
Chapter 1394 Chapter Respect

Chapter 1394
Yi Tian has been sitting cross-legged in the back room of Yi Renju for eight or nine years. During this period, although he was waiting for Dugu Feng's message, he did not waste time to use the last trick of the magic pupil secret technique to day. Burn into practice.

It's a pity that I haven't had a chance to test the true power of this move yet.

It was Ri Yitian who was sitting cross-legged in the back room with his eyes closed and adjusting his breath, when he suddenly noticed a visitor in the front hall with his spiritual thoughts.Judging from his aura, he seemed to be Kudala, but I don't know why he came to visit at this juncture.

After a while, he received a message from Situ Jinger, and Yi Tian simply replied: "Please meet fellow Daoist Jiu in the back room."

Half a moment later, Situ Jing'er led Jiutuoluo directly to the back room of Yi Renju, and later the restraint in front of the room opened slowly, and Yi Tian said indifferently: "Friend Daoist Jiu, don't you?" Please come here for something important, please come in and discuss it in detail.”

"The sudden rush of things has disturbed fellow Daoist Yi Qingxiu," Jiu Tuoluo replied from the outside.

After three breaths, the door was gently opened, and Jiuduoluo came in from it. After closing the door, he went straight to Yi Tian, ​​found a place and sat down slowly.

Yi Tian is not in a hurry, it seems that he came to the door for something this time, and he has to check his mouth first before making a decision.After a pause, he smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Jiu is really amazing. You can even get the seeds of heaven-level magic plants like Youteng in the Demon Realm. There is also that tree species, which is almost impossible to grow and survive in the Demon Realm. It's also your Lingzhi collection at the bottom of the box."

"Yi Daoyou really has good eyesight. That saffron tree seed was originally the property of my master, and it is useless to keep it on my body now, but it is not sure when it will be useful if it is kept in your hands," Jiu Tuoluo replied.

It turned out that it belonged to the great monk Huiming. No wonder I could detect the slightest bit of Buddhist power on it, but I knew that Master Jieding had comprehended the Zen Dharma under the saffron tree.I didn't expect that this kind of thing would be related to the evil Buddha in the mixed world, so Master Huiming also practiced Zen of Good and Evil back then.

Although he had doubts in his heart, he couldn't find out. He looked up at Kudala, and it seemed that he was not a Buddhist practitioner, so he couldn't get anything out of him.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and saluted, "You Daoist Jiu, the things you exchanged this time gave me a small advantage. I'm ashamed."

"It's nothing, I like your magic electric drill very much when I see it. Its properties coincide with my skills and use it to make it even more powerful. It's hard to say who is taking advantage of whom," said Judhara.

Yi Tian knew that he was making an excuse, but in fact, there must be something important to discuss behind it, so he came to the door like this.Later, he changed the subject and asked, "I don't know how fellow Daoist Blood Vault is doing now, how will fellow Daoist Jiu plan to deal with you as a junior?"

It seemed that he had hit the heart of Jiutuoluo in one sentence, his face darkened, and then he returned to normal and said: "I have already negotiated with my junior brother, and I will give him two choices, either escape into reincarnation and re-cultivate, or Take home and rebirth."

Yi Tian curled his lips and thought to himself that these are two choices, it is clearly forcing Xue Qiongcang to seize the house.A monk who looks like him has never practiced Buddhism, even if he is reincarnated and escapes into reincarnation, no one can go to fetch him back. The risk is naturally very high.

But if it is rebirth, there is a problem. When I and Juddara fought against the Blood Coagulation Demon in the Dark Demon Temple, I found that it is naturally difficult for their lineage to rebirth.Unless it is necessary to cultivate a body with the same skills as the basis.

In a blink of an eye, Yi Tian understood the purpose of Jiutuoluo's visit this time, and after thinking for a while, he said: "I guess Blood Qiongcang must have chosen to seize the house, and it is still conditional on the quarter of the spiritual species."

"Yi Daoyou is really thoughtful. You are right. I promised my junior brother to help him find a suitable body and let him take it away," Jiutuoluo said solemnly.

"Then you came to me because you need to plan to deal with Blood Vault's clone?" Yi Tian puzzled, "Aren't you just asking for trouble?"

"Of course I won't be looking for the avatar of the fusion period. My goal is the blood thunderbolt," said Jiutuoluo in a deep voice, "The avatar of the younger brother is also very cunning, and he even used the technique of splitting the soul again to split one into the soul." Injected into Blood Thunderbolt, so from the current point of view, he is the most suitable body to be taken away."

"Then how do you want me to cooperate?" Now that there is a target, Yi Tian asked directly.Presumably this is also the main purpose of Kudhara's visit today.

I saw Jiu Tuoluo took out a pair of three-inch glazed pavilion and handed it over: "I want to take my junior brother's clay puppet to find the spirit seed, so I asked Yi Daoyou to do it for me to capture the blood thunderbolt."

Yi Tian frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that Jiu Tuo Luo would do both at the same time, so he asked himself to help when he had no time to do it.After thinking for a while, he asked again: "I don't know if there is someone guarding Blood Thunderbolt, or will the avatar at the fusion stage give him a backup?"

If you want to make a move, you need to be fully prepared, and this time the two are participating in the battle under the name of the guest ministers of the Heavenly Demon Race, and there must be some Heavenly Demon monks to assist them.If they watched him when he did it himself, Dugu Feng and the others would naturally know about it afterwards, and there would be endless troubles for him.

Jiu Tuoluo took out a copy of the jade slip and handed it over: "This is the statistics of the forces in the Demon Dragon Dao. Those with the black names are all from the Heavenly Demon Clan and have contacted them privately. As for the red names, they are from the encirclement and suppression campaign." The monks who need to be eradicated in the battle."

After Yi Tian took the jade slip, he scanned it with his spiritual sense, and saw that the number one on the black list was Yin Bufan, a twenty-five boy, and there were about twenty or thirty names densely behind him.But most of them are monks in the transformation stage, and there are only a few people in the distraction stage.

As for the dozen or so people whose red names were marked on the jade slips, most of them were in the distraction stage except for the Demon Dragon Dao Master Blood Fiend who was an early-stage monk.As for the first cultivator in the transformation stage, Blood Thunderbolt is the first one, but behind his name there is also a mid-stage distraction cultivator named An Chenxi.

Yi Tian understood in an instant, this Anchenxi should be Xuelei's bodyguard.Unexpectedly, the Blood Fiend would take such good care of his avatar that even the bodyguards were ready.

Jiu Tuoluo also saw the embarrassment on Yi Tian's face. It would be quite difficult to capture Blood Thunderbolt alone in the chaos, not to mention that he had a powerful guard by his side.

However, this matter is naturally nothing in front of a person of his cultivation level. Seeing that Yi Tian did not directly agree, Jiuduoluo was not stingy and stretched out his hand again to take out a palm-sized pitch-black stone and placed it in front of him.

With a slight movement of Yi Tian's divine sense, he found that the thing in front of him was a bit like the Taiyin God Mud recorded in the History of Foreign Objects in the Demon World.This thing is the dream treasure of a refiner. It can automatically repair the damaged part of the spirit weapon. Even a spirit weapon that has been broken into several pieces can be repaired with it. Although it is only the size of a palm, as long as it is not a large spirit weapon for refining It is also enough.

Immediately, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to the Liuli Pavilion and Taiyin Huashenni and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I will take action to deal with Blood Thunderbolt."

(End of this chapter)

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