
Chapter 1392 Dodge

Chapter 1392 Dodge
Hiding in Jingshi Hualian, Yi Tian was relieved when he found out that the visitor from the sky had finally left.Considering the opponent's strength, the maximum range that the divine sense can cover is too much beyond his own, so he dare not act rashly.

Maybe people are squatting thousands of miles away and waiting for themselves to show their flaws.

Fortunately, sitting cross-legged in the Jingshi Hualian, he can continue to practice without being affected by the outside world, so Yi Tian directly practiced his skills silently.After about a long time, Yi Tian opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding situation carefully, and then found that there was a flash of light in the sky again.This time, there were actually two escaping lights flying towards his position in a hurry.

Holding his breath, Yi Tian suppressed the fluctuations of spiritual pressure on his body and sat in Jingshi Hualian, not daring to make any movements.After a while, the two rays of light stopped above his head, and after the halos faded, his true face was revealed, but it was Anming, a monk in the fusion period of the Dark Demon Race who had gone and returned, and the other one seemed to be a fusion of the Sky Demon Race I don't know if it's the one from Sunset City.

Later, I heard Anming say angrily: "Evil Baichuan, don't cover up your subordinates. That person broke the ban and entered the Dark Mosha Pool and took a lot of spring water. You must give me an explanation for this matter."

Evil Baichuan frowned slightly and said with disdain after hearing this: "Fellow Daoist Anming seems to be making a big fuss, and you can't confirm that the person who broke into the forbidden area is my Heavenly Demon clansman." .And you lost someone by yourself, and now you come to me to confirm again, if you can't find any clues, I think we should discuss this matter again."

Seeing that Evil Baichuan is a bit perfunctory, Anming has no choice, after all, she can't do too much on the basis of the Sky Demon Clan.Moreover, the other party seemed to ask Anming to search first at will, and if he couldn't find it this time, he would really have nothing to say.

A little later, I saw Anming strike again, this time she took out the bronze mirror, stretched out her hand to wipe it, and cast a black magic light slowly towards the ground.Wherever the halo went, the ground veins tens of feet deep underground were illuminated.

When Yi Tian saw it, there was a slight look of fear in his eyes. If he found the Jingshi Hualian where he was, he didn't know what would happen.It's better not to be in the best state, but looking up at the movements of An Ming's manipulation seems to be a bit extravagant.

Maybe Anming is not here during this time, but her divine sense is always monitoring here.After thinking about it, Yi Tian had to slightly inject the spiritual power in his hand into Jingshi Hualian in an attempt to control it.

After three breaths, I felt as if I could urge Jingshi Hualian to move slowly within the rock.Now Yi Tian's face showed a hint of joy. Although he couldn't fly unscrupulously like in the air, he could shuttle back and forth in the mountain soil.

When the black glow raised by the dark sky passed by him again, Yi Tian hastily urged Jingshi Hualian to continue to move to the place that the other party had explored before.

At the same time, he raised his head vigilantly and looked at the two monks in the fusion period in the sky, as if they couldn't find his whereabouts at all.In this way, Yi Tianjian Lie Uprising continuously injected spiritual power to control the Jingshi Hualian to slowly move in the ground veins, gradually moving away from the two people's positions.

After half a sound, I only heard Tianming Ming sigh and put away the magic treasure in his hand, and then said to E Baichuan: "Could it be possible that there will be a teleportation array below, and that person slipped away directly through the teleportation array."

"Fellow Daoist Mingjian, you have searched here again but still can't find the whereabouts of that person. I think this matter will be exposed. Since this person has the ability to steal the dark magic spring, his future achievements will definitely not be better than yours. I'm low, and I'll leave everything alone so that we can meet again in the future," E Baichuan waved his hands.

Although An Ming showed displeasure on his face, he couldn't hold back the evil Baichuan after all.No matter how you say this place is the territory of the Heavenly Demon Clan, now that she has been disturbing her here for many days, she still has to worry about the face of her master.After thinking about it, I just said angrily: "Since the evil Taoist friend has spoken, then I will let it go. Anyway, I have remembered the fluctuation of this person's spiritual pressure. When I meet again in the future, I will definitely settle the score with him." .”

At this time, Yi Tian didn't know that he had been targeted by the patriarch of the Dark Demon Clan, and now he was constantly manipulating the Jingshi Hualian to shuttle back and forth among the earth veins.

At first, the control was a bit dwarfed by comparison, but after he had almost figured out how to use the Jingshi Hualian, he followed the flow of the earth veins and ran towards the distance.

After shuttling through it for several hours in a row, it is expected that he has completely left that place, so even if he escapes from the ground veins, he will no longer fall within the monitoring area of ​​the monks in the integration stage.

Slowly raised the sixth-grade lotus platform and retracted its leaf petals to reveal Yi Tian's true face of spiritual cultivation.After jumping off the lotus platform, the Jingshi Hualian once again turned into a golden light and flew straight to her forehead.

This time it didn't leave any mark, but directly entered the Niwan Palace, and then appeared directly under the spirit body of the Nascent Soul and dragged the Nascent Soul back.

Yi Tian couldn't explain such a change, and then used a kung fu method to erase the aura on his spiritual cultivation body and replace it with the power of the magic source.What is unexpected is that Jingshihualian, who sat down after Yuanying transformed into a magic baby in Niwan Palace, also turned into Mieshiheilian, but Yi Tian really missed it when he took a closer look, that Jingshihua The whole body of the lotus just turned dark purple, and there is no trace of evil energy left on it. Now it should be called Leiyan purple lotus.

Yuan Ying sat on the black lotus and slowly exercised his kung fu, and found that the effect of spiritual power in his body had increased by more than [-]%.

Yi Tian was really shocked by such a change. He didn't expect that the sixth-grade lotus platform would change back and forth with his aura attribute.

Stretching out his hand to slowly break the soil above his head, Yi Tian sprang out from one of the veins.After I got out completely, I found that this place was in a dark cave. After exploring my spiritual sense, I found that there were no traces of demonic cultivators for tens of miles around.

Turning around to see that there is a steady stream of earth vein spiritual power seeping out of the hole he broke out, Yi Tian hastily reached out and sealed the hole where the seeping out was.

I have offended a monk in the fit period, so naturally I have to be careful not to leave any clues, otherwise it will be a disaster if someone finds me by following the clues.

After tidying up, Yi Tian slowly protruded out of the cave, and turned around to seal the cave again after going out to the outside world.After doing this, Yi Tian felt a little relieved, jumped into the air, picked up the map and began to search for his location.

Half a moment later, after pinpointing the hinterland of the Heavenly Demon Clan in the depths, he found the direction of Sunset City, then suppressed the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, took out the concealment cloak and put it on, and flew straight towards the destination.

The journey was fairly smooth, and there were hardly any magic cultivators encountered.Even the monk Yi Tian who was passing by deliberately avoided it.Nowadays, with my own strength, as long as I don't provoke the monks in the integration period, I will generally not be noticed.

After flying for a few days, I finally saw the Sunset City, and overjoyed, I accelerated my speed and flew straight ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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