
Chapter 1399 Encirclement and Suppression 5 Rewards

Chapter 1399 Five Rewards for Encirclement and Suppression
The encirclement and suppression war on Demon Dragon Road lasted for a day and a night, and finally ended when the army of the Heavenly Demons broke through the main altar of Dongshan.

It was only later that I discovered that Yin Bufan and the others were placed under house arrest by the Blood Fiend early in the morning.Therefore, when the army encircled and suppressed, without internal support, the protective formation withstood several waves of fierce attacks.

Fortunately, Yi Tian forcibly opened a gap with the forbidden magic needle, and then Dugu Yaoxiang led people to rush in and destroy the nodes of the defensive formation. In this way, the first victory in the encirclement and suppression battle of the Demon Dragon Road naturally fell on Yi Tian and Dugu Yaoxiang.Afterwards, Dugu Feng, who was the acting city lord, naturally appreciated the two of them and specially set aside a reward to reward them.

After returning to Sunset City, Yi Tian was invited by Dugu Yaoxiang to the mansion, and at the same time, all the rewards from the City Lord's Mansion were also sent to him.

Looking at the three storage bags full of rewards in front of him, Yi Tian Shen Nian reached in to check and frowned slightly. The things inside greatly exceeded his expectations.Unexpectedly, in order to win her over, Dugufeng actually took out a whole pair of frost keel and silver core wood, two heavenly treasures.

Of course, the role of the Frost Dragon Bone is very clear to me. The magic energy refined after smelting can be used offensively and defensively.As for the silver core wood, it is even more amazing. It was originally a strange spiritual plant from the demon world, and it only grew a foot long in 3000 years.The one in the storage bag is about a foot and a half old, obviously a good vintage.

Seeing this, Yi Tian secretly rejoiced in his heart. It is estimated that Dugufeng realized it because he found someone to understand his preferences, so he gave out corresponding rewards in a very targeted manner.

After slowly putting away the storage bag, Yi Tian smiled and cupped his hands and thanked Dugu Yaoxiang in front of him repeatedly.Later, when he wanted to get up, he heard Dugu Yaoxiang who was sitting on the right seat say, "Wait a minute, fellow Daoist Yi, I have something to ask."

Looking up at Dugu Yaoxiang with a smile on his face, Yi Tian didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd, but since he opened his mouth, he couldn't take his wish away.After sitting down slowly, he replied, "I don't know what advice Fellow Daoist Dugu has for you?"

Dugu Yaoxiang reached out and took out a magic weapon, held it in his hand and asked, "I wonder if you know this thing?"

Yi Tian took a closer look and saw that it turned out to be the magic weapon Yanlong armor refined by himself. Didn't this thing be exchanged for the ascension monk Di Yun of the Demon Dragon Dao early in the morning?Now that it's in the hands of Dugu Yaoxiang, I roughly understand the other party's meaning in my heart.Gently nodding his head, he replied, "This is the Flame Dragon Armor that I refined, and it was exchanged for a cultivator who ascended the Way of the Demon Dragon."

Then Dugu Yaoxiang said with a smile: "Come out." Later, a cultivator at the transformation stage came out from the side hall, it was Diyun.He came forward and saluted Dugu Yaoxiang and said: "The last general Diyun has seen the two elders."

Dugu Yaoxiang gently handed him the Yanlong Armor in his hand, then stretched out his hand to push it back.After ten breaths, he straightened his face, turned around and asked: "Yi Daoyou's weapon refining skills are the most unique among the people I have seen, but I don't know if this armor-like magic weapon can be mass-produced."

I had expected that he would ask this question, and it is estimated that the cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Clan during the siege should have some understanding.It's just that Yi Tian knows that this matter can be big or small, and if he doesn't do it, he will put himself in a disadvantageous situation.

After thinking for a while, he replied: "The refining of magic weapons naturally requires excellence, so mass production is naturally out of the question."

