
Chapter 1395 Encirclement and Suppression 1 Breaking the Ban

Chapter 1395
Dongshan, the lair of Demon Dragon Road, is located at the edge of the Heavenly Demon Clan, and this place can be regarded as a no-regret zone.The Lord of the Demon Dragon Road, Xiongcai, probably has friendship with several major demon clans that border nearby, so the three thousand miles around Dongshan can be regarded as an undefended buffer zone.

In addition, the Dongshan Society is held once every [-] years and constantly attracts monks from all walks of life to come and trade, which gradually established the reputation of this place.

It's just that today a sky survey warship came from the territory of the Sky Demon Clan and directly broke into the hinterland of the Demon Dragon Dao Dongshan Society.Because of the relationship of attachment, such actions of the Heavenly Demon Clan did not attract too many people's attention.

But when the warship flew to a hundred miles away from Dongshan, it stopped directly in the air, and then a team of thousands of people flew out from the ship, arranged in an orderly manner, and surrounded Dongshan hundreds of miles away.

Most of these teams are led by monks of the transformation stage, followed by three or four monks of the magic infant stage.

Later, more than a dozen monks flew out of the boat to detour to the high altitude near Dongshan Mountain.The spiritual pressure fluctuations of these people were significantly higher than those of the surrounding Heavenly Demon squads.

These people are naturally distracted monks in the army of the Heavenly Demon Clan, and at least [-]% of them are people like Elder Ke Qing.In this way, the Heavenly Demon Race itself also dispatched nearly a dozen monks in the distraction stage.

At this time, Yi Tian restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, and then arrived at the location according to the established route.This time, after Ebaichuan left the customs, he immediately summoned the elders of the various distractions, and then issued the order for encirclement and suppression.

Because this battle had been secretly arranged on the agenda several years ago, Dugufeng had already made preparations early on.After the order from Evil Rivers was communicated, the entire Sunset City began to run in an orderly manner.

The assembled soldiers had been waiting in full force for a long time, and when the twenty distracted monks arrived, they set off and rushed towards the station of the Demon Dragon Road.

At this time, Dugufeng was sitting on the sky patrol ship, she would not be able to make a move in this battle, but she still needed to be in the middle.

Before setting off again, Dugufeng had already confided the plan for this battle. Although Yin Bufan and others in Molongdao could serve as internal support, E Baichuan still believed in his own people more.As for Yin Bufan and others, they have to wait for the end of the encirclement and suppression war to carefully screen them.

But Dugufeng listed several main targets in this battle one by one.These talents are the targets that the monks in the distraction period need to pay attention to.

When Yi Tian took the jade slip into his hand, he glanced at the information on it and found that An Xichen's name was ranked fourth. Except for the blood demon who ranked first, An Xichen could almost be said to be in the magic dragon's way. A top three monk in the distraction period.

Yi Tian couldn't help curling his lips about this, letting himself face a monk with such strength, and the addition of Blood Thunderbolt was indeed a bit big.Looking up at Judhara, he also looked over with a somewhat apologetic face at this moment.After the two missed their eyes, they pretended that nothing happened and continued to check each other.

That Blood Thunderbolt's name was astonishingly ranked No. 1 under the God Transformation Stage after all the monks in the Distraction Stage.

In a blink of an eye, the entire battle of Dongshan had been arranged properly, and the sky was full of monks from the Heavenly Demon Clan.As for the lair of the Demon Dragon Road in Dongshan, it will have sensed the enemy from the outside at this time, and at the same time it will also open the protective array.

It's just that Yi Tian doesn't know why Ei Baichuan hasn't issued an order for a general attack yet, is he waiting for someone?After thinking about it, an ominous premonition emerged in my mind.

Half an hour later, there was a ray of light flying towards the place surrounded by the army in the distance, and the ray of light arrived at the location of the sky patrol ship in a blink of an eye.

The pupils in Yi Tian's eyes froze and he hurriedly distinguished, and after three breaths, he felt that something was wrong. This person turned out to be the patriarch of the Dark Demon Clan who chased and killed him last time, Anming.Unexpectedly, E Baichuan actually invited him to help. It seems that he didn't want to give the blood fiend a chance to slip away.

With two enemies and one under, you can firmly gain the upper hand, thereby dragging the opponent to death.

Sure enough, a moment later, I saw two escaping lights flying out of the sky surveying warship, directly above Dongshan Mountain, and then Ei Baichuan blatantly called out to ask the blood fiend to go out to meet him.

In less than ten breaths, a monk covered in blood and light flew out from the defensive formation of the Demon Dragon Road, and confronted the evil rivers face to face in mid-air.The two sides saw that Evil Baichuan took the lead without saying three words, and An Ming, who was on one side, immediately assisted the two sides to attack.

After the three monks at the fusion stage shot together in the air, the spiritual pressure fluctuated, causing several hurricanes to rage around.Suddenly a red halo flashed in the strong wind and flew away towards the distance, and then Evil River and Anming followed closely.In the end, only the order of Evil Baichuan was left to capture Dongshan Molongdao's lair in one fell swoop.

After the three fusion stage monks left, the horn of the general attack of the demon army came from the sky patrol ship.Hundreds of cultivators at the stage of transforming gods and their demon infant stage cultivators directly cast spells and supernatural powers and attacked the huge protective formation in front of them.

Usually, their method of breaking the formation is nothing more than a superficial trick to exhaust the energy of the defensive formation under a strong attack.

Yi Tian found that he was in the north, and there were [-] or [-] cultivators below who shot together to bombard the defensive cover with spells, but such a thankless operation would at most make the defense in front of him stronger. After a few tremblings, it returned to its original state.

It was expected that handsome Yin Bufan and the Blood Fiend would directly destroy the node base of the defensive formation after they left, but the protective shield in front of them did not show any sign of loosening after attacking for a quarter of an hour.

During the whole process, Yi Tian put his hands away and didn't mean to do anything at all.Staring at the large number of protective arrays for a long time, he shook his head from time to time.

Not far away, Dugu Yaoxiang, as a coordinating monk, saw Yi Tian's movements and asked directly through voice transmission: "Why didn't you do it, fellow Daoist Yi? Are you waiting for something?"

"No, no, I'm afraid it will take another hour to break the formation with this half brute force." Yi Tian shook his head and replied: "I'm checking the formation nodes of this large formation, and it's been too long since the blood fiend left. For a moment, I guess that Yin Bufan and the others inside must be in big trouble."

"That's true, but does Fellow Daoist Yi have any magic tricks to break the formation?" Dugu Yaoxiang asked.

"Tell those nearby to stop first, let me break the formation," said Yi Tian, ​​who flew forward several tens of feet, then reached out and took out seven five-inch-long breaking needles.

Then, while muttering words in his mouth, he slowly raised the seven forbidden needles, and suddenly a strong demon spirit power emerged from above.

Then Yi Tian yelled: "Scatter them all," he stretched out his hand to control the seven broken forbidden needles, and after a circle in the air, they became three feet long and five inches thick.

He stretched out his hand and drove the seven forbidden needles into the large defense array in front of him one by one, and then said in his mouth, "Open."

"Kacha" sounded again and again, and a gap the size of ten feet was broken on the defensive formation.Dugu Yaoxiang was overjoyed when he saw it, he waved his hand and shouted: "Everyone follow me." After speaking, he was the first one to take the lead and rushed in.

(End of this chapter)

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