
Chapter 1384

Chapter 1384
Under Yin Bufan's repeated requests, Yi Tian finally agreed to his request, but he also made several requests for personal purposes.

Among them, the most justifiable thing is to know the details of the venerable under the Demon Dragon Dao, and the characteristics of Blood Thunderbolt's skills.Yin Bufan was a little skeptical about this point at first, but when Yan Tong expressed his concerns, it became logical.

The two of them didn't want to have any troubles, this time Yin Bufan took the initiative to come to the door, so he had to leave enough reasons and a way out for the two of them both emotionally and rationally.Otherwise, such a trading session would not be able to continue, and the two of them obviously had the right to make a request.

Yin Bufan bowed his head and thought about it for a while, then he took out the jade slip and handed it over without hesitation, and then took out a storage bag and packed some precious materials and magic crystals to buy the magic spirit armor.

Yi Tian took the storage bag and just scanned it with his spiritual sense, then took the jade slip and put it on his forehead to quickly read it with his spiritual sense.

After ten breaths, he opened his eyes and said, "Deal," and gently stretched out his hand to send the light ball in his palm over.Yin Bufan took the Demon Spirit Armor and sized it up with his divine sense, then he said with a pleasant smile on his face: "It seems that Blood Thunderbolt will be in trouble this time, and it will not be so easy for him to win easily."

"Fellow Daoist Yin wait a moment, I still have something to ask," Yi Tian said again.

Yin Bufan put away the demon spirit armor in his hand, looked at the two before replying: "Do you not understand what I'm doing?"

"That's true," Yi Tian nodded and replied: "It is reasonable to say that your Demon Dragon Road is a family, why would you tear each other down?"

Yin Bufan replied with a cold snort: "Then why did the three princesses of the Flame Prison Demon Clan fight against the fourth prince and the seventh prince?"

Yi Tian was at a loss for what he said, and after a while he shook his head helplessly and replied: "Forget it, it's all a family matter, and I can't explain it clearly. Today, Fellow Daoist Yin, just pretend that you haven't met us, As for me when I went out, I just acted as if I had never met my fellow Taoist face to face."

"That's the best, we'll meet later," said Yin Bufan, who bowed his hands and walked out of the room. As for the succubus maid, she never appeared again.

Yi Tian turned around and said to Yan Tong: "Let's go too, I'm afraid something unexpected will happen at the Dongshan meeting if there is such a side issue today, we'd better avoid suspicion first."

After hearing this, Yan Tong nodded and responded: "You Daoist Yi said very well, we should take it easy in other people's territory. It is really helpless to be involved in the vortex of power struggle for no reason this time, but fortunately, we can get out of the matter Get out early."

Immediately, the two of them went out of the room without stopping, and walked out from the VIP passage on one side, out of the area of ​​the generals ring, and then rushed all the way down Dongshan.

Half a moment later, the two left the area of ​​the trade fair, and then they used escapism to rush towards the Devil's Spine Mountain Range.

But after flying for thousands of miles, I suddenly found that there was a divine sense behind them that locked the two of them, and two thousand miles away in front of them, two divine senses also enveloped the sky, locked the direction of the two's flight, and circled far away. over here.

Yi Tian frowned slightly. He didn't expect to cause trouble, but things always revolved around him.It's really unreasonable to say that he was hit by someone with this appearance for no reason. It is obvious that the other party intercepted him on his own path in a very targeted manner.

After Tong Yantong knew it, the two of them speeded up and wanted to break out from the other side, but the other three seemed to have made up their minds to bite him and rushed forward, and the speed seemed to be three points faster.

Obviously, he was not afraid of being encircled by these people at all when he was flying at full speed, but with a burden around him, he really couldn't let go and do whatever he wanted.

Yantong also seemed to have sensed the opponent's intentions, and after thinking about it for a while, he proposed: "Although I know that cooperation is powerful under such circumstances, Yi Daoyou, but the opponent's two outflanking seems to be counting our whereabouts. At this time It would be better to break out separately and meet up at the border where the army of the Devil's Ridge Mountain is located."

This remark was exactly what he wanted, but he couldn't be too optimistic, lest Yan Tong would feel dissatisfied after seeing it.Immediately nodded and replied: "What Fellow Daoist Yan said is true, then you and I will work separately, see you at Devil's Spine Mountain."

After speaking, the two of them divided into two groups and flew towards different directions. After flying for more than a hundred miles, Yi Tian's body was full of magic light, and his escape speed directly increased by more than [-]%.But in his spiritual sense, he found that the three spiritual senses behind him seemed to lock on him, and then he abandoned Yan Tong and chased him up from behind.

He thought to himself: "It's not good, is there something on my body that was marked by the other party's tracking?" "

After withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, he went deep into the storage ring and searched carefully for the things he had won from the Dongshanhui bet before, and finally focused his spiritual thoughts on a magic weapon of a clay puppet.The rest of the precious materials or magic spar are high-end products, but this one is a little special.

This thing should be something that a guy with no eyesight made a small handicap bet on before.I didn't think too much about it at the time, so I just took it in one pot, so I received it in my hand in a daze.

It's just that the divine mind swept the clay puppet back and forth, as if it had been marked with a tracking mark, but the purpose of the other party's actions was also very clear, and now the speed couldn't keep up, but the other party still followed closely behind without any deviation in direction.

Just as he was thinking about it, the clay puppet in his hand seemed to move suddenly, he opened his mouth and shouted, "Hurry up, kid, I'm afraid it will be troublesome if you are caught up by those soul refiners behind you."

Yi Tian's face froze, he pinched the doll in his hands and looked it up, only to see that it was only seven inches in size, and the whole body was not just made of some kind of clay.At this time, he opened his eyes and stared at himself, and opened his mouth and said: "I'm talking to you, can't you respect my old man, and give me an echo."

In an instant, a strange light flashed in the clay puppet's eyes, but before the light hit Yi Tian, ​​it was blocked by a black light.

"Tianmo Tong, how come you know the supernatural powers of the Tianmo clan," the clay puppet said with a surprised expression on his face.

Before he could come and talk, Yi Tian reached out and took out a jade box and put it in.After closing the lid, put a suppressive talisman seal on the seal to completely restrain its breath.

After doing these Yitian, he threw the jade box into the storage ring, and then took out the concealment cloak to minimize the fluctuation of his spiritual pressure.

The purple light all over the body faintly revealed, and then the speed of escape accelerated again, and it flew across the air quickly, directly opening the distance of the three pursuers behind.

Soon after flying nearly five thousand miles away, Yi Tian realized that he had already thrown the opponent away, but it seemed that he could not return directly to the Devil's Ridge Mountain now, so he had to sacrifice a Jade Talisman of Communication, and then fumbled to avoid it The other party's patrol quietly detoured back.

(End of this chapter)

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