
Chapter 1391 Escape

Chapter 1391 Escape

A purple ray of light flew across the sky above the demon world like a meteor piercing the night sky.Less than half a moment after Zimang flew past, another black ray of light flew behind him.

The distance between the two was three thousand miles, but their flying speed far exceeded that of ordinary monks at the distraction stage, and they had basically reached the escape speed of a monk at the early stage of fusion.

Fortunately, the cultivators in the two ray of light were extraordinary in strength, and they didn't attract too much attention from others after passing through the air.But at this time, Yi Tian in front of him showed a look of helplessness on his face, and the early stage monk behind him should be a dark demon monk.

This time, he was obviously coming for him. He used his divine sense to lock on him along the way, and then he clung to him relentlessly.The difference in strength between the two sides is too great, but Yi Tian has a slight advantage in escaping speed.

Although he used Thunder Flame Purple Flame repeatedly to activate Thunder Dungeon, Yi Tian felt that it was too much for him after a long time.The spiritual power consumption in the body is about [-]% faster than normal.

Although the consumption of one's own spiritual power is more effective than the speed increase, it cannot withstand long-term consumption.It would take several hours for Lu Keyi to fly at full strength from the boundary of the Dark Mosha Spring to Sunset City for tens of thousands of miles.

He took out the pills and spirit wine from the storage ring one after another, swallowed them whole, and refined them quickly.With the supplement of spiritual power, Yi Tian's pale complexion can be regarded as somewhat restored to rosy.A large amount of spiritual power poured into the Niwan Palace to cheer up the spirit body of the Nascent Soul with a slightly decadent face.After the electric glow around his body became stronger again, Yi Tian's escape speed maintained the appearance of flying at full speed again.

At this time, Anming, a fit monk of the Dark Demon Clan behind her, was also shocked. As the patriarch of the Dark Demon Clan, although she was not good at flying and fleeing, she was much better than the monks of the God Stage due to her cultivation base.What's more, the one in front of him was a monk in the early stage of distraction. Originally, he wanted to catch him with a single catch and refine his muscles so as to frighten those Xiaoxiao.

Anming's magic pet has been idle for hundreds of years at the Dark Mosha Spring, but who knows that something strange suddenly appeared today.In her spiritual thoughts, she inadvertently detected someone who sneaked into the dark Mosha spring, and through Mo Qiongqi's eyes, she found that it was two boys in the distraction stage who came to poach. Ordinary magic pets definitely won't get any benefits.

But the result was quite unexpected, not only Mo Qiongqi was trapped.And some people sneaked into the forbidden area below.

Obviously, the restriction was jointly placed by the monks of the fusion period of the Sky Demon Race and the Dark Demon Race, and it will take some effort to break it.Unexpectedly, the monk who went down just spent a hundred breaths to break through the restriction and break in, while Mo Qiongqi was lured two thousand miles away by another person's trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain.

Afterwards, he realized that the cultivator who sneaked into the dark magic spring had already entered to get a lot of spring water.It was originally an exclusive forbidden area for monks in the fusion period of the two races, but now a monk in the distraction period sneaked in to reap the benefits, which naturally angered Anming.

She flew all the way from the dark demon camp and locked on the person who sneaked into the magic pool from a distance, but she didn't expect that the other party was good at flying away. Like escaping speed.

As a result, Anming gritted his teeth fiercely and tried his best to chase after him.But looking at the direction, the person in front of him didn't fly towards the location of Sunset City, so he didn't have to confront the Lord of Sunset City, and at the same time, he could be more sure that the person who came was definitely not a member of the Heavenly Demon Clan.

Yi Tian, ​​who was flying ahead, also knew himself at this time, and thought about escaping to Sunset City along the way.It's just that this alarmed the city lord of Rimu, and he must owe a huge favor, and it will be very difficult to paddle in the war against chaos in the future.

After thinking about it for a while, it is better to fly towards the hinterland of the Tianmo clan, and avoid those large towns of self-cultivation.

In addition, I still have the last trick that I can use. The Jingshi Hualian has been sacrificed after being purified by myself.With such a peerless Buddha body protection, it may come in handy at a critical moment.

After flying to the boundary of the Heavenly Demon Clan, Yi Tian found that the pursuers behind him seemed to have no intention of stopping at all, and continued to catch up quickly.In this way, the competition between the two sides was obviously a big loss for him, so Yi Tian gritted his teeth and dropped his cloud head before sneaking into the deep mountains below.After three breaths, he restrained the spiritual power on his body, then lightly wiped off the lotus imprint on his forehead and sacrificed the two-foot-sized Jingshi Hualian.

At the same time, the spiritual power in the whole body was quickly transformed, and after returning to the state of spiritual cultivation, he plunged into the Jingshi Hualian.Later, the leaf petals of the sixth-grade lotus platform closed to completely cover Yi Tian.After a few breaths, the purple Jingshi Hualian escaped directly into the cliff on one side.

An Ming, who was chasing after him, also frowned slightly at this time, as if the target locked on three or four thousand miles ahead suddenly disappeared.It's better to say that it disappeared than that it restrained its breath and hid it.

The corner of Anming's mouth twitched and a smile appeared on his face, this monk in the distraction stage really dared to play such tricks in front of the monks in the integration stage.

Since you have something to hold, then everyone will continue to play. Anyway, with Anming's strength, it is rare to encounter such an interesting thing, and it is just exciting.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian hid in the Jingshi Hualian deep in the mountains, looked up at the sky, and saw a black light flying towards here in the distance.

Shaoqing's light stopped a hundred feet above his head, and when the halo faded, a female devil with a dark golden body was revealed.Needless to say, this is a monk of the Dark Demon Clan's integration period. After she stood still in the air, she spread her divine sense and extended it to a radius of ten thousand miles to check everything in it.

Yi Tian secretly rejoiced in his heart that fortunately, he made a decisive decision to rely on Jingshi Hualian to hide.Otherwise, it would be tantamount to talking in a dream if one wanted to slip under their noses with the strength of a fit monk.

Not daring to stretch out his divine sense for fear of exposing his unknown, Yi Tian still carefully observed the movements in the sky with his naked eyes.After searching for half a moment, Anming's doubts became more and more obvious.Immediately, he stretched out his hand and shot several rays of magic light towards the ground below, as if he wanted to use this to force himself to show up.

Naturally, a monk in the fit period like them would not be so easily fooled, and if there is no reasonable explanation, he will naturally not be able to let it go.

Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding in the Jingshi Hualian, also had a solemn expression on his face. Although the magic light had not yet illuminated the sixth-grade lotus platform, he did not dare to be careless.

Suddenly, the spell controlled by Anming changed back and forth, and the magic light intersected with each other to form a network that covered a hundred miles around.

It didn't take long for the net-shaped magic light to pass over his position, but only a faint light flashed on the Jingshi Hualian to block it from the outside.Yi Tian was startled and hurriedly raised his head to realize that Anming hadn't noticed the existence of Jingshi Hualian.

After tossing here for a long time, Anming put away the spell in his hand and turned to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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