
Chapter 1398 Encirclement and Suppression 4 Negotiation

Chapter 1398
Chasing all the way to catch An Xichen and Xue Pili, and then successfully subdue Xue Pili and put them into the jade coffin.Originally, he thought that this matter was over, but after scanning with his divine sense, he found that An Xichen didn't slip away in the chaos.

At this time, he took out some pills and took them, quickly melted them, adjusted the spiritual power in his body, and recovered the spiritual power in his body at the same time.

Later, Yi Tian turned around and stared at An Xichen for a while, then asked: "I don't know what else is there for you, fellow Daoist. If you want to ask for Xuelei's body, you should not open your mouth."

"Who are you?" An Xichen asked for no reason: "You are not from this world."

"I don't know what you mean, friend? Yi Tian is a cultivator of the Demon Clan in the Flame Prison of the Demon Realm," Yi Tian replied calmly, but he couldn't help but tighten up in his heart. He was already careful everywhere. .

An Xichen coughed lightly and said: "Fellow Daoist, you don't need to hide it. I have seen your move just now. It is the unique skill of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect in the spiritual world. This kind of exercise is their secret that cannot be passed down. How can it be?" Let a monk from the flame prison demon clan learn it."

It turned out that this time, I unintentionally wanted a quick battle, so in a hurry, I used tricks that shouldn't appear in this world.Immediately, a haze flashed in his eyes and he looked at An Xichen in front of him, several thoughts popped up in his mind.

Later he sighed and replied: "Since fellow Daoist Daoist has something to say, what do you mean?"

"I see that fellow Daoist Yi always leaves something to chance, so I wanted to see if he could show me a clear path," An Xichen replied.

"What does fellow Daoist mean?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

After An Xichen got his face straight, he sighed and said, "Now the power of the demon dragon is weak, and if I offend the Heavenly Demon Clan, I'm afraid there will be no place for me to hide in this world."

"It's true that as an ascension monk, you are like a rootless weed in the demon world. You have to be attached to a certain clan, otherwise it will be difficult to break through the bottleneck without enough resources," Yi Tian sighed.

"That's exactly the case, so I think the ability of Yi Daoyou should be able to make a lot of friends. I don't know if there is any way to find me a place to live," An Xichen suggested.

After hearing this, Yi Tian showed a thoughtful look on his face. After thinking for a while, he didn't reply directly, but turned around and asked: "How can you be sure that I will help you?"

"It's very simple. Although I don't know what Fellow Daoist Yi is planning, it won't ruin the good work of Fellow Daoist," An Xichen replied, "And one more friend is better than one more enemy."

"My heart is moved by the inside and outside of the secret friends' words, but you are now on the most wanted list of the Tianmozu. It would be a little risky to take you in rashly," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Then what does Fellow Daoist Yi mean?" An Xichen asked with a dark face.

"As a Daoist Ascending Cultivator, you will naturally treat each other with courtesy there, but I don't know your relationship with the blood fiend. If people know that you still miss your old friendship, it will be difficult to handle," Yi said here. Tian also made it clear that he didn't want to make a move, but he was estimating his relationship with the Blood Fiend and Demon Dragon Dao.Unless the other party can give a reasonable explanation, then the following things can be considered.

There was a flash of light in An Xichen's eyes, and his nervous expression eased a little after hearing this.Since Yi Tian said so, it means he has an idea but is still waiting and watching. After all, he was fighting against each other just now and now he wants to surrender. Naturally, there are some questions that must be asked clearly in advance.

After thinking for a while, An Xichen smiled wryly and said, "You Daoist Yi is still worried about my relationship with the Blood Fiend. To be honest, I have done my utmost to take the risk of breaking through with Blood Thunderbolt this time. Originally, I wanted to After escaping, everyone went their separate ways to find a way out, but unfortunately, I didn't expect to meet you, Daoyou Yi."

Seeing this, Yi Tian chuckled, took out the jade slip and wrote on it, and finally left his own unique imprint.Yi Tiancai explained, "Take this jade slip and quickly go to Devil's Ridge Mountain to meet Concubine Yan, the commander of the Expeditionary Army of the Demon Clan in Flame Prison. I think she has seen this jade slip before." I can take you in later. As long as you can stand out in the Southern Expedition, you will definitely have a place in the army, then the resources for cultivation will naturally be inexhaustible, and there will be a lot of opportunities for you to advance to the fusion."

After An Xichen took the jade slip, his eyes swept across his face with a little joy, and he said: "It seems that Fellow Daoist Yi has also settled there. Maybe we will work together for a while in the future. I hope Fellow Daoist can support you well in the future." I can’t thank you enough.”

"It's okay, let's talk after I get back to the barracks. Right now, I have to go back to the main altar of the Demon Dragon Dao, and I'm leaving," said Yi Tian, ​​who flashed past and flew straight towards Dongshan. Pay attention to the dark evening dust.Also, as a flying monk, he knew very well that An Xichen was just looking for a big tree to enjoy the shade.

The obsession with the Dao in his heart is definitely beyond ordinary people, so he doesn't need to kill him.On the contrary, a little help to the other party when he was in trouble will naturally pay off in the future.

Cultivator Flying Ascension naturally does not want to owe favors with his heart in mind, this will have an impact on his state of mind, so he can conclude that as long as An Xichen goes to the Flame Prison and the Demon Race gets shelter, he will definitely fulfill his duties.

This is more beneficial than concubine Yan's consecrated elders from the imperial court forming a clique, at least the other party has no second path and must follow a path to the dark later.

After Yi Tian left, An Xichen also took out the map jade slip to check the location of the Demon Ridge Mountain, and then rushed there. In his opinion, it is better to find the foothold as soon as possible.

The encirclement and suppression battle of the Heavenly Demon Clan has completely cut off his retreat in the Demon Realm. If he doesn't find a powerful force to protect him, he can only flee around.

After rushing back for less than half an hour, Yi Tian approached Dongshan again. At this time, he looked at the iron barrels surrounded by the demons from a distance.In addition to the main force that entered Dongshan, a quarter of the troops were in charge of guarding in the air.

As soon as Yi Tian approached the encirclement, he was discovered by the Tianmo clan team on duty. Fortunately, he did not deliberately conceal his identity and even showed the jade card of the elder guest.Later, he was invited to the main cabin of the sky patrol ship, it is said that it was the command of the campaign commander Dugu Fengte.

Although he had doubts in his heart, Yi Tian was not afraid to fly all the way to the sky survey warship with others, and soon boarded the deck and came outside the main cabin.

Dugufeng had already received the summons, and then let Yi Tian enter the main cabin without hindrance.After stepping in, I saw Dugufeng sitting on the main seat and said with a smile: "You Daoist Yi is back, this time you can break through the defense of the formation, so that our army can take advantage of the situation and greatly shorten the consumption of the battle. achievement."

"The generation of the city lord is absurd, it is Dugu Daoist who sees the situation and leads people to be brave and sudden, so that this battle can quickly break through the fortifications. It is all the work of everyone, and I dare not take the lead," Yi Tian laughed. road.

(End of this chapter)

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