin Bufan returned earnestly.

Seeing that he seemed to want to ask more questions, Yan Tong who was on the side interjected: "Our Flame Prison Demon Clan has a good relationship with Demon Dragon Dao, but we will not get entangled in the power struggles within you, after all Fellow Daoist Yin should know my position."

Yin Bufan twitched his cheeks, unexpectedly, Yantong blocked everything he wanted to say, and the atmosphere on the court was vented immediately.

Seeing a little cold, Yi Tian said: "Friend Daoist Yin is not because I don't want to help, but because of some things, I am afraid of getting into trouble. Just like what Fellow Daoist Yan said, we are all passers-by and don't want to be involved too deeply."

"To be honest, this old man is so cheeky that he came here to exchange for a magic weapon similar to the Flame Dragon Armor from Daoist Yi, otherwise my subordinates would be no match for the Blood Thunderbolt no matter what," Yin Bufan also thought Not so much, just open your mouth and tell the reason.

It was Yi Tian and Yan Tong's turn to change their faces, and he couldn't imagine why they were both members of the Demon Dragon Way and would fight each other.However, this is the best opportunity to investigate Blood Thunderbolt. If his master is really related to Kudhara, then it is reasonable to try it once as a test.

Anyway, sooner or later, it is better to do it first. After all, it is better to be fully prepared for the last monk in the integration stage.

After thinking about it, he gently reached out and took out a pair of armor of the same standard, but asked in his mouth: "I know that there is a rule in the general arena that you must use spirit weapons of the same level, but even if I give you this armor Spirit Armor may not be able to defeat Blood Thunderbolt."

Yin Bufan glanced at the magic light in front of him, and saw that there was a whole pair of armor and a sword inside.No matter in terms of workmanship or spirit weapon material grade, it is the top production of the prefecture level, even he may not have such a good craftsmanship.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said: "This matter is our private agreement, and it will never be leaked. And I will pay double the price of similar magic weapons."

"Yes, but I still need the detailed information of Blood Thunderbolt and his master. I don't want to get into big trouble for no reason. At least for them, I have to know myself and the enemy," Yi Tian replied.

(End of this chapter)

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