
Chapter 1400 Beast Soul

Chapter 1400 Beast Soul
Yi Tian also stayed in Sunset City for about a year after the encirclement and suppression battle of Demon Dragon Road. During this period, he mainly refined a pair of Frost Armor for Dugu Yaoxiang.

Of course, the other party also paid a corresponding reward for voting for Li Baoxiao. Because he took up a pair of Frost Dragon Skeletons, Dugu Yaoxiang also took out a piece of silver core wood as compensation afterwards.In addition, an extra silver core leaf was added as a reward, which finally offset the refining cost of the Frost Armor.

In this regard, Yi Tian can't deny it and accept it all. These silver cores are hard and woody and can be used to refine the embryos of magic weapons or spiritual weapons, or to refine the structural components of humanoid puppets.And the main effect of those silver core leaves is to suppress the violent mood, although I already have the Bodhi Concentration Mantra and don't need this thing.

However, if it is ground and mixed with the Berserk Pill, it will have unexpected effects. It is estimated that the effect of the pill will be reduced by [-]%. affected by side effects.

In this regard, Yi Tian still saves it for later use, and will try it again after returning to the demon army in the Flame Prison of Devil's Ridge Mountain.

After leaving Sunset City, Yi Tian rushed to the Devil's Spine Mountains at full speed. It has been nearly a year and a half since the last time he went out with Yan Tong.Earlier, he received a jade talisman from Concubine Yan, saying that the army was about to start, and he hoped that he could return as soon as possible.

At the same time, Concubine Yan also mentioned in the communication that not long ago, a monk in the distraction period who claimed to be An Xichen came to worship the mountain, hoping to join the army of the flame prison demons and become an enshrined follower.This person was holding her recommended jade slip in her hand, so Concubine Yan naturally did not dare to be negligent and arranged for him to go out with Yang Nanny and the other two distracted monks in the Chinese army.

According to my expectation, Concubine Yan now has five distracted monks to help out, so her strength can be regarded as much stronger than that of the fourth prince.As for her previous proposal, she finally persuaded Emperor Yanlei after many efforts, and this time asked him to send a warlord to the southern war to preside over the war.

Seeing here, Yi Tian felt that there were so many people helping the battle, and he didn't have to rush to the southern battlefield immediately. Thinking of this, Yi Tian decided to return to the Demon Spine Mountains first.

The Taiyuan sword in his hand can no longer be used, and he is afraid that he will meet a discerning monk like An Xichen who will see his details.But now the only thing that can be taken out is a demon soul banner, and this magic weapon was found from Dugucan's storage ring.

I hadn't practiced rituals before, and the last time I used it was purely because I had to deal with the bronze mirror in An Xichen's hand.However, the effect is not bad, except that two of the three main souls in the Ten Thousand Demon Banners were wiped out, and the remaining one cannot be the mainstay alone.

For the sacrifice of such a magic weapon, Yi Tian naturally knows that he needs to capture a ferocious monster to extract its living soul as the main soul, and then go to the battlefield to continuously absorb the living soul and cultivate it to continuously enhance its efficacy.

It's just that the original material level of this demon soul banner is not high, even if you want to strengthen it, you need to re-sacrifice it.

Before leaving Sunset City, Yi Tian learned from Dugu Yaoxiang that there is a black-scaled magic snake that has been lurking for many years in the evil dragon pool [-] miles away from Sunset City.

After thinking about it, the flying light slightly deviated from the original direction and flew towards the Evil Dragon Pool.It took a long time to get there day and night.

Before the person reached the divine sense, he first searched and scanned the area around the evil dragon pool for thousands of miles, and found that there was no life at all here.After flying over the Elongtan, he lowered his head and looked down, only to see a deep pool with a radius of more than 30 miles below.However, his divine sense couldn't reach into the pool, and he couldn't detect the movement of the black-scaled snake at all.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian sacrificed the demon soul flag in his hand, and a black mist flew out of it and enveloped it towards the bottom.After ten breaths, the entire sky above the Evil Dragon Pool was shrouded in black mist. A little later, I heard the sound of a snake groaning in the Evil Dragon Pool, and then a vortex was stirred up on the water surface, and a black-scaled snake the size of a bucket protruded from it. .

I saw it raised its head and neck and shouted loudly: "Where is the person who is sneaky and has the ability to show up?"

After Yi Tian looked at it for a while, disdain appeared on his face. This black-scaled snake didn't even show the scruples on its head, and it didn't seem like it was a powerful character.Fortunately, its divine soul power is very strong, if it can be included in the demon soul banner as the main soul, it would be perfect.

After thinking about it, he took out the Taiyuan sword and sacrificed it in the air, then stretched out his hand and made a seal and said: "Go".

In an instant, the sword wires in the air fell like fine rain and flew towards the top of the black-scaled demon snake.There was only a crisp sound of 'ping, ping, ping, ping, ping', which was the sound of the scales hitting the head of the black-scaled demon snake after the sword rain fell on it.

With a violent blow, he almost beat him back into the Evil Dragon Pool. Yi Tian took advantage of the situation and raised the black mist from the Ten Thousand Demon Banner to surround him and drag the upper half of his body to prevent him from retracting below the water surface.

Suddenly, there was another cry from the water, and after another wave appeared on the surface of the water, another black-scaled demon snake poked its head out of it.

Yi Tian was surprised to find that there were actually two black-scaled snakes hidden in the evil dragon pond, and three-inch horns had grown on the back of the head, which almost reached the early stage of transformation.

It's just surprising that the aura of this black-scaled demon snake is obviously three points weaker than that of the one just now.Needless to say, it should be in such a weak state not long after crossing the catastrophe, so I didn't see it come out when I was so provocative in the air just now.

If he hadn't caught the black-scaled snake, he might not have been able to lure it out.However, Yi Tian considered it in his heart. It would be great if he could catch the black-scaled snake that appeared later and draw his soul, but it seemed that the other party was not easy to mess with, and he had to use some means to get it done.

Suddenly the black flood dragon opened its mouth and shouted: "Everything is easy to discuss with the helper, fellow daoist."

"How are you doing?" Yi Tian hid in the black mist in mid-air and did not show up, just opened his mouth and replied.

"This place used to be my husband and wife's place of residence. Daoist friends came here for no reason to force their way in because they took a fancy to the many treasures on our bodies. If that's the case, how about letting me redeem people with treasures," the black flood dragon replied.

This is also a way, Yi Tian thought for a while before replying: "I came here this time to look for the souls of fierce beasts. If you can do something else instead, I can consider letting you go."

"This matter is easy, fellow daoist, wait first," Hei Jiaolong said and retreated below the surface of the water.

Seeing this, Yi Tian just waved the demon soul flag in his hand a few times and gently lowered the black-scaled demon snake to the shore.

After a while, a vortex appeared again on the surface of the water, and the black flood dragon opened its mouth and placed a wild boar on the bank.Yi Tian fixed his eyes and saw that it was a red-eyed porcupine, and frowned slightly.

But the black flood dragon said: "This beast is a descendant of Wuwu, although it is not yet an adult, but its living soul has ancient blood, as long as a little nurturing, fellow Taoists, it can be of great use."

"Deal," Yi Tian replied cheerfully.

 Thank you Mochu Shanshuijian for your New Year's support

(End of this chapter)

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