
Chapter 1393 Chapter City

Chapter 1393
When Yi Tian lurked back to Yirenju in Sunset City again, he found that everything was still there, and the number of customers in the store had increased by more than [-]% compared to before.Although Situ Jing'er was able to refine some magic weapons under his own teaching, but his level was still far behind.

Most of the magic weapons sold in the store are the joint works of myself in the past few years, although most of them are things that are not eye-catching in front of the monks in the distraction period.But in the eyes of low-level monks and even monks in the transformation stage, it is a rare and excellent magic weapon.

Most of the products sold here are close to the human level. As for those that are really human level or even prefecture level, they need to be exchanged and purchased in private.

After Yi Tian came back, he notified Situ Jinger first, but then he returned to the back room to prepare for seclusion again.

Not long after, with a slight movement of his spiritual thoughts, he noticed that Situ Jinger was walking quickly towards the wing room where he was in the distance, and knew in his heart that she must have something to report.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged in the room, and when something went wrong, he heard a knock on the door, and then Situ Jinger's voice came: "Brother Yi is back, Jinger has something to report."

"Come in, the door is unlocked," Yi Tian replied casually.

After three breaths, the door of the wing room opened a gap, Situ Jinger walked in through it and closed the door behind him.

After she came to sit in front of her, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to open the sound-proof barrier, and said, "What's the matter?"

"Brother Yi went out earlier, the city lord's mansion sent someone to deliver the messenger jade slip, and I saw that the matter was important, so I took it on my behalf." After speaking, Situ Jinger reached out and took out a black jade slip and handed it over.

Yi Tian glanced at the seal of Dugufeng, the acting lord of Sunset City, on the jade slip. He was startled and wondered if something happened. Could it be that the Heavenly Demons were planning to eradicate the resistance forces in the Demon Dragon Dao in advance.

As a result, the jade slip gently pushed aside the seal and glanced quickly, and the expression on his face became relaxed after a while.It turned out that this was Dugu Feng's official announcement document, and every worshiping elder of the Heavenly Demon Race who participated in this matter would receive a jade slip like this.

The content in it is just a warning to myself that there will be major actions in Sunset City in the past few years, and I will ask everyone to stay at home and wait for the dispatch of the City Lord's Mansion at any time.

After reading it, Yi Tian turned around and said: "The city lord's mansion ordered me to wait for the order at home. It is estimated that there will be some action within ten years. During this period, you can just watch the store, and I will I will give you another batch of magic tools to sell in the store. There is another batch of materials that you need to keep an eye on for me and buy as much as possible."

After speaking, Yi Tian took out a jade slip and handed it to Situ Jinger, and then took out a storage bracelet, put some low-level magic weapons in it, and handed it to her.

Situ Jing'er put away the storage bracelet, opened it again and checked it carefully before replying: "Most of the treasures requested by Brother Yi can be collected in Sunset City, even though there are not many earth-level treasures among them. You can always find a way. As for the heavenly treasures, please forgive Jing’er for being helpless, these things can only be produced by monks in the distraction stage.”

Yi Tian knew the difficulty of this matter, and Situ Jing'er had already tried his best to speak up to this point.After thinking about it, Haosheng comforted: "It's okay, you can do this far beyond my expectations. As for the heavenly treasures, you don't have to worry about me. But if there are heavenly treasures in the market You should pay attention to the news for me."

"It's simple, Brother Yi, don't worry," Situ Jinger said with a smile.

After three breaths, she said again: "Brother Yi, that senior Kudala came before you came back, and he left behind a treasure that he said would be given to you."

After Situ Jinger finished speaking, he took out a storage bag and handed it over. After Yi Tian took it, he stretched his spiritual sense in to check it out.face later

With a look of surprise, it seems that the magic thunder drill used in the last shot really moved his heart.That's why afterward he inquired about his whereabouts in Sunset City and sent the things over.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian first took out the spiritual plant seeds in the storage bag, and then put the magic thunder drill in.After finishing these, he handed over the storage bag to Situ Jing'er and said, "I will start to retreat later, and you will hand over the contents of this storage bag to Judhara for me. I will send a message to him afterwards, Tell him to fetch it."

After hearing this, Situ Jinger put away the storage bag and replied, "Understood, Brother Yi, I will follow your orders."

After explaining these things, Yi Tian chatted with Situ Jinger for a while, during which he also answered the puzzles she encountered in cultivation one by one.

After she left, Yi Tian propped up the forbidden barrier again, and then took out the demon world spiritual plant seeds given by Juddara and carefully distinguished them.

The spiritual plant seeds were placed in a five-inch jade box. Yi Tian uncovered the seal talisman of the jade box, opened the lid gently and found two seeds inside.One of the melon-like seeds was marked with Demon Realm Youteng, and Yi Tian quickly searched for information about this spiritual plant in his mind.

It turns out that this thing is a bit like the ghost face flower in my hand, but it is an out-and-out spiritual plant of the devil world.If it can be cultivated to maturity, you can get the demon-eating flower, which is a sky-rank demon plant.

It's a pity that this cultivation process is also extremely troublesome. I need to spend at least a thousand years and try to use the flesh and blood of demon monks to cultivate soil during this period.Usually, this kind of heavenly spiritual plant is most suitable for growing in the battlefield of the demon world, because there is no shortage of fertilizers there, and the dead monks of the demon race can be directly transformed and absorbed by the ghost vines of the demon world.

As for the other spherical fruit seed, it is indeed a rare Saluo tree seed in the Buddhist world. Yi Tian gently picked up this seed and put it in front of him for a while.I really have some doubts in my heart what is the intention of Kudala in doing this. Obviously, it is difficult for the seeds of spiritual planting in the Buddhist world to grow in the demon world.

And once the buddha world spiritual plant appears, it will directly purify the evil spirit in the demon world. If you plant this kind of plant yourself, you will be discovered soon.At that time, those monks in the fusion period of the seven major demon races will definitely not be able to eat and walk around when they pursue it.

But thinking about the good and evil Zen method of the Shaluo tree coincident with Master Jie Ding, such a seed in his hand might come in handy at any time.

After putting away the sara tree seeds, Yi Tian took out the spirit plant bag, took out some magic breath soil and spirit plant pots, and planted the ghost vines in the demon world.In the end, I was afraid that it would not be able to germinate, so I simply took out a jade bottle containing Mosha spring water, and poured the coefficient of spring water into the Mosha soil.

After finishing these Yitian, he put away the Lingzhi bag, sat up cross-legged in the thinking room, and began to retreat and practice.I don't know when the next encirclement and suppression battle will start. Now that the newly refined magic thunder diamond in my hand has been exchanged for Jiuduoluo, then I can only use the Taiyuan magic knife again.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, you can first practice Tianmotong's last stance, Sunburn, and then you can also use one more trick to suppress the box.

 Thank you lmxy for your support

(End of this chapter)

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