
Chapter 1397 Encirclement and Suppression 3 Catch

Chapter 1397
Along the way, after pursuing closely, Yi Tian finally intercepted An Xichen and Blood Thunderbolt six thousand miles away from Dongshan Mountain.

The reason for choosing this distance is that it can get rid of the spiritual detection of all the monks in the distraction stage, and this distance can only be detected by the monks in the integration stage.It's just that Ei Baichuan and the dark demon patriarch Anming teamed up to deal with the blood demon before, and they can no longer take this into consideration.

In this way, both sides are in a situation of isolation and helplessness, but for Yi Tian, ​​​​he can really let go and show it for a while.

I haven't used my Lingyao Huaqian swordsmanship since I entered the demon world, but I have a lot of experience in this technique even after nearly a thousand years.It is the strongest move next to Lihuo Nine Changes.

With one blow, An Xichen's defensive umbrella immediately buzzed, and it seemed that he was about to lose control.

Suddenly a powerful demonic aura surged from An Xichen's body, and then he forcefully propped up the spiritual umbrella and gradually controlled the decline.

Then I saw him take out the pitch-black bronze mirror and spit out a sword of blood onto the mirror surface. After three breaths, the blood energy was absorbed by the mirror, and then suddenly burst out a soaring spiritual light.

Yi Tian's sharp eyes and hands quickly knew that this thing was weird, and hurriedly pulled away and dodged away.At the same time, he took out the Cursing Heaven Demon Bell and placed it on his head, muttering words and uttering the Seven Absolute Demonic Sounds continuously. After the light wave spread out, it directly covered the two people in front of him.

After An Xichen and Xue Pili shook their bodies all over in an instant, they had no choice but to sacrifice their protective shields to protect themselves from being disturbed by the Qijue magic sound.

At the same time, An Xichen repeatedly manipulated the bronze mirror to shine on Yi Tian's body.The Curse Heaven Demon Bell above the head stopped alive under the light of the halo.

Seeing that it was not good, Yi Tian hurriedly moved to the other end, then took out a black flag and waved it back and forth in his hand.

A black mist burst out from the black flag and turned into a cloud of mist, covering Yi Tian with a radius of three miles around Yi Tian.After the black mist passed, An Xichen and Xue Pili were also covered in it.

After that, a yellow halo flashed back and forth in the black room, and after three breaths, it was retracted and gathered into a ball to protect the space about three feet around the two of them.

Feeling that the bronze mirror in the opponent's hand was weird, Yi Tian didn't dare to show up easily, but gradually surrounded the two of them after holding the black banner to recall the Curse Sky Demon Bell.

As if aware of his intentions, An Xichen also hurriedly got away from the bronze mirror in his hand and then raised the bronze mirror again and forced a breakout in one direction.

The yellow halo shone on the black mist and instantly separated the road ahead in two, but the surrounding black mist quickly surged up and blocked the broken passage again.

Suddenly, a red mist of blood flashed across the yellow halo, mixed into the black mist and made a crackling sound.Yi Tian fixed his eyes and saw that it was Blood Thunderbolt who also made a move. After seeing being trapped, he performed the blood path technique and used the blood mist to forcibly prop up the black mist controlled by his hand.

Although this devil soul banner is used temporarily by himself, it can be regarded as a top-level magic weapon at the earth level. Seeing such a sacrifice of spiritual power in Yi Tian's hand, he waved the devil soul flag and pointed at the position of the two opponents. .

Immediately, three black phantoms of demon souls jumped out from the black flag and flew towards the location of An Xichen and the two of them.

Suddenly there was a violent strike in the air, and the three demon souls were illuminated by a yellow halo halfway through their flight.Two of them were directly refined under the yellow halo, but the light on the bronze mirror also dimmed, obviously most of the spiritual power was consumed.

But the last demonic soul managed to avoid the bronze mirror's light and approached the two of them, and then slammed towards them.

With a bang, the demon soul exploded after encountering the blood mist siege five feet away in front of An Xichen.The strong power of the spiritual explosion reverberated from the sky, and Yi Tian realized that it was Blood Thunderbolt who forcibly blocked the demon soul.However, the price of his painting is not cheap, the blood explosion of such strength almost directly consumes about half of his true energy.

Gently push the black banner in his hand and hold it in the air, Yi Tian raised the Taiyuan sword again with the power of magic source, and it turned into a solid black magic light.

But after pinpointing the opponent's position, he stretched out his hand and pointed, and the magic light instantly pierced into the black monster.

There was a crisp sound of "click", and then only two screams came from the black mist. It was a hand that hit the two at the same time.

Suddenly, the surrounding spiritual pressure surged again, and then a strong light burst out, forcibly piercing through the surrounding black mist.Then two lights flew out from the cluster, one on the left and one on the right, separated and fled.

Not far away, Yi Tian's face was overjoyed, he was most afraid that the two of them would fight stubbornly, and in the end even if they got rid of them, they would end up in a miserable situation.Now they finally couldn't bear to disperse and run away under the attack of their own multiple banners, so they could just chase and defeat them.

After the divine sense swept across quickly, it directly locked on Xuelei, and saw that there was a one-foot-long and three-inch-deep wound on his chest at this time, which was obviously injured by the Taiyuan sword.

On the other hand, there was a huge blood hole in An Xichen's chest at this time, obviously he had taken most of Taiyuan Sword's killing moves.It's a pity that even this is useless, the bronze mirror in his hand has already looked dim at this time, obviously because he doesn't have enough strength to continue to control it.

With his figure flashing sharply, Yi Tian directly stopped Blood Thunderbolt on the way to escape, and then his eyes showed some fierceness, and he reached out to take out the jade coffin and said: "Today Blood Thunderbolt, you are the meat on the chopping board that can't escape , you should know that our cultivation base is too far behind, and we can’t even blew up Yuanying in front of me. But I can give your primordial spirit a chance to escape into reincarnation, this is the last concession, don’t be ignorant.”

Blood Thunderbolt's face twitched, obviously he also realized that what Yi Tian said just now can definitely do what he said.But whoever was willing to hold his hands back, there was a gleam of determination in his eyes, blood surged up all over his body violently, but halfway through the magic power and secret technique, he was covered by the black sound waves falling from above his head, and the aura in his whole body flowed backwards.

Xue Lili's face turned red, blood spurted out of his mouth, and he screamed: "You plotted against me."

"So what, I promised Jiutuoluo that I would find a body for the blood vault, so I will do what I say. And I gave you a chance just now, but it's a pity that you are still stubborn, so you can't blame me. "After finishing speaking, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to pinch a formula, quickly chanted the mantra in his mouth, stretched out his hand and clicked on the curse bell.

In an instant, the body of Curse Sky Demon Bell shook violently, and a burst of crisp sound waves directly swept over Xuelei's body, knocking him out.

Then Yi Tian stretched out his hand and flicked the Youdao Spirit Talisman, which flew out and directly stuck it to Xueleili's forehead to seal his spiritual consciousness.At the same time, the jade coffin in his hand flew out and put his body inside.

After putting away the jade coffin, Yi Tian sighed softly and said towards the other side: "An Xichen, why are you so risking your life as an ascended cultivator? I've already let you go. Why do you still insist on returning? Even with the You may not be my opponent in a state of complete victory, let alone the half-life state now."

 Thank you Taoist 20190507005712792 for your strong support

(End of this chapter)

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