
Chapter 1385

Chapter 1385 Dialogue
Hiding in the temporarily opened cave in the depths of the wilderness, Yi Tian had already thrown off all the Soul Refining Demons who were following him, so he could take a rest again with peace of mind.

This time, I was really in an innocent disaster. I didn't expect that a small gamble at the Dongshan meeting would cause me such trouble.

He took out the jade box that sealed the clay puppet and put it in front of him, looked at it again and again, but didn't dare to open it directly.Yi Tianyi stretched out his hand to worship Dao Lingguang and began to draw a spirit array on the ground in front of him, and then placed the jade box in it later.

Under the seal of both hands, he muttered something in his mouth, stretched out his hand and hit the magic formula on the spirit array to activate it.After three breaths, the formation was activated under the circulation of several spiritual powers above the formation.

At this moment, Yi Tiancai breathed a sigh of relief, and gently stretched out his left index finger to untie the seal talisman on the jade box, opened the lid again, and then took out the clay puppet and put it in front of him for inspection.

At this time, the clay puppet opened its eyes and stared at him for a while before saying: "Who are you?"

"I should be the one who asked you this sentence, right?" Yi Tian said disdainfully: "It seems that your soul has been sealed in this clay puppet for some years, but the degree of concentration of your soul is still so strong, you can imagine And I know that your strength in life is at least as strong as in the late stage of distraction or the fusion stage."

"Then you brat dare to play tricks in front of the old man, since you see his reputation," the clay puppet replied.

"It seems that you are the Taoist friend who plotted against me first. If I hadn't practiced Youtian Demon Eyes, which can defend against all illusions and bewitching magical powers in the devil world, I'm afraid I would have really caught your way," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

Seeing that the clay puppet that I said was right on my mind didn't avoid suspicion, and after sizing it up again, I smiled and said: "It's fine if others can't see through your disguise, but it's a pity that you can't hide in front of the old man. It's from the spirit world. Boy, your skills are special, but it's a pity that you are still too young."

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian was shocked, this was the first time someone could directly see through his disguise.Although I believe that there are no holes exposed, it seems that this clay puppet is not fake, and there must be something about me that is different from a pure demon monk.

Although it is possible to deceive those monks of the same level, it is definitely not possible to pass the test in front of monks of the integrated stage or higher-level monks.After thinking about it, he stabilized his mind first and then replied lightly: "Dare to ask what is the name of the senior, and how did you hide in this clay puppet?"

"The old man is bloody, so is the Lord of the Demon Dragon Way."

"You are the master of Blood Thunderbolt, the body-fit monk behind the Demon Dragon Dao?" Yi Tian was surprised: "Since you are here, isn't there no body-fit monk at the Demon Dragon Dao main altar?"

"Don't compare me with that man," Xue Qiongcang said angrily, "The body-fit cultivator sitting in the Demon Dragon Path is Blood Thunderbolt. What you see is just his clone."

It turned out that someone had taken power away, no wonder it was like this.After hearing this, Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth, looked at the clay puppet in front of him and thought about it.Although Xue Qiongcang has seen through his identity, but now his soul is trapped in the clay puppet, but he can't pose any threat to himself.

But thinking that he might be a disciple of the evil Buddha from the mixed world, he might not know the whereabouts of the third spiritual seed.Thinking of this, Yi Tian was overjoyed, thinking about whether he should find Jiu Tuo Luo to make up.

After thinking about it, he said with a smile: "I don't know if the senior has ever recognized the blood corpse old devil?"

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian found that the other party did not reply, and then another name popped out of his mouth: "The monk in charge of guarding the demon body in the dark demon temple must also know about it?"

After hearing this, Xue Qiongcang hurriedly shouted: "Who are you? How do you know the situation of these two people?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you have something that someone must have," Yi Tian said with a grin.Unexpectedly, he couldn't sit still if he revealed a little information, so it would be quite beneficial for him to take the initiative in the next negotiation.

After three breaths, Xue Qiongcang said angrily: "Did you come to the Demon Realm to find spirit seeds?"

"It's not me, it's a friend of mine," Yi Tian shook his head lightly and said, "You must be familiar with that person's name, his name is Kudara."

"It's him, no wonder you know about my teacher, Xin Mi, it really is this traitor who betrayed us," Xue Qiongcang was furious at first when he heard the words, but later he calmed down and adjusted his tone: "Since you know The person who wants to come here has another purpose, it seems that I still have some value, I don’t know how we can talk about cooperation.”

"Senior seems to be a resourceful person. In such an environment, he can negotiate with me so calmly and calmly. Just this courage makes me feel ashamed," Yi Tian said flattered.

"Stop doing this, as a spiritual cultivator, you are willing to take great risks to come to the Demon Realm, don't you really have enough to eat and nothing to do?" Xue Qiongcang said disdainfully.

Yi Tian coughed lightly to cover up the embarrassment on his face, and then said: "Of course I have something important to do when I come to the Demon Realm, but it is not convenient to tell seniors for the time being. But I can guarantee that there is no dispute about our purpose. I have no interest in it at all.”

"Then how long are you going to stay in the Demon Realm?" Xue Qiongcang asked.

"What I can disclose is that the ultimate goal is to enter the abyss of the demon world. As for how to get there, I don't bother seniors to give me advice," Yi Tian said lightly: "At this stage, please tell me the flaws in my disguise, and how to make up for it to avoid being rejected by high-ranking officials." The monk sees through the identity."

"Actually, the disguise on your body can already be fooled. It's just that you faintly revealed a trace of spiritual power in the exercises you used when you performed the escapism. That's why I saw through it. It's best if you change the evasion technique. Be foolproof," Xue Qiongcang explained.

It turned out that the problem was here. I expected that I had almost mastered the skills of the flame prison demons, but this time I used Lei Guangtun to speed up the escape.Unexpectedly, Xue Qiongcang would see through this point alone. It seems that none of these old monsters in the fusion stage are fuel-efficient lamps.

But if you want to say that you still have a lot of escapism skills, you should carefully select the method to practice and completely replace your own evasion skills when you have time.

After thinking about it, he asked, "I don't know how long senior is going to stay in this clay puppet, do you want to find another body to take over and be reborn?"

Facing the price offered by him, Blood Qiongcang was not surprised as expected, but said earnestly, "Boy, you should know how difficult it is for me to seize the body. If you want me to seize the body and be reborn, the carrier must be cultivation. Only a monk of my practice will do."

"The blood thunderbolt avatar of the god transformation stage should be the best candidate, but it seems that his body is a monk of the fusion stage. If he strikes rashly, he may be chased and killed by the monks of the fusion stage. Is there any proper way for seniors?" Yi Tianyu made an astonishing suggestion.

(End of this chapter)

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