
Chapter 1402 Blocking 2

Chapter 1402 Blocking II

After arriving at the battlefield for the first time, Yi Tian accidentally stopped Tu E and Tu Qing, monks from the Abyss Demon Race.Although he didn't want to escalate the situation in the south to a situation that was out of control for the time being, but facing the aggressiveness of the abyss demons, Yi Tian still had a plan in his heart to kill them.

Since Tu Qing draws down the road, there is no reason for him not to answer it, and it is also suitable for him to scatter after a while of sound transmission, such as Yang Nai and others around him.As for Tu E, he flew aside to make room.

Facing the abyssal demon cultivator Yi Tian, ​​he had no satisfaction on his face, and it was the second time he had faced a demon like them.Although Tu Bo was dealt with three times, five times and two times together last time, he had to be careful this time.

Nanny Yang who was on the side suddenly lowered her head and said via voice transmission: "Yi Daoyou came just in time, these two came to steal camps near my army station many times, this time they are caught and they must be severely punished. "

It turned out that this was the case, and Yi Tian thought for a while before replying: "But I don't know how far to go? Is it feasible to keep this person completely?"

After hearing this, Nanny Yang's face changed slightly and she sighed: "You Daoist Yi is still merciful, we are here to help the southern battlefield this time. It is feasible to kill decisively, but it is the Chinese army who will benefit in this way." For the four princes, we are still fighting steadily in our current situation, as long as we overwhelm the opponent's limelight, there is no need to expand the war."

Hearing this, Yi Tian understood in his heart that the expeditionary army led by Concubine Yan was still a guest army after all, and when he arrived for the first time, he was calculated and arranged by the four princes of the Chinese army to be at the forefront.

But Concubine Yan is not stupid, and she is determined not to be used as a gun to waste her strength against the abyssal demons on the opposite side for no reason.In particular, the high-level combat power of the army is the most important thing. Although she is arranged at the forefront, Concubine Yan must have other plans.

After sorting out his thoughts, Yi Tian sacrificed the demon soul banner in his hand and shouted at Tu Qing who was facing him, "I won't make things difficult for you, as long as you take my three tricks and go away calmly, today's matter is over, you What do you think?"

Tu Qing stared with disdain on his face and said: "You dare to speak wild words, your cultivation level is almost the same, let alone three moves, I'm not afraid of thirty moves."

It is said that after the devil energy surged up on the whole person, his figure suddenly swelled up.Originally, he was a burly man, but now he has become a little giant with a height of more than ten feet.

It was obvious that such a transformation had raised Tu Qing's strength by a notch, but his speed was not slow.After an afterimage passed by with the sound of the wind, Tu Qing's figure disappeared into the air, and then appeared on Yi Tian's left side for the first time, and then swung his fists across the air, bringing out a black halo and hitting Yi Tian's directly. on the protective cover.

There was a crisp 'bang' sound, Yi Tian was hit by this sudden blow and swayed in the air before he stabilized his figure.Then the demon soul banner in his hand waved, and three black mist suddenly rose from it, wrapping the two of them directly.

Then Yi Tian hurriedly cast his figure into the black mist, and at the same time swallowed Tu Qing's figure, and within three breaths, the black mist on the demon soul banner enveloped the space of thirty feet in the air, forming a small restricted space.

Suddenly there were several howls in the black mist, and then a huge black figure appeared indistinctly in the black mist, it was the main soul of the descendant of Wuwu who was sacrificed in the demon soul banner flew out.

The best way to deal with such a powerful abyssal demon monk is to keep a distance and fight and besiege.Just now, Yi Tian used his body as bait to draw it into the range of the demon soul streamer. Now Tu Qing rushed left and right in the black mist, unable to break out of the encirclement, and at the same time was stared at by the beast soul and entangled him directly. His upper body restricted most of his room for movement.

In desperation, he could only hear him shouting indignantly: "You hide your head and show your tail like this again, don't you flame prison demon monks are all shrinking heads?"

"Fellow Daoist Tu Qing's words are wrong. You are just relying on your physical body to be arrogant and want to confront me head-on. You can't deal with it anyway." Yi Tian's laughter came from the black mist: " If fellow daoist admit defeat now, I can still let you go, if you dare to be brave again, don't blame me for playing hard."

As soon as this remark came out, Tu E's face changed slightly, and after looking at the situation below, he said directly: "Junior brother, you are not this person's opponent, you should admit it and give in, I don't think they will really Wanting to take things up to the point where they can't handle it."

"Fellow Daoist Tu E has insight, and I agree with you. As long as you admit defeat and promise not to come to spy camp again, this matter will be exposed," Nanny Yang, who was on the opposite side, also interjected.

It is true that the situation in front of him is obviously unfavorable to the abyssal demons, and Tu E also wants to get rid of it first and go back before making a decision.After ten breaths, Tu Qing, who was in the black mist, said helplessly, "Okay, since you all said that, I promise not to spy on the camp again."

Although there was some helplessness in the tone, the tone was still firm and unwilling to be softened.Nanny Yang nodded with a smile and said, "Since this is the case, Fellow Daoist Yi should take away the magic weapon and let him out. I believe that the monks of the abyssal demon clan mean what they say. After this matter, everyone will go back to the camp and live in peace." It can be done."

In this case, Yi Tian could only agree, and then stretched out his hand and waved the demon soul banner, and put away the surrounding black mist. At the same time, the main soul also directly abandoned Tu Qing, and quickly retracted into the demon soul banner.

After the figures of the two appeared, Tu Qing was still in the position just now, and Yi Tian had already flown twenty feet away behind him.If there is no accident, if you continue to fight, you can attack directly from its back. Compared with the two, it is clear at a glance which is stronger and weaker.

After Yi Tian's eyes swept over the opponent's back, there was a sneer on his face, and he didn't even fully display the power of the Demon Soul Banner against such a stupid big man.It is conceivable that in the future against the abyssal demon monks, as long as it is used properly, it will naturally be easy to use.

But before he had time to be happy, Tu Qing suddenly moved again in the air, and this time his target was Yi Tian himself.A few people from the outside had a conversation just now before they stopped, which obviously made him lose face, and now he couldn't save himself and started attacking again.

Tu E, who was in the distance, was slightly stunned, and then hurriedly shouted: "No, junior brother, this person is much stronger than you."

But before he finished speaking, Tu Qing had already flashed to Yi Tian's side and swung out his fists again, and the fists fell like raindrops and hit Yi Tian's face.Several black mist suddenly rose up and swallowed the figures of the two again. This time Yi Tian was obviously really angry.

After a purple thunder flashed in the black mist, a vast and majestic aura rose rapidly and manipulated the black mist to entangle Tu Qing again.

 Thanks for the strong support of Taoist friends, my family has two dogs, 20181209230551927

(End of this chapter)

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