
Chapter 1396 Encirclement and Suppression 2 Breaking the Game

Chapter 1396
A hole was suddenly opened in the defensive formation of Demon Dragon Path, which was originally impenetrable, and then the brigade headed by Dugu Yaoxiang saw the opportunity, and filed in through the gap less than five feet in size.

The sudden change on the battlefield made the surrounding Heavenly Demon monks stunned for no reason.But after three breaths, these people showed ecstasy on their faces, and the gap in the protective shield that they didn't know how long to attack was opened.

In this way, as long as the team invades, they can directly interrupt the base nodes of the inner fortifications, thus destroying the entire defense system.

And those who can rush in at the first time, as long as they can break through the foundation, they will definitely not be able to escape.So when Dugu Yaoxiang rushed in with his people, those distracted monks who were nearby all reacted immediately.

Then, many of these people gave up their respective attack points, teleported over and plunged into the gap in the protective cover not far in front of them.

After ten breaths, the protective cover of Dongshan Demon Dragon Dao Main Altar began to fluctuate violently, visible to the naked eye.Obviously, such a situation will only occur when the formation-based energy supply is insufficient.

In the surrounding area, the leaders of the transformation stage received orders from the sky patrol ship to continue their onslaught.Less than half a moment later, the entire protective cover became shaky, and the halo on it also jumped rapidly, as if it would soon be unable to support it.

At this moment, everyone in the air could see clearly what was going on inside. A dozen or so monks in the distracted stage flew out of the main altar of Demon Dragon Dao, leading a large group of troops to encircle and suppress the intruding Heavenly Demon monks.

Among them, the team led by Dugu Yaoxiang and Jiu Tuola played the most fiercely.Although there are not many people entering from the Heavenly Demon Clan, they are all powerful people.Moreover, the sudden change caught the opponent by surprise and was too exhausted to deal with it.

There are still many distracted monks who gradually joined the battle circle behind them, and quickly controlled the situation in an evenly matched situation.

The elite squads of the transformation stage who broke in immediately were not in a hurry to fight with each other, but instead flew around to find the base points of those large formations to destroy them.

At least one-third of the entire formation has been destroyed by them, so the protective cover over Dongshan has become thinner and thinner.

Yi Tian poked out his divine sense in the air to see the battle situation below. He reached out and took out the repaired Taiyuan Sword Sacrifice, ready to go.

It's just that he didn't find Blood Thunderbolt appearing after passing through his spiritual thoughts, and he didn't even see An Xichen.After quietly restraining the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, his whole figure suddenly disappeared into the air.

The battle below was in full swing, but no one noticed Yi Tian's actions.

Half a moment later, only the successive crisp sounds of "Kacha Kacha" came out, and the protective formation of Dongshan Demon Dragon Road completely collapsed from the inside out.

At this time, Dugu Feng's order came from above the sky patrol ship: "All personnel attack, don't let anyone go, especially those who are on the wanted list must be wiped out."

At this time, half of the Heavenly Demon Clan brigade in the sky began to deploy their defenses in the air and underground.The other half flew directly down to reinforce the early team.

Suddenly the four doors of the main altar of Demon Dragon Dao opened wide, and then four distracted monks rushed out of four directions to break through.

The distracted monks who were staying in the air were shocked when they saw it, and they scattered in all directions to stop them and began to fight.

It's just that the sudden light in the east suddenly flashed an extremely dazzling red light all around, and then the distracted cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Race who attacked and intercepted with one move fought hard.

Obviously, the range of power of that move has almost reached the realm of the fusion stage, and it immediately pierced through the guarding team in the Zhengdong side.Immediately, two bursts of sudden light broke out directly and flew away in the distance.

This situation is also beyond all expectations. Obviously, the identities of these two people are not simple. To be able to forcibly break through in such a desperate way, I am afraid that there will be a certain price attached to dealing with them.

Dugufeng, who was sitting in the command room of the main cabin of the Sky Survey Warship, was shocked and angry as he watched the two leave.

However, after three breaths, a purple light flashed across the air in the north, and then flew towards the direction of the two people, whose escape speed was actually three points faster than theirs.

It was in Yi Tian's divine sense, who was ready to go, that he discovered that An Xichen was protecting Blood Thunderbolt from the east, and followed directly after breaking through from the east.

Immediately, he locked the positions of the two of them, and within a hundred breaths, he had chased after them and met them within a hundred miles.

Obviously, when An Xichen forcibly opened the gap just now, he had already used his magical powers, so the current state is at most only [-]% of the total victory.

They were also the first to notice that Yi Tian was coming from behind, and after scanning with their divine sense, they found that it was an early stage monk who was distracted.But it is obvious that the escape speed is much faster than expected, and it will be a matter of time before he is caught up.

Suddenly Yi Tian found that the two people in front of them stopped a hundred miles ahead, and seemed to have some ideas.Guessing that he was already far away from Dongshan, the reinforcements behind would not be able to catch up in a while.Just taking advantage of this gap, I can get everything done by myself.

Flying forward and not far in front of the two before stabilizing his body, Yi Tian glanced over the two in front of him.I saw that An Xichen should be a rising demon cultivator, his face was rosy at this time, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were extremely unstable. It was obvious that he had just opened a gap by using a strong secret technique to escape.As for the blood thunderbolt, it is the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, and the blood refinement method reveals a trace of blood evil spirit, which will not be mistaken at all.

"Friend Daoist, you dare to chase after me alone. If you want to wait for reinforcements, I think you made a mistake. I am confident that I can still catch you," An Xichen said coldly, and at the same time Sacrifice two demons to catch.

Yi Tian just curled his lips and said disdainfully: "You can rest assured that no reinforcements will come, my target is the clone of the Blood Fiend, so you can leave first."

Hearing this sentence, An Xichen stared at Yi Tian in surprise, stared at Yi Tian, ​​and said in a sinking voice, "Fellow Daoist is really confident, but you are sure that you can deal with us with one enemy and two."

"How will you know the result if you don't try it? Since I promised Blood Qiongcang, I can only do what I say. I haven't fought anyone since I entered the middle stage of distraction. I can take this opportunity to make a small test." Show your skills," Yi Tian replied.

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword in his hand, after which it turned into thousands of black filaments and greeted the two of them.

An Xichen understood the fat on his face and hurriedly yelled at Blood Thunderbolt: "Come here quickly and don't take it hard, this move is powerful, and it is the strongest move I have ever seen before the fusion stage."

Xue Pili's face was startled, since An Xichen said so, it can't be false.One jumped and flew behind him.Then An Xichen took out a black bone umbrella and put it on top of his head, and a black magic light instantly protected the two of them.

After the crisp sound of 'Ping Ping Pong Pong' came out, the thousands of black threads directly hit the opponent, making the bone umbrella vibrate and tremble.

 Thank you book friend 20181209230551927 for your strong support

(End of this chapter)

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