One sentence first blocked Dugu Yaoxiang to prevent him from making some harsh demands.Yi Tian noticed the helplessness on the other party's face and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Dugu may not know yet, this Yanlong Armor is just a low-level magic weapon, if there are enough precious materials, it can be refined into a set It is a heaven-level elementary magic weapon used by monks in the distraction stage."

After hearing this, Dugu Yaoxiang showed a little joy on his face, and sighed, "You don't know, fellow Daoist Yi, that the Yanlong Armor you refined is really powerful, and I sent a team of people to capture Diyun alive Living."

"Thank you for your praise, Fellow Daoist Dugu. It also depends on the strength of the person using the magic weapon. If you have a high-grade dark magic crystal and the remains of an ancient monster in your hands, I can refine a whole set for you that is specially used by monks in the distraction stage." Armor plus custom weapons," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

"Dark magic crystals are not a problem, but the bones of ancient monsters are rare." Dugu Yaoxiang sighed, and then asked tentatively, "Doesn't Fellow Daoist Yi have a pair of Frost Overbearing Dragons in his hands?" I don't know if I can cut off my love from the bones of my mother?"

Seeing that he still put all the questions on himself in the end, Yi Tian showed a little thoughtful look on his face, and didn't reply directly.After taking three breaths, he took a deep breath and said, "Fellow Daoist Dugu can only use it if it matches the attributes of this Frost Vigorous Dragon."

"Don't worry about this matter, Fellow Daoist Yi, as long as you can refine it, I will be of great use, and you will definitely not disappoint Fellow Daoist when you pay for it afterwards," Dugu Yaoxiang hurriedly replied.

After agreeing to Dugu Yaoxiang, Yi Tian left his mansion and hurried back to Yirenju.

At this time, Jiu Tuoluo had been waiting in the store for a long time, and when he saw him, his face was calm, but the flash of light in his eyes must have yielded a lot in the encirclement and suppression battle of Demon Dragon Road.

After the two returned to the back room, Yi Tian smiled and said: "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Jiu, for obtaining a quarter of the spiritual seeds. It seems that after this time, you are only one step away from your goal. "

"That's thanks to Fellow Daoist Yi," Jiutuo Luoji replied, "I haven't heard any news about Blood Thunderbolt after the war, so I guess Fellow Daoist succeeded."

Yi Tian reached out and took out the jade coffin spirit weapon and handed it over gently: "He is here, you can check it."

After taking over, Jiu Tuoluo gently lifted the sealing talisman on the jade coffin, and after removing the coffin lid, his divine sense swept away and found that Xue Pili was sleeping in it with his eyes closed, and a soul-suppressing talisman was pasted on his forehead. locked.

After closing the lid of the coffin, Jiu Tuo Luo put it away, and said again: "Thanks to the help of fellow Taoist Yi this time, this is a small respect and I hope you accept it." Then he sent a storage bracelet, Yi Tianshen I want to explore and find that it is full of top-grade magic spar.After putting it away, there was just a faint smile on his face and he said: "Now Fellow Daoist Jiu has obtained three parts of the Spirit Seed, I wonder when will I start to find the last part?"

"This matter is not in a hurry, or in other words, it can't be in a hurry," Kudhara sighed.

"Why, is it really so difficult to go to the abyss of the demon world?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"It's not a matter of difficulty, but a matter of timing and quota," Jiu Tuoluo explained: "Except for the Heavenly Demon Clan, there are three members from the Seven Great Clans, and there are only two of the other six Clans, a total of 20 people."

"Wait a minute, whose quota is the extra person taking?" Yi Tian interjected.

"That's the number recommended by the demon sage, and it's usually reserved for his disciples," Jiuduoluo said with a sinking face, "and this person's strength is definitely above you and me. Fellow Daoist Yi must not underestimate the enemy."

"Disciple of the Demon Saint?" Yi Tian also showed an unprecedented solemnity on his face, so the future of the Abyss of the Demon Realm is the key. Now he is only in the mid-stage of distraction, and it is estimated that only when he advances to the late stage can he be sure of victory.

(End of this chapter)

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